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RUM RHUM CLUB @ Tonga Hut : North Hollywood see final page

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 03/21/2012

Check out the Final page on this thread.
Thanks, SY

Tonga Hut - LA's Oldest Tiki Bar
12808 Victory Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91606

You must be a member to attend this event, Mahalo!
So join! It's easy, for membership/tickets follow link below.


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2016-11-03 15:19 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 03/21/2012

Well, twist my arm! Since I happen to be on the premises that day, I think I'm a gonna join! :D
I see if I can bring back some unique Euro-hooch next time I go over there.

Tonga Tom posted on 03/21/2012

Your passport to the Rum Rhum Club.

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 03/22/2012

Oh yes, please. And I'll also be the on 3/31, so let us know more details about this, Queen K., when you know!

Krisdrama posted on 03/22/2012

Count me in!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 03/26/2012

WEll, we have some great news! The May Rhum Rum Club Meeting will have special Guest Martin Cate! Stay tuned for more info!\\Amy

bigbrotiki posted on 03/27/2012

Ouh, that ol' rummy just wants to get into our stash... I may still be here in May, yoohay!

bigtikidude posted on 03/27/2012

very cool!!


Queen Kamehameha posted on 03/31/2012

First meeting of the Rum Rhum Club is Tomorrow, we will be trying and discussing Lemon Hart Rums, we have bottles from the 60" and 70's and the ones recently discontinued. The Meeting will start at 3pm inside the Tonga Hut

MadDogMike posted on 03/31/2012

I'm jealous! :x

bigbrotiki posted on 03/31/2012

Uhhh...due to unforeseen circumstances I will only be vending from 12:00 to 2:59 p.m. outside tomorrow (most of my stuff usually sells in the first three hours anyway)...but you know where to find me if you want something signed. Maybe I vend a little from 4:00 - 7:00 again...depending on the condition I am in :)

Tonga Tom posted on 04/01/2012

Here are a few photos from the inaugural Rum Rhum Club meeting.
We had 6 different Lemon Hart rums to sample at this kick off meeting hosted by Queen Kamehameha with 28 members signing up so far.

Larger version of this photo can be found here:

Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/02/2012

Thanks to all who Joined our inaugural Rum Rhum Club! We had an amazing turnout, we tasted 6 Lemon Hart rums, 3 of which were vintage with the 2 oldest being from the 60's and 70's. Future Rum Rhum Club meetings will be on our Exotica Sundays unless we have a special guest Like Martin Cate.

Martin will Be with us on Wednesday May 9th. 6pm he will be doing a symposium on Rums. We will also have a tasting. Tickets are limited and will be offered to Rum Rhum Club Members and Drooling Bastard members first, Then we will open it up. If you are interested, please email me at exny1@aol.com

Thank you all again for coming!


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2012-04-02 13:23 ]

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2012-04-02 13:51 ]

Wildsville man posted on 04/02/2012

Why do's it look like Amy's going to sock me in this Picture? I payed to be part of the crew.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/02/2012

I admit that is a weird photo for sure.... thanks for reposting it Rory...

heylownine posted on 04/03/2012

Bummed we missed the inaugural meeting of the Rum Rhum Club (I certainly didn't see any Lemon Hart in Mammoth). Perhaps there's space for a couple more "enjoyers of rum" before the next meeting? :D


PolynesianPop posted on 04/03/2012

I'm bummed I missed the inaugural meeting too as I was out of town for a wedding. I'd love to be at the next meeting though and join the club then.

Bora Boris posted on 04/03/2012

Hmm, we'll have to take a vote. :lol:

20th Century Man posted on 04/03/2012

Carol and I really wanted to be there early enough for the meeting on Saturday too, but it was not to be. Based on the photos, it looks like a good-sized group was on hand. So if the next meeting of the Rum Rhum Club is Wednesday, May 9 will Kirby's Rumpus Room still be open afterwards to provide triage for survivors? (an honest self-assessment would reveal that I can't be THAT ambitious on a weeknight anyway...) See you at Tonga Hut!

bigbrotiki posted on 04/03/2012

It sure was a nice break away from the up and down weather outside. Here are some of the members reacting in various degrees to the joy juice at hand:

But I must confess that in the very first meeting, it was shown to me that I wuz a wuss:

While I am an avid rum sipper at home, and used to high octane spirits from Germany (STROH Rum), to have 4 (four!) 151 rums in a row to taste was too strong medicine for this patient, who tucked in his tail. And I wish I never would have sipped the NEW 151 Lemonhart, because it tasted like Nyquil compared to the earlier, especially the vintage versions. It might be OK for mixing, but by itself, naah.

So I learned those two things from this meeting....plus the whole Lemonhart history, which was printed and handed out by Amy, Thank You!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/04/2012

remember to email me if interested in attending the Martin Cate symposium. I have alot of names already and this group will be smaller then his ones at Tiki Oasis, so do email me, thanks


Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/29/2012

Ok May 9th Martin Cate coming to the Tong Hut we are more then half full. Rum Rum club member will get a ticket discount.Please email me if interested. when sold out , it's sold out.



Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/30/2012

Just a couple of spots left!

Tonga Tom posted on 05/01/2012

What time is this thing going down?

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/01/2012


Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 05/03/2012

I'm interested in the Martin Cate evening (just RSVP'd to the email address supplied above).
Can we get any additional details: Cost? Length of event? Should we bring a poncho if we'll be sitting in the SPLASH ZONE?

Unless I'm mistaken, the available details are (at this point):

  • Martin Cate
  • May 8th
  • 6:00 PM
Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/03/2012

On 2012-05-03 08:36, Capt. R.H. Falernum wrote:
I'm interested in the Martin Cate evening (just RSVP'd to the email address supplied above).
Can we get any additional details: Cost? Length of event? Should we bring a poncho if we'll be sitting in the SPLASH ZONE?

Unless I'm mistaken, the available details are (at this point):

  • Martin Cate
  • May 8th
  • 6:00 PM

May 9th :)
I am responding to all emails, I will send out an email this week with a reminder on costs and specifics.


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2012-05-03 09:54 ]

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/03/2012

Hi All, I am sending the email today, we have 3 tickets left and I will need confirmation by Monday. If you are not on the List already, please email me at exny1@aol.com

Thank You


tikiyaki posted on 05/07/2012

Pupus for this event will be provided by

Marty Lush posted on 05/08/2012

...And I will be there spinning Lush-ious Exotica sounds!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 05/08/2012

The spinning of Lush-ious Exotica sounds and the Tikiyaki Egg Roll Co.?

This event just gets better & better!

Marty Lush posted on 05/09/2012

I will NOT be spinning Lush-ious Exotica tunes. But I will be there. And my head will be spinning at least.

Tonga Tom posted on 05/09/2012

Well, I'm glad something will be spinning at least. It will be good to see you Mr. Lush!

heylownine posted on 05/10/2012

Awesome evening of rhum and rum. Thanks to Martin Cate for an awesome presentation. I always look forward to your Tiki Oasis presentations and this was just as informative. And thanks to everyone who put the event...passports, water, rums, snacks and everything else. I was so into the presentation I took exactly 0 pictures. But I'm positive photographic evidence is coming. Unfortunately Val and I had to call it an early evening, but we had a great time while we were there.

Thanks again,


if it's not a little complicated, it's probably not worth it.

[ Edited by: heylownine 2012-05-09 22:36 ]

heylownine posted on 05/10/2012

And I'm also inspired to try my hand at homemade spiced rum.


Joe Banks posted on 05/10/2012

Thanks Amy, Jeremy and Martin! What a wonderful and educational evening. Thanks Marie and Lisa Marie! And thanks to Jim and the Tikiyaki Eggroll Company!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/10/2012

Well, What a great Time! Martin did an amazing presentation, Funny, informative and detailed. We had a full room, Thanks to Marie, who did Yeoman duty filling, and refilling all the glasses, shopping and cleanup, Lisa Marie who Kept the bar moving, Sherri for handling the attendees, getting all the passports stamped and signed by Martin and Jim Bacchi and Coco for the amazing egg rolls and Chicken drum Stick! Wow!!!

And Thanks to all who attended, Jeremy and I are happy that so many people have embraced the Rum Rhum Club. Thank you all!


Tonga Tom posted on 05/10/2012

What a great time last night!

If you actually want to see everyone's face you can go here and click on the pic to enlarge.

tikiyaki posted on 05/10/2012

Awesome event. Great to learn about the history of rum...a very interesting story indeed.

Thanx to Tonga Hut for bringing in Martin,and to Martin for making the trek, I really enjoyed the learning experience.

martiki posted on 05/11/2012

Thanks everyone for coming out! That was a lot of fun and the Tonga is lookin' great! Thanks to Amy and Jeremy for hosting, and special thanks to Marie for all the hard work behind the stick and shuttling me around! See everyone again soon! Viva Lo Cal Ohana!

Tonga Tom posted on 05/12/2012

Here's more photos from Wednesday's festivities...

This is what we sampled...Although, not in that order.

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Can't take these guys anywhere.
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John Slinger posted on 05/13/2012

Thanks for the great pics Tom.

Mahalo, John "Tiki Slinger" and Elena

[ Edited by: John Slinger 2012-07-26 00:08 ]

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RoseRed posted on 05/20/2012

i say with all humility and sincerity... I SUCK!!!
(i can't believe I MISSED THIS!!!)

Oh well, SHAME on me for not being a good "Tiki Socialite"

with mud (and PIE)on my face,

(p.s. I hope to make it up to you all SOON. and I KNOW I'll see most of you at the TIKI O(O7)-ASIS)

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/21/2012

Ok June 29th at 6pm the next meeting of the Rum Rhum Club! We have a special guest, I will update later today. We will be discussing and tasting Boutique and Hard to find Rums.

On a side note, I have tried unsuccessfully to do this on a consistent day. The issue is our guests have full schedules so I take what is convenient for them, When we do just vintage rums, we will do them on Sunday Exotica Nights. Thank you


Our Special Guest is Forrest Cokely

Forrest Cokely Bio
While working in the service industry I have been the entertainment, waiter, bartender, cook, trainer, quality assurance inspector, barista in restaurants, cafes and bars. I have been called upon to judge International Spirits competitions, Mixology competitions, Lead Workshops / Tastings / Trainings, Create Branded Cocktails/Beverages for Bars / Restaurants / Events / Fund-raisers / Parties / Competitions, Drink Menus, pairing menus and a bunch of other "stuff"; I work as a liquor specialist by day at Hi Time Wine Cellars and write the Monthly Spirits Page for the Newsletter and article for multiple magazines; I am a Charter Member of the Ministry of Rum Connoisseurs Cabinet in good standing, a Charter Member of Rum XP (Expert Panel) where I have judged many international rum competitions. Also I participate on multiple Liquor / Spirits / Mixology / Bar Culture forums; I am a founding (board) member/Key-holder for The Orange County Bartenders Cabinet (OCBC); I am a Society of Wine Educators Certified Spirits Specialist (C.S.S.); I am Bar Smarts Certified and I have a blog called 'a drink with forrest'. Oh yeah and as a child I knocked a pony over with one hit because it stepped on my foot...I am sorry Mr Pony.

[ Edited by: Bora Boris - Fixed a typo. - 2012-06-21 10:06 ]

[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2012-06-21 11:08 ]

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Tonga Tom posted on 06/21/2012

Awesome! What a festive weekend it will be at the Hut!

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Joe Banks posted on 06/23/2012

I have been to one of Forrest's rum symposiums! Fantastic!

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/24/2012

Sigh. My show tapes on Friday nights. This sounds like so much fun. Oh yes, and educational. Very educational.

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Krisdrama posted on 06/26/2012

Count me in!

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