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Chilly Palm Company

Pages: 1 2 replies

richie6 posted on 03/20/2012

Has anyone ordered from "The Chilly Palm Tree Co."? I'm looking to order a few palms, but looking to see if anyone has experience with them.

JackLord posted on 03/26/2012

On 2012-03-20 07:26, richie6 wrote:
Has anyone ordered from "The Chilly Palm Tree Co."? I'm looking to order a few palms, but looking to see if anyone has experience with them.


I ordered some things last year and they were actually delivered to my door personally. Sean does one or two "northern runs" each Spring with his truck. He is a good guy and sells some good plants at very fair prices. You can also do mail order.

I was just about to recommend him to you. He is a straigt shooter. Go for it.

richie6 posted on 03/27/2012

I did place an order with him last week on Wednesday. Still waiting for tracking number and palm. Excited to see when it arrives. I did a mail order this time, but in April is when he does his deliveries. Looking to order more by then.

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