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HELP...hosting a tiki party

Pages: 1 12 replies

Rorysm posted on 12/01/2003

hey, I'm hosting a tiki party (new years eve) for some non-tiki friends. any ideas for games, food, decorations? I have a tiki already, plus a local cheap card store has some hokey (but okay) tiki plates and napkins.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 12/01/2003

I saw some nifty tiki pinatas at a dollar store last week. Could be fun if you're not adverse to purposely smashing a tiki.

freddiefreelance posted on 12/01/2003

Pin the Tail on the Tiki! First go to Oceanic Arts & buy a 5 foot Tiki (you could buy a larger one, but you must have at least a 5 foot Tiki), then draw, color & cut out a number of small donkey tails out of construction paper & attach a small piece of tape to each tail. During the party serve the guests mai-tais with the Tiki having a spot of honor in the room. After a few mai-tais bring out the donkey tails, explain the rules and server more mai-tais.

weirduncletiki posted on 12/01/2003

Have a look at "Pad" and "Pad Parties." These are great books filled with dazzling decor and eye-popping entertainment ideas. Tiki is in the mix and although they're not completely tiki, you can put a tiki spin on just about anything in there. Have fun and let us know how it went.

-Weird Unc

tikifish posted on 12/01/2003

-Play poker with hula girl or nudie playing cards!
-Talent (or lack of talent) contest!
-Loudest outfit contest!
-Come dressed as your favourite 70's TV show character contest!
-Best drink contest - set out lots of booze, fruit and juices and each person has to come up with an original concoction. Points for flaming concoctions!
-Polynesian Potluck (everyone has to make and bring a dish)

Those are just a few thought off the top of my head...

Sneakytiki posted on 12/01/2003

Go to the thrift and get some Hawaiian albums for your turn table, screw in some colored lightbulbs and cover with Japanese paper lanterns, use grass skirts for decor on tables, awnings etc.. Please dress the drinks in appropriate fruit, umbrellas, flaming croutons or sugar cubes and no paper/plastic disposable cups! Definitely get Leis for your guests. People wanna got to a party and get drunk and lei'd.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/01/2003

I think Alnshely are hard to beat in this department...

Kanaka posted on 12/01/2003

I think this website has all aspects of a good luau/tiki party covered!


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Svend posted on 12/02/2003

Fruit punch well spiked.
Hawaiian pizza.
Grass skirts.

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RevBambooBen posted on 12/02/2003

On 2003-12-01 17:57, Svend wrote:
Fruit punch well spiked.
Hawaiian pizza.
Grass skirts.

you forgot the Lounge muzik!

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 12/02/2003

Buy loads of coconuts, drill two holes in the tops, pour out the milk, stick in a funnel, pour in the drink add a straw, and hey presto a cheap 'tiki mug'. Only drawback is that they won't be able to put the 'mugs' down.

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christiki295 posted on 12/03/2003

Tiki torches blazing outside or on the patio\balcony.

Give everyone a Polynesian sounding name (nametag).

Sing-along to "Tiny Bubbles" for midnight champagne toast.

Limbo contests after midnight.

Post pictures on January 1st.

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DawnTiki posted on 12/03/2003

Hawaiian name tags were a big success at our luau a few years ago. http://www.hisurf.com/hawaiian/names.html
Greet your guests with a Lei and a kiss when they come in the door. Or have loose flowers, thread and needles and have them make their own leis.
Have a Hula Hoop contest or a Hula dancing Contest, give little hula wobble dancers or tiki mugs as door prizes. Try to find authentic Hawaiian foods to serve Poi, Taro, pinneapple, fish cooked in banana leaves with a mango relish etc... If you live in a remote area there are sites on the internet you can buy from and have shipped to you.

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