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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

Tiny's Hut, Walnut Creek, CA (restaurant)

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Name:Tiny's Hut
Street:1716 N. Main Street
City:Walnut Creek


I tried for this super cool matchbook on ebay from Tiny's Hut in Walnut Creek.

Great Tiki graphics,

Not much of a Tiki building.

I have seen this Tiki before - The Polynesian Room in Oceanside.

Bigbro also posted these images of a postcard from Tiny's Hut:

For the next unusual mural home I chose Tiny's Hut, up in Walnut Creek, CA. While the outside sign was cool, the building itself could have easily been called "Tiny's Bunker":

..and the inside had no exotic decor what so ever...but wait, what's that to the right?:

A damn fine mural, and one WITH a Tiki, which is a rare occurrence for murals. Looks like Tiny blew his budget on the mural, and then had no money for thatch and floats left...

Anybody seen anything else on this one?


It appears that Tiny's Hut started with more of a log cabin theme before going Polynesian (a-la Hinky Dinks to Trader Vic's) as seen in this early matchbook.

And here are a few ashtrays from the tropical era (found on flickr).



All the glamour of Tiny's Hut was inside. The building was
surrounded by a cheesy unpaved parking lot, most of it
used to store some of Greyhound's oldest and most decrepit
buses. Nearest major neighbors were the Ford dealer's
used car lot and Lommel's Creamery, which had seen better
days (although their ice cream was locally renowned). Lommel's
was also the depot for Greyhound commuter buses, and we
always regarded it as the bus rider's friend. But in general, the
forbidding neighborhood ambience of Tiny's, and its ambivalent
name, made it appear to passersby like an alky bar. Which it
wasn't. Tiny's didn't have much traffic.

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