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The Quiet Village podcast

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Digitiki posted on 09/23/2011

Ok folks, I have to apologize for the serious lag in episodes. I've got worried emails from people afraid the show is no more.

I just wanted to post and say, I'm working on other episodes right now and future interviews of some very interesting people--naturally. Its just that becoming a new dad has seriously sucked my time. I haven't been the best at budgeting my time. So I'm getting back into the swing of things and should be releasing new episodes as soon as early this coming week.

Sorry for the hiatus!


TikiG posted on 09/23/2011

No problem here Mark - good to hear from you here! Take the time you need to give us the high quality program you are famous for...I for one appreciate all your hard work that goes into your show. Mahalo! G

The Granite Tiki posted on 09/23/2011

I understand completely! I'm 3 1/2 years into fatherhood and just starting to learn how to properly balance the time concerns.

Looking forward to hearing the next show.

TikiTomD posted on 10/26/2011

Hooray, a new episode (#42) of the Quiet Village Podcast is out!!! Mark, every one of these is a treasure. Mahalo for making the time to create and produce these amidst work, fatherhood and all of life's other et ceteras.


Tonga Tom posted on 11/02/2011

Thanks for the new show Digitiki, and thank you for the credit/name drop! I'm so glad to contribute.
I was actually slow on the draw and was told about the new episode while at Tonga Hut this past Sunday.
And...I must say, last years "Music for a Spookilau" episode came in really handy on Sunday as well...it was almost like DJ Marty Lush was there. :wink:

Thanks again!

TikiTomD posted on 12/01/2011

Mahalo, Mark, for new the Quiet Village Podcast: Episode 43 - Introducing The Beachcomber's Corner!


Marty Lush posted on 01/17/2012

Episode 44 now up and running! This time Keith Pawlak, the curator of the UofA's Exotica Archive visits the Village! Enjoy folks!!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 01/18/2012

My speakers are much happier when the sounds of THE QUIET VILLAGE are playing through them. Thanks for another great episode!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 01/19/2012

Crazy to think that there are entire albums of Les Baxter's that have yet to be released. ...Sigh...

JOHN-O posted on 01/20/2012

At last !! We finally find out what Jackie Gleason did to get his name on all those records. The secret is revealed at the end of Episode #44. Thank you Keith Pawlak (and Digitiki). :)

Digitiki posted on 01/30/2012

Hey folks, Episode 45 up and running! This episode is a taste of Crime Jazz. I think you're gonna dig this one!!


Trad'r Bill posted on 01/31/2012

Man, I need to catch up - you've been on a roll Digitiki! Thanks for your continued effort

-Trad'r Bill - QV listener since episode #1

Digitiki posted on 01/31/2012

Thanks Trad'r Bill. A listener since episode #1!! WOW! Thanks for hanging in there with me!!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 02/01/2012

Another episode! Fantastic.

Thanks & congratulations, Digitiki!

I've been sitting here for a few minutes trying to figure how to type out "It's curtains for you. Curtains!" with the accent communicated. Needless to say, I couldn't figure it out. Quoitains? Oh well.

Joe Banks posted on 02/01/2012

There was an urban seediness about that last episode...

Tonga Tom posted on 02/02/2012

Excellent episode Digitiki!
Looking forward to a part two sometime in the future.

heylownine posted on 02/04/2012

Stellar episode. The only downside is wanting to spend a bunch of time watching James Bond, Our Man Flint, and Matt Helm.

if it's not a little complicated, it's probably not worth it.

[ Edited by: heylownine 2012-02-05 13:40 ]

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chrisandsarahb posted on 02/09/2012

Another stellar episode! Bravo and Cheers! That "music library" section was over the top awesome! Might have to borrow, rob.......okay steal some of those tracks.

Tonga Tom posted on 03/16/2012

When's the new episode coming?
I heard rumors it's been recorded.

heylownine posted on 03/22/2012

Instacast advised me that a new episode is out now!


Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 03/30/2012

Thanks for another great episode, Digitiki!
You make the tiki world a better place.

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Chippy posted on 04/05/2012

Sorry I have not posted this before, but given the current theme for this years Tiki O I am obligated to relate that the three James Bond themed podcasts were some of the finest I have heard in a very long time. I have had the opportunity to share them with many friends and family members and they are all equally impressed. Great Job Digitiki. These are permanently saved on my iPhone and have helped me face a new day of employment with a smile many times, not to mention mowing many a lawn. Thanks again.

Joe Banks posted on 04/05/2012

Thanks Chippy. I'm glad you enjoyed them. As you can probably tell, Digitiki and I had a great time creating them.

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Chippy posted on 04/06/2012

Yes Joe, that is one of the reasons it is great to listen to.

I am glad to find this thread to let you guys know how much I appreciated the work, the music, the history, and the banter.

Thanks again.

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 04/20/2012

2 shows in as many months!
You're on a roll, Digitiki.

Another fine show, sir. Thank you!

Tonga Tom posted on 06/26/2012

New episode will be recorded July 1st at Tonga Hut!!!
Meet Digitiki!
Get there early and make/bring your requests!

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Chippy posted on 06/28/2012

On 2012-06-26 16:58, Tonga Tom wrote:
New episode will be recorded July 1st at Tonga Hut!!!
Meet Digitiki!
Get there early and make/bring your requests!


Do you know about what time this party will be kicking off??

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bigtikidude posted on 07/02/2012

please post when this is up n ready to listen to,


JOHN-O posted on 07/02/2012

I brought Los Twang Marvels ("Bali Hai") and GROG brought Bambi Molesters ("As the Dark Wave Swells").

BTD, YOU were supposed to show up with the Daikaiju so we could make it a "Quiet Riot Village". :D

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bigtikidude posted on 07/03/2012

sorry, I didn't get the message,
fell between the cracks.


Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/30/2012

A new episode it out! Episode #49... only one more to go until FIFTY.

This episode's description (from digitiki.com):
"This episode features an interview with pulp fiction author Bill Raetz, direct from the World Espionage Bureau. Bill's new book "Voodoo Lodge" is a spy thriller in the classic tradition that centers around a fictional tiki lounge. The episode also features two tracks written especially for Bill's main character, Bryce Atwell, by the band Spy-Fi. Check it out now! Subscribe to the podcast!"

[ Edited by: Capt. R.H. Falernum 2012-08-30 16:34 ]

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Chippy posted on 09/25/2012

Just updated my iPhone and now I can subscribe to the podcast without connecting to my computer. What a pleasant surprise to hit the podcast icon and find episode 50 already downloaded. Thanks apple, but thank you Digitiki. Great stuff!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 09/25/2012

The 50th episode of 'The Quiet Village' is now up: http://www.digitiki.com/podcast.htm with a full hour of versions of 'Quiet Village'

Artist Eric October created special cover artwork for the show:
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bigtikidude posted on 09/26/2012

thanks for the heads up post.

Joe Banks posted on 09/26/2012

Here's to you, DigiTiki....and 50 more episodes!

heylownine posted on 09/27/2012

Congratulations on 50 episodes! The Quiet Village has introduced me to a ton of great tunes.

I wasn't there at the beginning but I plan to stick around until the end!


Tonga Tom posted on 09/27/2012

Hot dang! I just finished episode 49, and now I'm in the middle of the "The Quite Village" one hour marathon.

Great job Digitiki !!!

50 more episodes? Here's to the next 150 episodes! :)

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Tiki-Brian posted on 10/02/2012

On 2012-09-25 09:59, Capt. R.H. Falernum wrote:
The 50th episode of 'The Quiet Village' is now up: http://www.digitiki.com/podcast.htm with a full hour of versions of 'Quiet Village'

Artist Eric October created special cover artwork for the show:
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I tip my fez hat to you Digitiki!!! Congrats and looking forward to the next 50!

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bigtikidude posted on 10/02/2012

congrats sir,
I've had a busy surf filled summer,
but things are slowing down since summer is over,
and I am listening now.


Tonga Tom posted on 11/09/2012

New episode up now!
Part one of the Tonga Hut two part episode, can't wait for part two!
Great job Digitiki!

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Great tune selections from Queen Kamehameha, John O, Scott Mabbutt, Ray Boylan, Tonga Tom, Tiki Val and Britiki for episode 51. Interesting tune from John Paul. Looking forward to part 2.

[ Edited by: King Bushwich the 33rd 2012-11-09 11:46 ]

Tonga Tom posted on 11/22/2012

The Quiet Village 52: Tonga Hut part 2 is up on iTunes!!!

Listening as I type this...

Digitiki posted on 01/15/2013

Working on Ep. 54!
Just a quick FYI, The podcast is now available through iTunes. I'm sure most of you are already subscribers, so if you wanna turn someone on to the show, you can have them do an iTunes search for "Quiet Village" and BAM, there it is!! YAY (still free!).

Also, the Village is on Facebook too. So, please LIKE the show on facebook. Also, if you have an iTunes account, please please, please review the show on iTunes!!!


heylownine posted on 01/18/2013

Sweet, I'm happy to hear it's in iTunes now. It'll be even easier to send newbies to the podcast. Congratulations!

Review added.


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MaukaHale posted on 01/18/2013

The Quiet Village is my favorite Podcast. I have listen to all of them several times.

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"People are like islands. You have to get close to them to know what they are about."

[ Edited by: MaukaHale 2013-01-17 22:50 ]

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tikicoma posted on 01/21/2013

Just downloaded Quiet Village 54 thank you Digitiki for what I'm sure is another stellar podcast!

aloha, tikicoma

Tonga Tom posted on 01/21/2013

Another great episode Digitiki, and thanks for the shout-out!

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Rum Balls posted on 01/23/2013

"Number 54...the house with the bamboo floor!" Nothing like driving to work at 3:30 am, dark & cold outside, and the QV podcast on the stereo!

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