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Norwegian Paralysis recipe?

Pages: 1 6 replies

djmont posted on 04/20/2012

I'm looking to make a Tiki drink with Aquavit, and came across a mention of the Norwegian Paralysis, possibly created by Martin Cate at Smugglers Cove. It's supposed to have Aquavit, lemon, orange and pineapple juice and orgeat.

Anyone have a recipe?

thePorpoise posted on 04/20/2012

no, but you could make a Viking fogcutter-- it calls for an aquavit float instead of a sherry float. very tasty.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 04/21/2012

I don't know it. This is a total guess!!!

2 oz. akavit
1 oz. pinapple juice
1/4 oz. orgeat
3/4 oz. lemon juice
3/4 oz. o.j.
Shake with craked ice strain into pilsner glass filled with crushed ice.

This is just from a quick google search with one picture and ingredient list.

I should make one. :)

The edit knocking the orgeat down to a 1/4 oz. instead of 1/2 oz. still untasted.

Got Greyhounds? Viva Kate!

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2012-04-20 17:41 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 04/21/2012

Quite tasty as described. If I do say so myself. :) i have not been to SC yet. Hope to soon!
I am not much a fan of pineapple but this works well. I can see how it can sneak up on you.
Well worth using my 40+ year old akavit. Thank Valhalla!!

thePorpoise posted on 04/21/2012

dont use up all that aquavit so close to Syttende Mai...

djmont posted on 04/21/2012

I got the recipe from Martin and modified it a little. I'll be writing about this next week on ProfessorCocktail.com.

A unique flavor. Quite tasty!

djmont posted on 04/24/2012

I just posted my review of Krogstad Aquavit on Professor Cocktail, along with my recipe for the Norwegian Paralysis:


This recipe is very similar to the one that Martin Cate uses at Smuggler's Cove. I mainly just added some rum.

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