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What do you want for X-mas

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Dear Santa,

Nuns Having Fun 2004 Calendar


Blood CD

Ragnar Print

Custom bowling pin from Queenpin Deluxe


Pitcher Plant

Predicta Meteor Television

[ Edited by: Alnshely 2007-11-30 06:57 ]

I want my 2 front teeth!! Was splitting a piece of Bamboo on the TABLE SAW and BAM! Shot the sucker smack dabb in da mouth! 2 weeks ago, I finally went in to get that ROOT CANAL that I was complaining about @ HUKILAU 03 and now this!!!?? When it Rains, It Poors!!! Are there any DENTISTS out there who need any Custom Tropical Decor???? I'm on pain killers now. My lip got 12 stiches. My upper gums are F'ed!!! (sorry Flounder, soup sucks!!) So- All I want for X-mas is my 2 front teeth!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Just my luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dangit Ben, sorry you're in so much pain. I know how you feel. Hope you heal very fast.

Hey AlnShel, those are some futurly futuristic fine lookin devices.

I just want a globe for Xmas, so I can see where all these places are that I've been reading and hearing about. Captain Cook circumnavigated the globe 3 times over 200 years ago in a rickety boat. Now I want to see where he went... from the safety of my room.

I also have my eye on a Queenpin Deluxe.
But Santa says I fucked up by posting on TC while being intoxicated. Maybe next year.
Good luck on the dental work Ben.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-12-03 23:24 ]

Klas posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2003 6:29 AM

The Sonics - "Santa Claus"


Yeah Santa Claus,

what have you got on your back
is there something for me inside that sack

I want a brand new car
a twangy guitar
a cute little honey
and lots of money

Santa Claus,
won't you tell me please


The Sonics' wishlist sounds fine to me :)


Dear Santa: I would like, in no particular order

-A set of Morgantown Trader Vic's Glasses
-Some shelves to finally put up my plethora of tiki mugs
-An Eichler house, conveniently stocked with tiki mugs
-A George Nelson Coconut Chair
-A cottage
-A new couch, perhaps something snazzy from Knoll
-A big ol' 60's car, maybe a Chevelle convertible, and a driver's license (that might help).

(not holding breath here)


Hey, what happened to the ban on religion?



Jokes about nuns?

Jokes about the noblest profession?

Why isn't BambooBen yelling "Fuck you" to everybody over this thread?

BambooBen, I want consistency! If the JHK thread was 'political', then there ain't no way you can say this thread ain't religious.

What does X-mas have to do with religion?? I thought that it was all about gifts, santa and eggnog!!?!! I don't get it.

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2003-12-04 08:28 ]



Nice finesse matador Ben!

Well, now that I know this thread has Ben's personal seal of approval....

I want that dang August Holland print with the volcano.

Also an Island Oasis machine for slushie duty.

An actual barrel of rum. Preferably one that's been lashed to the bow of a ship and sailed around the globe a time or two!

Lastly, an 8 foot diameter Scorpion bowl with the volcano in the middle.

Wait, really lastly, I want gas powered Tiki torches to replace my oil ones. Imagine, just flip the switch and.......ambience!

(Maybe it would have fun to have seen Ben's unedited reply.);)

I want a Chia-Tiki

and enough cash to buy that drum table/lamp from ChikiTiki


On 2003-12-04 06:48, tikifish wrote:
Dear Santa: I would like, in no particular order

-A set of Morgantown Trader Vic's Glasses
-Some shelves to finally put up my plethora of tiki mugs
-An Eichler house, conveniently stocked with tiki mugs
-A George Nelson Coconut Chair
-A cottage
-A new couch, perhaps something snazzy from Knoll
-A big ol' 60's car, maybe a Chevelle convertible, and a driver's license (that might help).

(not holding breath here)

Fish, did you ever get a Tiki Bob mug? I thought it would be on your list!

1)hollowed-out volcano secret base

staffed by

  1. a security force comprised of models in quasi-futuristic silver dresses

  2. one of those books full of different flavo(u)red lifesavers (umm! butter rum!)




Ben, that really sucks. Hope your feeling better soon.


No, I don't have a Tiki Bob! How could I have forgotten him on my list? Must be going senile!

pablus posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2003 3:09 PM

I thought the charter said "TO post when intoxicated."

Man - I'm gonna get a "balance due" notice from Santa now.

And all I wanted was a measly little fifty-thousand dollar gift certificate from Oceanic Arts.

Darn rum.

Kim posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2003 3:17 PM

I want to fit into one of these two dresses!
I've been foolishly scoping vintage gowns on eBay, and I keep falling for stuff that's just a few inches too small... sniff.



Incidentally, since I know some of the gals 'round here are, uhm, less voluptuous than I (yeah, that’s it, voluptuous! :)), there are a couple of really nice 50s bullet dresses up right now…



If you get ‘em, I’ll be really really jealous of how cool you look at the next crawl…

Kim... voluptuous = good

johnny dollar

Aren't you supposed to be voluptuous to wear bullet dresses?

Kim posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2003 3:56 PM

Yeah, but I'm a few inches too voluptuous for these.

It's just a terrible shame... :) but someone else should definitly snag 'em.


Who the hell has a 24 inch waist anymore these days? We're all hopped up on beef growth hormones and super slurpees.


On 2003-12-04 16:01, tikifish wrote:
Who the hell has a 24 inch waist anymore these days?

Um... I do. However, there are other equally miniscule measurements that come with that package.

On 2003-12-04 16:01, tikifish wrote:
Who the hell has a 24 inch waist anymore these days?

I did, when I was ten years old! :roll:

Kim posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2003 4:31 PM

I know there are a few petite girls around here in addition to pj-- Humuhumu, for one, probably has a 24-inch (or smaller) waist too.

The grass is always greener on the other side, I guess!

All the girls here are gorgeous! :wink:

[ Edited by: Kim on 2003-12-04 16:31 ]


Yeah, but I'd gladly trade in my C-cups if I could fit into one of those dresses!

Oh yeah, this thread ain't about religion.
It's about.....chocolate fudge and a glass of milk set out for Santa and seeing the look on your kids faces the moment they realize that Santa actually drank most of the milk and ate ALL of the fudge, falling off a ladder while installing ornaments, christmas trees that fall over cuz the cats try to climb it, (never seen 'em run or fly so fast), bitchy people waiting in line, crazy drivers racing around for that one parking spot (when all they had to do is park a little further and walk some of the fat off their ass),........and Christmas morning at the light of dawn.... the thing that makes it all worth it......watching your kids as they open their gifts in their pajamas and seeing their faces light up.

"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space." Lou Whitaker

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-12-04 18:40 ]

I want Peace on Earth,
Brotherly love



"IIII'm getting nutttting for Christmas...Mommmmmy and Dadddddy are maaad...III'm getting nutttting for Christmas, -IIIII ain't been nuttttting but baaad!" :)


[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-12-05 12:25 ]

The true nature of Christmas is giving, not recieving. So, with that in mind, I hope a bunch of rich people get in the spirit of Christmas and give me lots of expensive presents (cash ok.)

I want my uncle to quit touching me in my no no spot.

re: va-va-voom dresses for ladies voluptuous and otherwise,

i know for a fact in the baltimore area, especially in a store called "oh! said rose," a local woman makes dresses with repro midcentury fabrics... i wish i knew her name... but don't despair, i think dem dresses make you ladies look fab... regardless of conformity to media-dictated ideals.


p.s. the movie "Real Women Have Curves..." highly recommended for the subversive :)


Dmn dmn d*mn, Johnny Dollar! ANOTHer reason I wish you'd made it to the Honolulu last Friday - I woulda hit that store on Saturday like Hurricane Formica!!

profound regret

yesh, well i'm doin some research at least to see if i can get her name and/or contax info. i emailed someone who works there through her blog...

mahalo... j$

Kim posted on Fri, Dec 5, 2003 12:16 PM

I also stumbled into an eBay auction for repro-vintage stuff by Vintage Wonderland (a Seattle-based company). They create some really nice vintage-look items in a range of sizes! Yay! It's a little pricey, but, on the other hand, paying $100-$200 for a dress you love that fits(!) isn't really unreasonable.

(I personally like Betty, Ginger, and Lana!)

On 2003-12-05 08:09, FLOUNDERart wrote:
I want my uncle to quit touching me in my no no spot.


..this time :wink:

Can't any of you tell when I'm f'in around wit you??? I still have my 2 front teeth. Sorry, No Bamboo accident. I don't even work with Bamboo. I'm actually a dentist! Ha! Ya, that's right! Jokes on you's! "All I want for X-mas is my 2 front teeth!" And, many others too! Ya .

I still want one those Exotic Moods of Les Baxter CD's I lost out on last week dammit! And while we're at it I'll take 4 or 5 vintage reyn spooner aloha shirts, a Shag Moatu decanter set, an original Ed "big daddy" Roth airbrushed Rat Fink tee shirt, an all expense-paid trip to the Diane Arbus exhibition at SFMOMA, and...and...Al, if you get two of those predicta meteor televisions...can I have one?

You're a dog Ben!

I found what I wanted for christmas today!


Great day tiki hunting.


Unkle John wrote:


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-12-06 13:58 ]




Formikahini and friends:

This is what I could find about the midcentury female wear. There is no website I could find. They skirts (I thought dresses - ? shorry I am a guy after all) and bags are made by a local mom. You might try calling the store (info below) to see if you could contact her directly - I'm sure she would work with you. She's really Mayberry-nice.

:tiki: :tiki: :tiki:

Designs from the Edge Skirts and Bags
(all of the items are made by Edye Sanford)
sold at Oh! Said Rose, 840 W. 36th St., (410) 235-5170

(Quote from baltimore City Paper): "See, guys, we don't expect you to pick out our clothes or figure out what cool accessory might brighten our winter wardrobe--but we expect you to pay attention when we tell you how to do it. And we are super digging the stuff coming from Designs from the Edge, found at that fount of girlie stuff, Oh! Said Rose. every Designs From the Edge garment is mom-created, locally, for fun and wearability, declare the tags on the A-line, wrap-around mini--but not too mini--skirts; these sewing moms nailed us. The skirts, priced $34.99-$36.99 depending on the rick-rack adornments, are made from a weighty vintage fabric that's gonna hold that sassy shape and come in a range of '50s and '60s patterns, like Atomic Age, Hawaiian palm fronds, bowling a go-go, and muted orange flowers. They sound like they'd be louder than Elvis' tummy after Sunday dinner, but your gal might pair it with black--as in black boots, tights, and sweater--in January and a tank and kicks in June, without ever overstepping the taste line. And the same lush fabrics go into the swingin' little--but not too little--handbags ($24.99-$29.99) that are seriously gonna win you points (their tags: your heart's desire in fabric). Girls like purses, and these original cuties will look tight with both jeans and trousers."

Good luck! Let me know if you get thru to her! Be good!


"What do you want for X-mas"

...a monkey

"I want a Red Ryder B-B-Gun"

You'll shoot your eye out!

Swanky posted on Tue, Dec 9, 2003 9:15 PM

There's a vintage Predicta in an antique store here in town. Very tempting. But what I want and need for Xmas is a job. Great time to get downsized...

I will have lots of time to work on the web site and Hukilau though!

What do I want for Christmas?

I want the A's to re-sign Miguel Tejada.

I want a whopping Costco gift certificate.

I want a turbocharger for the Grinning Miata, and one sexy beast of a mechanic to install it.

I want Essure!

[ Edited by: cynfulcynner on 2003-12-09 22:41 ]

Pages: 1 2 72 replies