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eBay: 50s Bullet Dresses!

Pages: 1 6 replies

Kim posted on 12/05/2003

These lovely dresses (not my auctions) are a few inches too sparse to accomodate me, but they'd be excellent on one of the other girls here, I'm sure.


This one is particularly great!

If you get ‘em, I’ll be really really jealous of how cool you look at the next crawl…

SES posted on 12/05/2003

Too small for me too. (I'm 37x29x37)
I got to start working out to fit into those!

sweetpea posted on 12/05/2003

Those are my friend Bernie's dresses.
She always has some goood stuff!
I've got one similar to the red halter, only it's dark blue with tahitian natives playing drums. I love it!

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/05/2003

Hey you gals. I was gonna let Madame Bong know about the dresses, but do you gotta have a set of mondo cans to make the dress happen?

Cause if you do, I guess I won't tell her.

(I sure hope she doesn't read this thread)

Kim posted on 12/05/2003

Uhm... Mondo cans? The correct terminology is "ample boobage", Bong.


I'd have her take a look at the dresses... if the measurements will work for her, she'll probably look great in 'em.

tikifish posted on 12/05/2003

Bong, if you were following the discussion of these dresses in the 'What I want for Xmas' thread, it was determined that gals with thin enough waists don't have the boobage for these dresses, and girls with the boobage don't have small enough waists.

Life can be cruel sometimes.

Kim posted on 12/05/2003

I stumbled into an eBay auction for repro-vintage stuff by Vintage Wonderland/LilliJean (a Seattle-based company). They create some really nice vintage-look items in a range of sizes! Yay! It's a little pricey, but, on the other hand, paying $100-$200 for a dress you love that fits(!) isn't really unreasonable.

(I personally like Betty, Ginger, and Lana!)

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