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CJ's Tropical Tiki ....

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amate posted on 05/03/2012

Beautiful job on the Ku.

Watango productions posted on 05/03/2012

Nice work Capt'n!

Watango productions posted on 05/03/2012

Cant wait to see this peice finished,way kool stuff Seeks.

Watango productions posted on 05/03/2012

Damm wrong thread!

Captain Jack posted on 05/05/2012

Thanks guys!! I appreciate the feedback .... So on to the next one .... this is the whimsical one, I'm calling him the "heads up tiki!" ....

.... this one is a break from the traditional stuff .... I hope I can pull it off!

... and fishin Friday turned out to be quite fun today! I started a little Lono and caught some fish .... so that was cool ...

.... but the best part was when my little friend Emily wanted to carve! She is a natural! She threw that 18 ounce mallet around like it was a feather! I'm very proud of her ...! And she asked for her own log so she can carve her own tiki!

Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

pjc5150 posted on 05/05/2012


dude I could go for some fried up bass with some hushpuppies & a big bottle of vinegar right about now...

Captain Jack posted on 05/06/2012

So a friend of mine tells me yesterday that he wants his fan palms taken out before they get too big and unmanageable ... he hates them! Then he decides he wants tikis carved into them... So I might be stripping these two down and carving into them ... he pretty much wants them dead! I'm not to cool with carving into the live ones, but if he is going to chop them down anyway then I might as well make some nice art for his yard ....

I figured I'll take off the top 3 feet of the short one and maybe five feet off the top of the tall one, strip them down and then figure out what to carve ...

Captain Jack posted on 05/14/2012

Wow! Been a while since I posted here .... had to dig way deep on this list to even find my thread!

Some more work on the lono ... trying to hit some detail on this one that I haven't tried before. This log is nice and compact and carves like hardwood so hopefully the tiny details will not chip off ...

I'm off to Maui next week to swim with the fishes .... going to take my tools with me and try to find a banyan log to carve. Gonna see if there might be an impromptu chop chop going on at the beach and join in with some local carvers .... or maybe I'll be the one to start one up!

Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Tiki Day!

Atomic Mess posted on 05/15/2012

Looks like this is going to be a winner.

McTiki posted on 05/15/2012

That last one you shot is going to be very nice!



amate posted on 05/15/2012

Good things in the works. I'm looking forward to seeing Emily's thread. :)

surfintiki posted on 05/16/2012

HA HA, I wonder what the airport security's gonna be thinking when they see your carving tools!!!

Captain Jack posted on 05/16/2012

Thanks guys ... and Emily is already on to something else ... Nine-year-olds! Attention span of a gnat!

Yea, Seeks .... I can see them now .... "Scuba gear, .... bottle of Captain Morgan,.... and a mallet and chisels! ... this guy is going to party!"

Captain Jack posted on 05/17/2012

Did some more work on the "Heads Up" tiki ..... I decided to nix the Xed out eyes ... he's lost his head, he's not drunk! ... (If this all seems like deja vu that's cause I posted the same thing on facebook!)

Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

Jungle Trader posted on 05/18/2012

HA! He looks pretty happy about it Capt.

hang10tiki posted on 05/18/2012

Heads up n off

Sunset Mike posted on 05/26/2012

Nice Work Cap'n Jack!

Captain Jack posted on 06/03/2012

Had a great trip to Maui ... I did find a chunk of hard wood to carve but found a vein of rot where the nose would go! So I carved a couple coconuts instead .... those are not easy to carve, especially wet ones!

So, my little friend Emily found a stick at the lake so we decided she needed a "Tiki Wand" .... it's 14 inches long .... Harry Potter doesn't have anything like this!

Thanks for stopping ....
I'll be back on the chisels tomorrow!

Captain Jack posted on 06/08/2012

Alright! Got back to some carving! Finished up the "Heads Up" tiki except for the poly/sanding/poly ... now to finish up the detailed Lono and then on to something else a bit more whimsical!

Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

anchorfish posted on 06/08/2012

He came out great! It's nice to see a tiki I can relate too :lol:

AlohaStation posted on 06/08/2012

I really like the seperated head idea. May have to borrow that one.

NIxxon posted on 06/08/2012

Came out really cool Capt! Nice work

Watango productions posted on 06/09/2012

Looks great Cap't,koolstuff!!

tikisbytyler posted on 06/09/2012


I love it. Especially digging the asymmetrical facial features - gives him a sort of writhing grimace.

Awesome stuff

surfintiki posted on 06/09/2012

Awesome! Great concept! Let's see some more!!!

mudbone posted on 06/09/2012

He looks like the first bobblehead tiki,rare tiki indeed !

pjc5150 posted on 06/10/2012

Good stuff Chris. I like the different eyes too.

Outside the box...

Captain Jack posted on 06/10/2012

Thanks for the comments everyone! I had fun with this guy .... I'm going to do another whimsical tiki next ... called the "top knot tiki" ... the wife found some nice bamboo poles for a buck each so I'm going to use a couple chunks on the top knot. I'm also anxious to use the gray stain that Will and Jeff showed us so am going to chop out a Moai too .... fun stuff!

Captain Jack posted on 06/13/2012

Here's an in progress shot of the "top knot" tiki ..... he will have a bamboo stick thru his nose (that's why it's so BIG) and another bamboo stick tied into his top knot ...

Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

Cljha posted on 06/15/2012

Thumbs up for the head up....congratulations

pjc5150 posted on 06/15/2012


I wanna see what you do with his head...

Atomic Mess posted on 06/22/2012

looking forward to seeing this latest one...

Captain Jack posted on 06/29/2012

Thanks guys ..... after an exhausting long weekend of fishing and camping, I got back on the chisels and made some more rough chops on the top knot tiki .... caught quite a few fish up in the Eastern Sierra's too!

Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

pjc5150 posted on 06/30/2012

nice Chris! what kinda fish are those???

Captain Jack posted on 06/30/2012

Thanks, Jeff ..... rainbow trout

pjc5150 posted on 06/30/2012

that is awesome....

I bet you ate good last night!

Captain Jack posted on 07/02/2012

Done with the carving on the top knot dude .....

And then the torch work ....

Just a couple splashes of spar and this one is done!

Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

pjc5150 posted on 07/03/2012

I like it!

But I think I woulda used a couple of dog bones for the nose & hair knot...

Captain Jack posted on 07/03/2012

Thanks, Jeff .... the bones would be cool! I started this tiki just because the wife found some bamboo poles for a buck at the dollar store. Had to use them for something other than picture frames!

hang10tiki posted on 07/03/2012

kool stuff

TheBigT posted on 07/04/2012

On 2012-07-02 16:56, Captain Jack wrote:
Done with the carving on the top knot dude .....

oh very cool. don't think i've seen a design like that one before. nice job.

Captain Jack posted on 07/04/2012

Thanks Hang10 and BigT ... I like doing some whimsical stuff every now and then ...

Now, back to something traditional! Started this little moai yesterday ... I'm finally going to use that gray stain!

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Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

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Captain Jack posted on 07/08/2012

The little Moai is done ... the gray stain brings a whole new look to the tiki collection! I plan on doing a full body Moai in the gray down the line but for now am anxious to finally get to the 6 foot Marq who's been waiting patiently in the pile!

The Moai ....

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And here's the start to the Marquesan. A little over 6 foot.... he's goiing to be a skinny Marq (with a patch of hair) .....!

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Thanks for stopping and Have a Great Day!

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pjc5150 posted on 07/08/2012

dude...nice moai!

and yeah, the "classic gray" stain on the moai reeeaaallly sets 'em off....makes them that much better in my opinion.

nicely done.

lookin' forward to seein' the marq...

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Captain Jack posted on 07/10/2012

New Marquesan cleaned and drawn out..... time to start chiselin!

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[ Edited by: Captain Jack 2012-07-10 08:25 ]

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pjc5150 posted on 07/10/2012

nice draw out....

this one's gonna be good...

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Captain Jack posted on 07/10/2012

Thanks dude ..... the chopping has begun!

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Captain Jack posted on 07/13/2012

A little progress on the marq today ... Thanks for Stopping and Have a Great Day!

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