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Tiki Cocktail recipes from Europe

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arriano posted on 05/16/2012

I was perusing the Tiki Lover's Rum web site today when I discovered that they have a downloadable booklet of tiki cocktail recipes from bartenders mostly from Germany and Scandanavia. Here's a link:


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cathuna posted on 05/17/2012

That marvellous booklet was put together for Rumfest Berlin last year, which the husband and I happily attended! The recipes were demonstrated live at rumfest and judged by tiki luminaries including Jeff Beachbum Berry. After the judging, the crowd descended with their own tasting straws and we got chatting to some bartender types from Denmark who really knew their stuff. Awesome times.

I forget who won by the way, after several free rum samples and numerous free cocktails I was past caring! All I know is we headed back to the hotel real early and I woke up on the floor around 10pm feeling quite confused. Just a warm up for Tiki Oasis 12! :drink:

[ Edited by: cathuna 2012-05-17 04:54 ]

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