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Witch Doctors golden idol mug

Pages: 1 2 replies

DonRobertoZapata posted on 05/12/2012

Just wondering if anyone has got their idol mug yet?? Quite a few people I have talked too are very worried that we got ripped off!He started taking orders(MONEY!!) in january and has strung me along with copies of letters and just plain not answering...this is very concerning cause he is taking money again for a new mug and no one but his bud abraxis has got one yet!...which he flipped on ebay for over $300.00!!!!!!!!!!

DonRobertoZapata posted on 05/12/2012

I am no hater but he,(witch doc) has thousands of onther peoples dollars and is collecting more now...tiki ponzi scam??? Whats up?????

Kanu posted on 05/17/2012

Rest of the discussion here:

Long story short... Witch Doctor is swamped, but very open and available (phone number, etc. etc.).

I'm stickin' with Doc, he's got a good rep with me so far. :)


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