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Stone Carvers?

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Tiki Chris posted on 12/08/2003

seems like most of the carvers here work w/ wood. anybody carve stone?

are there examples of tcers' stone carving on here that i may have overlooked?

anybody out there able to carve necker island idols out of stone (as in the pic below)?

RevBambooBen posted on 12/08/2003

When carving "Featherstone", make sure you wear full body protection and a mask too. That shit makes you bleed! Learned the hard way a while back.

atomictonytiki posted on 12/09/2003

i did a bit of sandstone carving in my early days at art college which was fun.
Has anybody ever come across this type of brick thats totaly lightweight and full of airbubbles and i just can't remember the name of it but that stuff is the easiest to carve. If your tmpted to carve stone that bubbly stuff would be an easy entry into stone carving.

atomictonytiki posted on 05/05/2004

Here is eBay listing where a carver has made a red indian totem pole out of soft light breeze blocks, like what i was tlking about in december.


freddiefreelance posted on 05/05/2004

On 2003-12-09 11:16, atomictonytiki wrote:
i did a bit of sandstone carving in my early days at art college which was fun.
Has anybody ever come across this type of brick thats totaly lightweight and full of airbubbles and i just can't remember the name of it but that stuff is the easiest to carve. If your tmpted to carve stone that bubbly stuff would be an easy entry into stone carving.

Here's a thread about just that:


Gav tells a little about the material & how he works it. I hope he posts more of his work soon, or someone helps him do so (hint, hint), it's good looking stuff!

PEDDRO posted on 05/06/2004

or someone helps him do so (hint, hint),

I get the hint!

Gav's computer took a dump, so he's only just got back online. I'll shoot him an email to alert him to this post.

gavtiki posted on 05/06/2004

hi thanks peddro,for contacting me about this subject.the stone type material your after is called (here in oz. anyway HEBEL it is airated concrete as in the blocks are formed and poured? then baked in a giant oven/kiln &pumped up with air some how .It rises just like a cake and creates abrick whichis full of air holes (like volcanic rock)and is quite strong &very light in weight.It is actually a building product &u can build a house out of it.Because it has the air holes (pockets )in it it has excellent insulation properties.It is also the easiest material to carve i use it for all my tiki's it gives that volcanic look/finish and can be painted &being concrete/cement can take all kinds of weather un affected.i just use hand chisels,files &sandpaper to create all my designs.i've got to try to sort out this computer thing &i will try to post some pics of my work soon.the statues youve show in the photo s could easily be reprouced in hebel.Peddro posted some pics of two of my tikis i made a while ago .if you go back thru tki centrel you may find them so you can get an idea what im talking about.if u need some more info or want something done get in touch o.k.

gavtiki posted on 05/06/2004

anybody looking for the pics of my tiki's if u go back to creating tiki's page and go back to page 3 theres a post by my good friend &tiki collector PEDDRO it says tiki's by gav it will give u an idea of the effect (volcanicstyle rock) u can achieve. o.k... gav...

Polynesiac posted on 05/06/2004

Here's a link right to Gav's stone tikis:


Cool stuff, Gav!

Benzart posted on 05/07/2004

Gavtiki, Where can we get that Hebel over here in the states? Love to get a block to play with.
Nice work, but in order tojudge properly we HAVE to See ALL of it, so fork it over, load it up, get it up on the screen. Did I say we would like to see the rest of your work???

atomictonytiki posted on 05/07/2004

I think Hebel's generic product name might be Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC), I've been looking for suppliers in the UK and it looks like the same stuff.

Kono posted on 05/08/2004

A google search for "Hebel Concrete"yielded some useful links. Apparently there is a Hebel AAC factory in Georgia and a non-Hebel AAC factory in Apopka FL.

Here's a site that sells it by the pallet: http://www.safecrete.com/aac/aac.cfm

Know any building contractors? Maybe they could turn you on to a source where you could just get a few odd blocks.

gavtiki posted on 05/09/2004

I've finally posted some pics on creating tiki of my stone?(hebel)tiki'shave a look it might give you an idea of what u can do..o.k...GAV...

Jacque posted on 07/20/2005

The easy to carve stuff is hebel. I've only just started to play with it but you can use just about anything to mark it.

hewey posted on 07/20/2005

There's a few of us currently playing with hebel (AAC). Aaron's Akua did some early on, as did Gavtiki, I've done one, and Palama is also currently having a go too. Sorry if i have missed anyone.

Its real easy to play with. I have heard it can give you the itches. When sanding wear a mask, as the dust is really fine (yes, it makes a hell of a mess). I have heard a few guys in the US have had trouble locating some. I got mine from the local hardware store.

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