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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Some of my work....I finally did it ;)

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Cljha posted on 05/26/2012

Hi everyone,

I first introduce myself on tiki central at the end of 2010 and then road life kept me away from carving and internet for a while. But recently, being fed up with fixing my van (40years old mercedes), which is also my house, I decided to have a go with some antler and tried my very first 3D-kind tiki carving. I only carved some maori inspired pendants before that.
And even though the result is far from what I can see on this forum, I decided that it was time to go back to carving more frequently and because coming back to tiki central was also part of my choice, I thought I should share some pictures with you.

My very first carving

My first bone pendant

Some others

This one still need is paua eye

And, the very first tiki and THE tools for it :wink:

Thank's for watching any comment or advice is more than welcome


Be Water

[ Edited by: Cljha 2013-02-23 00:20 ]

amate posted on 05/27/2012

I would say these are all excellent for someone just starting out. Keep going.

Cljha posted on 05/27/2012

Thanks for your comment Amate, I will try to find some time for the next tiki, should be in birch, but I don't know yet about the size, it will depend on what I can get my hands on.....
About my work I should try to remember that the perfect is the enemy of the good, I always seem to reach a point where one curve does not "flow" enough and I sand to much...well, I guess that's the normal process of learning :wink:

Be Water

[ Edited by: Cljha 2012-05-27 11:04 ]

TheBigT posted on 05/27/2012

Nice work. Welcome back!

Cljha posted on 05/28/2012

Thanks BigT

surfintiki posted on 05/28/2012

The small stuff is GREAT...keep it up. Now go for a BIG log and try something BIG!!!!

Cljha posted on 05/28/2012

Thanks Surfintiki, I would like to try some big stuff, but I live in a van with my other half and our 3 dogs, and between the bones and wood pieces (all over), the surfboards, the spear-fishing gear, the skateboard, the tools....etc, and due to the fact that my other half also do some clothe and leather work....well she might get cranky if I put a Big log in the middle of the van lol but I will find a way

McTiki posted on 05/29/2012

Beautiful work! Sometime when you have the space, the bigger stuff can happen.



Cljha posted on 05/29/2012

Mahalo for your feedback McTiki. Hopefully, if I get lucky I should have some space within the next 2years....for the moment I'll keep with the small, but maybe bigger than the first one :wink:

pjc5150 posted on 05/29/2012

very nice work!

welcome to the party!

Cljha posted on 05/30/2012

Thanks pjc5150.
I'm enjoying the party, so far the DJ is good and the vibes too. :wink:

Atomic Mess posted on 06/02/2012

On 2012-05-28 09:20, Cljha wrote:
Thanks Surfintiki, I would like to try some big stuff, but I live in a van with my other half and our 3 dogs, and between the bones and wood pieces (all over), the surfboards, the spear-fishing gear, the skateboard, the tools....etc, and due to the fact that my other half also do some clothe and leather work....well she might get cranky if I put a Big log in the middle of the van lol but I will find a way

Haha, I've got the same problem (well a small apartment). Just keep doing the small stuff mate!

[ Edited by: Atomic Mess 2012-06-02 02:06 ]

bagauda posted on 06/02/2012

salut merci pour le message
tes pendentifs sont super jolies
comment tu fais les cordons et les attaches sur les pendentifs

Cljha posted on 06/04/2012

Salut Bagauda,
merci pour le commentaire, pour les réponses, je t'ai envoyé un pm

Cljha posted on 06/04/2012

Some more work....
My very first moai, this idea came actually after seeing a moia by hang10tiki and finding a piece of wild cherry that was suppose to be burning wood

and 2 more maori hooks,
one from unknown driftwood

and a bone one which is the basic typical maori hook, style need the lashing on this one

6/6/2012, one update, Wild cherry maori Toki, with first try of "tattooing" some motifs, plus the closing pearl turn out of a wild cherry micro-burl

... back to carving...

Be Water

[ Edited by: Cljha 2012-06-06 07:41 ]

Cljha posted on 06/12/2012


Okay, did not find time for new carving but I did finish one and braid the rest, plus I decided to start turning pearls for the closing....challenging, especially without lathe :wink:
The 2 first one are coming with ebony pearl and the taniwha closing is made out of pink ivory.

Any comment/advice/feedback is welcome

lava posted on 06/13/2012

Very nice "VAN" sized carvings. You would not want to carve palm where you sleep.

lava posted on 06/13/2012

Very nice "VAN" sized carvings. You would not want to carve palm where you sleep.

Captain Jack posted on 06/13/2012

Very nice work!! Good Job!

Cljha posted on 06/15/2012

Lava, Thanks for the comment, as for the van size carving, well, I'm okay with it, I will just enjoy even more the day I will have enough space for bigger works.
Captain Jack, thanks for your words. There's still a lot of things (design and details wise) which I'm not happy with but like it has been said here many times, each carving is teaching me something.

Cljha posted on 06/28/2012

Kia Ora,

I decided to study a design by Gareth Barlow, one of the most inspirational carver for me, I post this work with his kind authorization. The original is obviously much better, but here is my version. I learned so much that I want to thank Gareth once again for the inspiration.
Hope you also enjoy, any comment/feedback is welcome.
Btw, 1st picture is made after last sanding stage and before chemical polishing (12000grit, first time ever I go that far). Size is about 10x2.5cm, 3.9x1", and closing bead is turned out of wild cherry burl.

Be Water

[ Edited by: Cljha 2012-06-28 09:48 ]

Cljha posted on 09/24/2012

Not much happening recently as I'm still spending to much time under my van instead of inside it...but...

Cljha posted on 02/23/2013

Hi Tikimaniacs,

Ok, winter has been long, cold and actually is still running but I had lot of time to think about what I want to do and therefore I kick myself in the ass and finally made my first real tiki (as I normally do Maori style pendant).
I realize that fear of failing was actually worse than failing itself so here is my first Marquesan head, wood is either beech either maple, I strongly think that it is maple (anyway hard wood)
Size is about 10cm (4") high and 6cm (2"3∕8) diameter
Carve with chisels and I admit using a suspended motor for the nose lines :blush:
All in all, I am quite happy with it, even if I spot every mistakes each time I look at it.
I did learn a lot and especially that the surface of the blank should be well prepared :wink:.
Thanks for looking and for any feedback/criticism.

And one bone pendant...

Be Water

[ Edited by: Cljha 2013-02-25 08:10 ]

Atomic Mess posted on 02/23/2013

very nice Tiki, let's see some more!

amate posted on 02/23/2013

That little Marquesan head is cool.

hang10tiki posted on 02/23/2013

Great stuff
How about some step by step pics of a bone carving


laojia posted on 02/25/2013

Nice marquesan! And cool work on bone too. Braiding are particularly successful


Cljha posted on 02/25/2013

Atomic Mess, thanks, as for more....well I'll try my best, but I always get lost in other project so...but I have a tiki-related project in mind I just need to work more on the drawing
Amate, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated :wink:
Jon, thanks, next bone pendant I'll try to take some pictures along the way.
Jérôme, thanks, I wish my carving ability could match my braiding one :wink:, but the braiding is more easy for me as I have been doing macramé and knots in the past.

Fox posted on 04/01/2014

Your work is Beautiful!!!

hang10tiki posted on 04/02/2014

Update time :)

Cljha posted on 04/07/2014

Fox, thanks for the comment.
Jon, I agree, it would be good to update, but...I haven't carve anything since....my last post actually. Ok, not completely true, I've done some few things but completely not tiki related, at least not so far, but I have a master plan....lol
I'm currently trying my hand at something else that I would like to combine with South Pacific Art.
Also, I've been moving a lot over the last year but recently settle in a small house in the country side and I'm surrounded by wood so slowly slowly thing's should start to happen again.
Let say that as soon as I have achieve something, worthy of this site, to show, I'll keep you guys informed.

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