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Lemon Hart 151

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Tonga Tiki posted on 09/02/2011

My bottles of the new label arrived today. So I had my own taste test. I seem to agree with everything I've heard so far. The new label is slighty sweeter and the original seems to have just a bit more smoke. My opinion is that new label Lemon Hart 151 is excellent and it will help Donn's drink live on. Anyway, after your first Zombie or Jet Pilot, you won't give a shit about the very subtle differences.

[ Edited by: Tonga Tiki 2011-09-02 14:18 ]

Limbo Lizard posted on 09/02/2011

I'll bet adding a drop or two of 'Liquid Smoke' to a bottle of the new stuff would fix it. Tonga, you try it, re-test, and report back. C'mon,... I dare you! :D

thePorpoise posted on 09/03/2011

you sure go through a lot of LH 151, Tonga.

you got a local tiki speakeasy I need to know about or something?

Tonga Tiki posted on 09/05/2011

The entry password is 3 knocks and say "yo ho ho"

I. M. Transpose posted on 09/05/2011

On 2011-08-29 16:11, Limbo Lizard wrote:
Ed Hamilton and Martin "Martiki" Cate do a side-by-side taste test of the new and old bottle Lemon Hart 151.

That helps a lot. Thanks for posting this!

CucamongaChango posted on 09/24/2011

Holy crap!
At the liquor store where I work we got in a case yesterday... OF THE OLD STUFF!!!
If anyone's in/near the Denver area, come on by and get a bottle before they all wind up in my house.
Davidson's in Highlands Ranch.
See you there.

Tonga Tiki posted on 09/28/2011

On 2011-09-24 07:13, CucamongaChango wrote:
Holy crap!
At the liquor store where I work we got in a case yesterday... OF THE OLD STUFF!!!
If anyone's in/near the Denver area, come on by and get a bottle before they all wind up in my house.
Davidson's in Highlands Ranch.
See you there.

Thanks! They don't ship liquor, but luckily I have a friend in the Denver area. I've bought my 2 bottles (not trying to be greedy) and having them shipped. This will bring my old label stash up to 5 1/2 bottles. Long live Jet Pilots!

Tonga Tiki posted on 10/11/2011

On 2011-09-24 07:13, CucamongaChango wrote:
Holy crap!
At the liquor store where I work we got in a case yesterday... OF THE OLD STUFF!!!
If anyone's in/near the Denver area, come on by and get a bottle before they all wind up in my house.
Davidson's in Highlands Ranch.
See you there.

My 2 bottles showed up today - shipped by a friend in the Denver area.

Thanks for the hot tip CucamongaChango!

CucamongaChango posted on 10/11/2011


Holler Waller posted on 10/14/2011

My brother-in-law picked up my two yesterday - maybe time for a mile high visit.

liltikichef posted on 01/29/2012

anybody happen to know where I can find LH in Georgia?? I can't order it on-line (GA says no lol) I'd appreciate any help! (local store looked at me like I was nuts when I asked about it)

Fallenstar posted on 04/16/2012

Got lucky and scored another bottle of the old stuff. I called the shop I had last bought it from, and they told me they were all out. 5 minutes later they called back because they found a bottle in the back! Still no sign of the new label here in FL.

arriano posted on 04/16/2012

OK, now the Lemon Hart web site is showing three rums: Original, 151, and (sigh...) Spiced


Oh, and you can now buy Lemon Hart merchandise

[ Edited by: arriano 2012-04-16 09:48 ]

Limbo Lizard posted on 04/16/2012

Looked at the merchandise. I think I'll get me one of those Lemon Hart Zippo lighters,... for $50. Hmmm, on second thought, I think I'll just save the $50 for the rum, instead.

thePorpoise posted on 04/16/2012

Lawd a mercy, nobody needs to be carrying a lighter with they bottle of 151 proof rum!


aquarj posted on 04/16/2012

Last Fri I was surprised to see 4-5 bottles of the old LH 151 on the shelf at the local Mollie Stone's grocery store (on El Camino in San Mateo, CA).

Sorry, there are probably many many places that still have some deadstock - dunno if this is really the place to post all those sightings. Just thought I'd post in case any SF bay area peninsula zombies or jet pilots want to know. I couldn't help getting one more to add to our basement stock, but left a bunch on the shelf.

Funny thing about that Mollie Stone - they don't have a big liquor section, but they have some oddities from time to time. For a long time they had a bottle of the "old" Pyrat Cask 23 (before it became owned by Patron and changed to "1623") sitting way up high on the shelf. By the time I noticed it there, I was aware of the legend that the 23 was much better, and hard to find. But I never could get the guts to pull the trigger at that price tag though, and then somewhere along the line it disappeared.


CincyTikiCraig posted on 04/17/2012

On 2012-04-16 09:46, arriano wrote:
OK, now the Lemon Hart web site is showing three rums: Original, 151, and (sigh...) Spiced


Oh, and you can now buy Lemon Hart merchandise

[ Edited by: arriano 2012-04-16 09:48 ]

According to US LH importer Ed Hamilton, we won't be seeing anything but LH151 here in the states for the foreseeable future.

Kill Devil posted on 04/18/2012

You think there'd be some kind of merch with a repro of the label. Wouldn't you want your Lemon Hart t-shirt, etc, to say "Rum" and/or "151" somewhere on it? Lame-o!!!

TheLeakyTiki posted on 04/25/2012

On 2012-04-16 12:59, aquarj wrote:
Last Fri I was surprised to see 4-5 bottles of the old LH 151 on the shelf at the local Mollie Stone's grocery store (on El Camino in San Mateo, CA).

Ooh... I've just emailed a family member who lives nearby to go search for old-label 151. I've only seen the new bottles here in L.A. I'm kind of excited to hear if it's still there. Thanks for the tip!

Brandomoai posted on 04/26/2012

I just noticed that we can now get LH151 here! New label, of course. To find a bottle near you (hopefully) go to:
This only applies to Alberta. BC and ON residents you are still SOL...

OnlyATikiLad posted on 05/22/2012

The new Lemon Hart 151..

  1. Is better than the "old" :D
  2. Has a more appealing label
  3. Has a more appealing bottle
  4. Is more readily available
  5. Is creating joy throughout the lands

bigbrotiki posted on 05/23/2012

I agree with #4 only. And so is Captain Morgan.

Tonga Tiki posted on 05/24/2012

Agreed... I'm happy they are producing the new version, but the old label is still superior in my opinion. I hope my 12 bottles last a long time.

Iscah posted on 05/25/2012

no sign of Lemon Hart here in the DC area, not the 80 or the 151.

kludge posted on 05/29/2012

I hadn't been paying attention and didn't realize it had been re-released. Stumbled across it at Surdyk's in Minneapolis, snapped it up all excited-like, much to the amusement of my date.

Later that night, I cracked it open to give it a taste like I do with all new liquors. Somehow forgot that it's a 151 and nearly choked! But with a splash of soda water, it opened right up... beautiful, beautiful rum! I think I need to create something that uses both this and Wray & Nephew, just for the punch-in-the-face value.

Iscah posted on 05/30/2012

Correction to my earlier post from a few days back-- I found a few bottles of old label Lemon Hart 151 at Ace Beverages in DC last night. I only bought one, so for anyone in the DC area, there's still a few left. I think they were either $28 or $30 each.

harro posted on 05/30/2012

On 2012-05-30 09:43, Iscah wrote:
Correction to my earlier post from a few days back-- I found a few bottles of old label Lemon Hart 151 at Ace Beverages in DC last night. I only bought one, so for anyone in the DC area, there's still a few left. I think they were either $28 or $30 each.

If I were you I'd snap those babies up! I only have a few bottles stashed away and fear I'll never be able to easily buy it here in aust.

harro posted on 05/30/2012

On 2012-05-30 09:43, Iscah wrote:
Correction to my earlier post from a few days back-- I found a few bottles of old label Lemon Hart 151 at Ace Beverages in DC last night. I only bought one, so for anyone in the DC area, there's still a few left. I think they were either $28 or $30 each.

If I were you I'd snap those babies up! I only have a few bottles stashed away and fear I'll never be able to easily buy it here in aust.

Iscah posted on 05/30/2012

Would that I could, but well, money. Honestly, I've never used a lot of 151, anyway. I tend to go through mai tai fixings faster than anything else.

meega posted on 07/03/2012

Just a heads-up for Wisconsinites........at least for south-eastern Wisconsin. I've seen Lemon Hart 151 at Sendik's on Capital(Brookfield), and Sentry(Delafield). In the past few years I've checked out most of the major liquor stores around here for any kind of Lemon Hart with no luck - had to mail order at considerable extra cost. I've since quit drinking, and now find it at two local grocery stores within a week...my loss - your gain!

rev_thumper posted on 07/17/2012

Finally came across some Lemon Hart 151 at the Kappy's in Saugus, Mass. You could always count on them to have the old product in stock so nice to see them carrying the new label.

heylownine posted on 09/15/2012

If you're in Southern California and looking for Lemon Hart 80, it seems to be popping up here and there. I picked up 6 bottles at Van Nuys Wine & Liquor Depot and it sounds like Trader Mort's has some as well. They have a little more at Wine & Liquor Depot and if I understand correctly, the distributor located a few hundred cases and that's what is out "in the wild" now. Pretty helpful because El Dorado 12 and 15 have recently become scarce and are apparently back ordered from the same distributor.


hiltiki posted on 09/16/2012

Kevin, thanks for the info, I picked up a few today. There are still three left on the shelf.

heylownine posted on 09/17/2012

Excellent! LH 80 drinks are pretty much all I've mixed since finding those bottles. I probably should slow down.


TikiHardBop posted on 07/21/2013

Just saw a Facebook post from the Lemon Hart folks that they are trying to get into the ABC stores in Florida. They said to ask about it at your local ABC store. Nice!

GentleHangman posted on 07/22/2013

ABC in Florida? That is good news! I have to travel over 36 miles in one direction to get Lemon Hart 151 at the only place that carries it. Neither Total Wine or Crown are interested even though the loc al distributor is right here in my home town!

Swanky posted on 07/22/2013

On 2013-07-21 17:24, GentleHangman wrote:
ABC in Florida? That is good news! I have to travel over 36 miles in one direction to get Lemon Hart 151 at the only place that carries it. Neither Total Wine or Crown are interested even though the loc al distributor is right here in my home town!

36 miles? Try the 180 we have to travel!

djmont posted on 07/22/2013

If Virginia didn't allow us to order spirits online, I have no idea where I could get any Lemon Hart. Maybe in Delaware.

GentleHangman posted on 07/22/2013

[ Edited by: GentleHangman 2013-07-22 11:54 ]

GentleHangman posted on 07/22/2013

On 2013-07-22 09:53, Swanky wrote:

On 2013-07-21 17:24, GentleHangman wrote:
ABC in Florida? That is good news! I have to travel over 36 miles in one direction to get Lemon Hart 151 at the only place that carries it. Neither Total Wine or Crown are interested even though the loc al distributor is right here in my home town!

36 miles? Try the 180 we have to travel!

I stand humbled. I feel for you Swanky_________________
I bet you feel more like you do now now than you did when you came in.


[ Edited by: GentleHangman 2013-07-22 11:53 ]

arriano posted on 07/23/2013

On 2013-07-22 09:53, Swanky wrote:
36 miles? Try the 180 we have to travel!

Oh yeah? Well, I have to drive nine miles, with several stoplights, and some of the way is up hill! OK, I'll shut up now.

GentleHangman posted on 07/23/2013

Arriano... how do you manage? UP HILL, you say? You'll just have to move to Florida. . . no hills. However, our worst hazzard is the elderly driver going 15 miles below the speed limit with one directional signal constantly flashing.

I bet you feel more like you do now now than you did when you came in.


[ Edited by: gentlehangman 2013-07-23 13:19 ]

thePorpoise posted on 08/06/2013

On 2013-07-21 16:42, TikiHardBop wrote:
Just saw a Facebook post from the Lemon Hart folks that they are trying to get into the ABC stores in Florida. They said to ask about it at your local ABC store. Nice!

well my local ABC checked with their corporate hq and said they still can't get it...

gave a hole-in-the-wall shop I patronize the FLA phone number somebody round here had posted for LH distrib, he said they never call him back...

Sunny&Rummy posted on 08/06/2013

That is disheartening. That number was for the supposed west coast FL distributor and came directly from Lemon Hart, so he is costing himself and the lines he carries business by not bothering to return phone calls from the liquor stores he could be selling product to.

"If you keep on drinking rum, the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel."
Robert Louis Stevenson

[ Edited by: Sunny&Rummy 2013-08-06 14:29 ]

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