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Sunset Tiki Party II - St. Petersburg - June 10

Pages: 1 13 replies

pablus posted on 05/03/2012

Stolen Idols lead into The Crazed Mugs (Full Band Version) and that leads into The Intoxicators.

Martin Cate will be there with a command performance.

The Left Coast Bartender's Guild knows how to throw a great party and this one will be no exception.

Check it out here.


[ Edited by: pablus 2012-05-29 11:32 ]

Tikigoob posted on 05/03/2012

This is going to be a fun party!

The Intoxicators!

pjc5150 posted on 05/03/2012

SURF SOUL TIKI will be there.

and I'm rollin' out the heavy artillery...

these are 2 of several I'm working on specifically for this gig.

pablus posted on 05/09/2012

This is shaping up to be a heckerino of a party.
I didn't know this but they're only selling 400 tickets to the thing. I think they're already at 250.

Did I mention The. Open. Bar.

I'll make them pay for that.

talo ka posted on 05/09/2012

wow. i am in for this. see you there.

JonPez posted on 05/17/2012

Tempting, tempting...

pablus posted on 05/28/2012

We're doing Ken Kanaka's song, Rum Barrel, while Martin Cate will be passing out rum barrels to the frenzied crowd during the tune.

The Crazed Mugs have a "hospitality suite" that will be serving free Scorpions and also fresh poke'. Also some fresh fruit.

Just thought I'd throw that out there for the fence-sitters.

zerostreet posted on 05/28/2012

Sounds like an amazing night! Wish I could be there!

bigtikidude posted on 05/29/2012

sounds/looks like a great event,
wish I could be there.


Hurricane Hayward posted on 05/30/2012

A little love from The Atomic Grog ...

With rare exceptions, most bars don’t have the proper set-up to mass-produce great Tiki cocktails. The Left Coast Bartenders’ Guild in Florida’s Tampa Bay area recognizes this problem and has come up with a great solution. They’re throwing a gigantic Tiki party at a vintage beachside hotel, complete with live bands, artists and vendors, Polynesian dancers, and of course plenty of vintage cocktails.


And if anyone is coming from out of state or the right coast and needs further amusement, we have a little bash going on Saturday the 9th at The Mai-Kai ...



OnyaBirri posted on 06/01/2012

Stolen Idols are very psyched about this! We will see you at 6!

Tiki Wachee posted on 06/01/2012

My girlfriend has been asking me for a weekend in St. Pete for a while now, so I think we've got all the right ingredients for a great weekend coming up! Sure glad I came across this post today! Hope to meet some of you there. Cheers!

bigtikidude posted on 06/05/2012


OnyaBirri posted on 06/10/2012

Looking forward to this evening!

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