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Corrugated bamboo roofing

Pages: 1 4 replies

Country Tiki posted on 06/20/2012

I saw this on the web any one know where to buy it? Thanks.

muskrat posted on 06/21/2012

This stuff would be great for our soon to be constructed patio/tiki bar.
Initial search tells me this is mostly available in India though i'd love to hear different.
Maybe a group buy is in order if there's enough in interest in getting some shipped over.

Country Tiki posted on 06/22/2012

Looks like that's the only way to get but I don't need much.I did see this and may try it.

[ Edited by: Country Tiki 2012-06-21 20:07 ]

Prikli Pear posted on 10/10/2018

Just came across this whilst perusing old threads. Seems like this type of "corrugated bamboo" roofing is just begging for the artificial PVC bamboo treatment. Splitting some 6" PVC drain pipes would get you there in a hurry.

The one issue I can see is that amber shellac, the go-to coating for all good PVC bamboo projects, does not block UV rays. And PVC is quite susceptible to UV degradation. Any exposed use would first need a good base coat of paint to act as a UV blocker, with the shellac applied over that. One could probably make faux Spanish roof tiles using a similar process, as well.

Commodore posted on 10/15/2018

On 2012-06-20 11:40, Country Tiki wrote:
I saw this on the web any one know where to buy it? Thanks.

it looks promising but this is what it says at the bottom of the Gadua Bamboo page: "This product is still in the R&D phase. We do not produce or sell corrugated bamboo roofing. This article is for informational purproses only."

I think if you used it you would be a first adapter and may be changing it out for metal or plastic corrugated product after a year or so depending on weather. I've been looking at various options for my build but am going another direction



[ Edited by: Commodore 2018-10-15 07:05 ]

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