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"TIKI ART! "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" - Lurid tiki art by Brad Tiki Shark Parker

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/22/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

"Tales from the Tiki Lounge #7 (The Secret Cove)"
12 1/2" x 18"
1 of 1
Gallery wrapped giclee on canvas.

This piece will be part of my tiki-art show at the "La Luz de Jesus Gallery", opening July 6th.
Please visit their web site for pre-show sales.

ALOHA, MAHALO, and Hope 2 See U There!
Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2012-04-22 03:29 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-06-24 19:04 ]

teaKEY posted on 04/22/2012

Real big colorful pics up on the LaLuzdeJesus website. Beautiful Paint.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/25/2012

A-LO-HA Tiki Tribe!
Well, the big art show is only days away!
"TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE" - the Lurid tiki-art of Brad Tiki-shark Parker!
At La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Hollywood - (the reputed birth place of the of low brow art movement!) - Opening night is July 6th.
Check out the web site for the paintings and prints for purchase - and what has pre-sold, and what has not yet...

24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas

(pleaze note da' ad is wrong and opening night is Friday July 6th!)
There will be offered up - 4 your approval - a wide range of things to fit your tiki-Art budget: such as things like...... a one of a kind museum piece hand painted surfboard surfed on by the owner of world-famous south-bay based surf-brand BODY GLOVE, to original paintings, to high-end giclees on canvas, to paper art prints...maybe even some experimental printd skateboard planks... I promise loads of swank eye candy for your tiki starved eye-balls all da' way from Hawaii!

I'm making a trip off this volcanic lava spurtin' tropical paradise to b there 4 U! Hope U can make it too!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-06-24 19:02 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/25/2012

A-LO-HA Tiki Tribe!
So, "BONGO CAT" is up on the "La Luz de Jesus Gallery " web site.... finally! (Hoo-ray!)

"Bongo Cat"
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
It was the last original painting on canvas to have to be posted... now out of the 9 original paintings listed for the show all but 3 are already sold (Double HOO-HOO-Ray!)
Want one? No worries, message me and I will have art prints and ultra-swanky giclees on canvas up for sale soon after the July Show. Contact my studio back here on da' island at info@tikishark.com
Check out my show's page on the la luz web site now... it's all filled up and swanky!
Opening night is Friday, July 6th. I'm flying in from the lava spewing island-that-time forgot where I make all my art.

(and each painting is based on a TRUE STORY that happened here on da' island! Think not? Just ask me at the opening after I had a few Mai Tais and I'll tell you each one's tale! Yes, I am a rum soaked TIKI-FREAK!) (Big Surprise!)

BIG BIG ALOHA, and hope 2 C U There!
B tiki shark P

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/27/2012


"Tales from the Tiki Lounge: Tiki CAt"
one of one , limited edition, giclee on canvas

"Tales from the tiki lounge" - the lurid tiki-art of Brad Tiki-Shark Parker
La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Hollywood.
Opening night Friday, July 6th

See this, and much more Tiki-tasty-eye-candy at the art show!
I'm coming in from my reclusive hidden jungle studio on the remote active volcanic island just 2 C U There!
Out of 9 original paintings, there are still 2 unclaimed & (as of right now) up for sale. Check the gallery web site for more details.
B tiki-shark P

teaKEY posted on 06/27/2012

Looks like a book I would read, or at least watch the short film too.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/28/2012

A-LO-HA Tiki Tribe!


Now all I gotta do is ship everything : art originals , giclees , prints and and painted surf board from HAWAII to LA - to the La Luz de Jesus Gallery in time for Billy Shire to hang it for opening night July 6th



Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/21/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Here's a better eye-ball of the "Kreature From Kona" Skate Board in the TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE" art show at LA Luz De Jesus Gallery (july 6th - 29th).
The Gallery is still taking orders for these swank & rare pop-culture planks!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/22/2012

Well my art show is up and hanging at "La Luz De Jesus Gallery" in Los Angeles. (Whew!) Every thing went well. Nothing lost in shipping from Hawaii. Opening night was a huge sucess, with lots of tiki tribe folks showing up (Big Mahalo to everyone!) and about 70% of the show selling (so far!). (yipee!)
If you don't live in LA, here's a Sunday stroll through the gallery so you can see at how the gallery looks...

I got the big back room Gallery at La luz... which you get to after walking through the amazing book/gift shop called WACKO.

I'm really thrilled to be hanging here.

Many, if not all, the big names in the Low Brow Art scene have been launched from Billy Shire's La Luz de Jesus Gallery.

Lots of art sold, and lots o people came to the opening...so I was extremely pleased.. still kinda numb about the whole thing really. While a lot sold -

the hottest item being the art printed on the skate board planks - an experiment I did with a Hollywood art director friend of mine at the last minute, I dropped them off to Billy as he was hanging the show, and we worked out the easy-to-do-it hard ware to hang them from the wall. Happily, Billy thought they were cool (the notoriously gruff gallery owner even smiled while we hung them). They all sold, then the gallery started taking orders for more. Still are, till the 29th!

Of the originals that are still up for grabs, I think one of the best efforts I ever accomplished on canvas is not yet taken! See? Far left...

Secret Cove
24" x 30"
Acrylic on Canvas
( personally, I'd call it the best purchase still available in the show ) I spent weeks just painting the freaking tropical flowers!
I hear there's a big closing show with live music by the Martini Kings!
Big Thanks to everyone who came!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/24/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

PSSSST! Lookin' for something strange and cool and swanky? How 'bout this...

Skate boards with Tiki-Shark-Low-Brow-Art on them?

Jeepers Creepers! Where can you get these ultra rare, iconic, underground Objects o' Art?

Only at "TALES FROM THE TIKI LOUNGE: (the lurid tiki-art of Brad 'Tiki-Shark' Parker)" This swank show is up at "La Luz De Jesus art Gallery" in Los Angeles till the big closing party on July 29th (with live music by the Martini Kings!). (Wow!)

Limited edition Skate Boards are STILL being sold. The gallery is taking orders. Special low-show price is $150.00. After the show closes, the price will be $250.00 per board.

So, get your set of pop-surreal skate boards for your home tiki bar now!

Cause' this is an ultra rare-swanky-underground-art item you may never-ever-ever-ever-ever see again!! http://www.laluzdejesus.com/shows/2012/July_2012.html

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/27/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
the art show "Tales From the Tiki Lounge" the lurid art of Brad Tiki-Shark Parker" is still up at La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles. Check out the show on line here:
It was a great amount of work getting the whole show together... but also a great amount of fun opening night!

It all made it up on the walls in time (Whew!) Even the Skate-decks at the last minute!
Big mahalo to Matt Kennedy & Billy Shire for putting me up in the mother of all "Low-Brow" Art Galleries! And Big BIG Mahalo to all the tiki tribe who took the time to come out to the opening night.
Much of the show sold.. The skate-decks sold out that 1st night (yipee!), and the gallery is taking orders for more! ...but If I may, I'd like to point out one very cool original piece that has not yet sold...

Over on the far right...

Tiki Vs Godzilla
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas

If you are looking for a real-deal one-of-a-kind freaky-tiki ultra swank original art piece for your home tiki bar, rumpus room, or tropical office space, consider THIS! (Psst, and hey, the show is ending, now perhaps might be the time to drop a "best offer" onto curator Matt Kennedy. Hey, never hurts to try! Better selling then shipping back to Hawaii!

AND... I hear there's also a SWANK closing party at La Luz De Jesus Gallery on July 29th with LIVE music!
What a great excuse to cruise down to Hollywood to the "La Luz", go next door to the "Tiki Ti", lift a Mai Tai or two, and then stroll back to the gallery & eyeball this painting up close and personal, ...as well as lots of other art by Miles Thompson, and me, all while listening to some of the best LIVE exotica music around by ...the Martini Kings!

teaKEY posted on 07/29/2012

Just got an Awesome postcard in the mail. Your Postcard. On my refrigerator already. :D

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/31/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Anyone still looking to purchase the limited edition, signed & numbered, 16" x 20", museum quality giclee on paper of "Tiki Cat" that was offered up for sale during the "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" art show at La Luz de Jesus Gallery - please contact the gallery. They may still have a few left at the special show price of $150.00 http://www.laluzdejesus.com/shows/2012/Parker/TikiShark2012.htm

Gallery Tel # (323)-666-7667

Aloha! And Again, big mahalo to everyone who came out to the show! What a blast!
Brad Tiki-shark Parker

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/03/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

The big ART show at La Luz de Jesus Gallery is over! (WHEW!)
Thank you everyone who followed along on the net from afar, and really HUGE aloha to everyone who came in person and made this event such a great hit and a wonderful experience.

NOW, my agent sez "It's better to be SELLING than SHIPPING".

So, take a look at what is still in the show and what has not as yet sold. Now is the time to make "an offer", before we ship it back to HAWAII. My agent is in the mood for money - not shelling out for shipping!!!

Look at the show at the link above and contact the gallery, or my agent , Abbas, at info@tikishark.com. Make an offer - you never know! The Tiki Gods could smile and the deal of a life-time could be made!

Brad Tiki-Shark Parker

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/03/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Hey, some lucky gun-of-a-sun smart art patron has gotten a "real-deal-that-would-make-u-squeal" on a fantastic piece of original art !!!!

Eye kid u not!
This is all due to the fact that they payed attention when I told you what my art agent said:
Yep, the big Los Angeles Art Scene Tiki Art show at "La Luz de Jesus Gallery" is over. We sold a LOT of art. Total hit. Big happy with the out com. But, what did not sell, we would rather save on shipping art back to HAWAII and are willing to listen to "offers" from shrewd tiki-tribe folks who know NOW is the time that Green is King.

Take a look see at what has not sold, and contact the gallery or my agent , Abbas, at info@tikishark.com.
The tiki gods are smiling on honest offers and you never know - this could be the purchase that could make you change your shorts!
Big BIG aloha! Thanks again to everyone who came out and supported us. Great news about future art projects, but I'll save that news for later. Just remember, my art agent is still saying "BETTER SELLING THAN SHIPPING!"

B tiki shark P

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-08-03 16:52 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/06/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Custom Skate Decks!

Low-Brow Culture meets Skate Culture meets Tiki Culture! Kustom Skate Decks w/ Art by Brad Tiki-shark Parker.
EAch deck comes with hard ware to hang on the wall to be the ultimate swanky art object! $200 each. Very few left! Contact Abbas info@tikishark.com

The Big Los Angeles Tiki Art Show at "La Luz De Jesus Gallery" is over. Thanks to all the tiki tribe for the great Show, and turn out.
Now, some art didn't sell. My art agent, Abbas is saying "SELLING is better than SHIPPING!"
So, we're looking to sell stuff on the mainland now - instead of shipping it back here to HAWAII and then selling it on the net and having to ship it to the mainland ...again - that's too much $ spent on shipping!

So, make an offer now. Abbas is open to listening...and Green is King! I think getting the whole set of classic monsters could be gotten at a "group set rate"... but act fast. Not too many decks are left!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-08-06 05:25 ]

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ALOHA Tiki Tribe!
Wow, someone one who sticks the shelfs at the local TARGET must be a fan. Just Noticed I got the primo end cap / eye level spot i the birthday card section!
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big aloha to who ever is responsible for the great spot!
Oh yeah, these tiki-art cards are made by Pacifica Island Arts, you can find their web site at

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-08-08 18:10 ]

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Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Check out the new front window at the WYLAND Kona Ocean Front Gallery - some new giclees from the art in the "Tales from the Tiki Lounge" show, plus the new Skate Decks are up on da' wall! Want one in your Tiki Bar? Contact the cool cats and fine felines at the Wyland Gallery! (808) 334-0037 - These are so new, they are not up on the gallery web site yet, so it's best to call. Limited supplies.
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Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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I'm getting ready for my favorite holiday... All Hallows Eve! The local gallery here in Kona Hawaii has plotted with me to have a show in October. This gallery has become very important to me. The gallery owner, Mark Hanna, showed my art when many other local galleries scratched their heads and told me "Tiki does not sell. Tourists are not hip enough to get this low-brow retro tiki stuff." Mark took a chance... and the tourists showed they are hip to Tiki... or are willing to be. The gallery sales people really have become ohana (family)... getting behind my work. They've really been supportive and widened their minds and learned about "Tiki Culture" and "Low Brow Art" as well as learning the more polite term "pop-surrealism" & "conceptual realism". The gallery folks hinted they may come to the show dressed as characters from my paintings... Wow (!) I'm gonna' carve some Jack-lanterns to go along with the tiki torches out front. I'll have the new limited Skate Decks sporting the classic monsters (on vacation) and Tikis & Jack-o-lanterns, my favorite "Bela Lugosi drinking a Zombie", I'll show patrons some Shark spirits and tiger sharks, many skulls, some hot rods, & a Tiki, here, or there... or everywhere! (course!) ... and even the latest and my most Halloween pumpkin-pie flavored art print: "Hawaii-Ween". That's me holding it up - this one's a special artist's remarque.
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"Hawaii-Ween" : Once again, I painted something I thought no one would understand much less shell out $$ for - but again I was happily surprised, and "Hawaii-ween" has been selling well in the gallery all summer long. I poured my heart into it, and it seems there are those out there in the tiki Tribe who also feel the connection of Halloween and Tiki...

So we'll have a "Happy Hula-Ween Tiki-Art Show". Not sure of the date yet -(I'll post that soon), and we'll see who, or what, comes out that night...
... and slinks, lurches, glides, hulas or night-marches to the Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery, in Kailua-Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii.


Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery
75-5770 Alii Dr
Kailua Kona, HI 96740-1782
Phone – (808) 334-0037
Toll Free – (888) 435-6612
Email – artexpert@hawaii.rr.com

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My local gallery here on da' island I work with has moved a bunch of stuff around their beautiful art space. I am very VERY happy to find they (STILL) have my work in the front window! (Ya-Hoo!) They also have my newest prints, plus the brand spankin' new uber-swanky-cool SKATE DECKS!
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The Gallery is working with me on having a "Happy Hula-Ween Tiki-Art Show" - on October 26th!! I gonna carve up some Jack-o-lanterns to go next to the Tiki Torches! Folks from the gallery are gonna' dress up as characters from my paintings! If U "just happen" to be on the Big Island of Hawaii, and are in Kailua-Kona that night, please... come on by the Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery! I'll have some Tricks & Treats for you!! (evil laugh: Bwah-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!)


Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery
75-5770 Alii Dr
Kailua Kona, HI 96740-1782
Phone – (808) 334-0037
Toll Free – (888) 435-6612
Email – artexpert@hawaii.rr.com

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