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Any Tikiphiles in Indy?

Pages: 1 5 replies

brisketkid posted on 06/13/2012

Recently moved to Indianapolis from California and looking for other Tiki peeps to talk tiki, beat drums, and make jungle paintings with.

forgotten tikiman posted on 06/13/2012

Looks like your on your own man :(. JK! There has to be some tikiphiles there somewhere. :)

Bongo Bungalow posted on 06/13/2012

I'm 2 1/2 hours north in South Bend. We talk tiki, beat the drums of tiki passion and paint the jungle paintings with art swaps. (as on the Other Crafts thread), all on Tiki Central. Now, we can't actually drink on TC...

freddiefreelance posted on 06/18/2012

Let me be the first to point you to the only Tiki in or around Indy, Lotus Gardens in Greenwood, In. Have some old-school Eggrolls, or their decent Pot Stickers, and a Rum Cow in a coconut mug. Their Mai Tais aren't great, but I remember having a decent Tiki Bowl and Dr. Wong's Tonic. Avoid menu items that are glutinous glop like the Lemon Chicken or Chow Mein.

Dan posted on 06/27/2012

Well there are me and the misses, It's pretty slim tiki pickings. You can see the ruins of Bumpys Mai-Tai but that's about it. We do have occasional parties.

brisketkid posted on 06/28/2012

Thanks everybody.

I've been to Lotus Garden, and it's a pretty fun place. I've also found the tiki bar in the back of Revolucion in Fountain Square. Not a bad place. Drinks are a little weak, but I think they have potential.

If you ever want to get together for a Tiki-meet up, let me know.

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