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(SOLD) Hei Tiki Pebble Carved Pendant

Pages: 1 2 replies

Roru posted on 06/29/2012

Hei Tiki, WAKE UP!

This is a tiki pendant I carved out of black beach pebble. his/her tongue is made of polished shell. It's strung on a fine hemp fiber cordage that I plyed myself. Check out the more detailed etsy listing here if you are interested:


Price: Sold!

This pendant is adjustable in length, it will fit anyone at any length you want. It has the kind of sliding bone toggle you typically see on hei matau. Free ultra fast worldwide shipping.

I have a thread with lots of pictures of other tiki's I have carved: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=43251&forum=21&5

a hui hou kakou,
-Roru Humuhumunukunukuapua'a

[ Edited by: Roru 2012-06-29 14:33 ]

MarkusK posted on 06/29/2012

Oops, mine :D

Roru posted on 06/29/2012

Thanks! Your tiki was sent early this morning, it will be at your door in just a a week or so :)

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