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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Shag Tiki Room Goblets for Trade

Pages: 1 3 replies

Monkeyman posted on 12/10/2003

I have 2 Tiki Room Goblets that I would like to trade for other comprable value mugs/Tiki Objects.

Any takers?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 12/11/2003


"Comparable Value" as in what they originally retailed for, or what they are going for on ebay? Just wanted to clarify.

Monkeyman posted on 12/11/2003

Comparable value would mean current market rates. I would gage fair market value by what the average selling price would be. (about $65-$75 I think)

Does that seem like a fair trade?

Monkeyman posted on 12/11/2003

Just in case some of you don't know what the mug looks like. (not my photo)

I would like to clarify that the trade is not necessarily for both mugs, simply that I have two mugs available.

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