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I gotta admit that i dig the music from the 60's beach movies and I saw Dick Dale perform a few weeks ago and it was great...Any other suggestions for me to get surf and the right kind of exotic music?
I'm looking for stuff that is unusual that lends itself to different ways of altering one's perceptions in ways other than mixed drinks too...


My band http://www.outhousemoan.com plays some surf/garage tunes. we are classified as a psychedelic hill billy band. sorry no mp3's yet. We where in a compilation cd called http://www.texotica.com.

There is a guy I went to college with how can shread as fast as dick dale. His name is Derek Taylor, his current band's site is http://www.starazagoramusic.com Look for his stuff in Shrapnel records http://www2.shrapnelrecords.com/Shrapnel/splash.html

or this long link:

hang ten brother.


[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-12-05 20:21 ]

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-12-05 20:23 ]

As far as exotic music, check out Martin Denny, Les Baxter, Arthur Lyman, and Yma Sumac. If you're not aware of it, most of that stuff is called exotica. Cool stuff. You can find most of it over at Hepcat records.

Klas posted on Sat, Dec 6, 2003 5:35 AM

On 2003-12-05 19:56, AlmostHuman wrote:
Any other suggestions for me to get surf and the right kind of exotic music?

Some of my favourite Surf / Hot Rod bands include:

Fantastic Baggys
New Dimensions
Eddie & The Showmen
Dave Myers and The Surftones
Al Casey
Surf Teens
Jim Messina & The Jesters
Ronny & The Daytonas (no relation :lol: )

Of course I also like the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, Dick Dale etc. :)

All of the acts on the above list have their own albums. Then there are also loads of cool bands who only did a couple of 45s but can now be found on compilations. For example volume 1 and 2 of Sundazed Lost Legends of Surf Guitar series are great.


For a great surf guitar band check out: Los Straight Jackets, several albums out. These guys are tight and rock out in Mexican wrestling masks.

If you like surf music and enjoy the relaxing sounds of lounge tunes then you simply must get a copy of "The Vultures" by Joe Weed.

I heard this disc on public radio about 7 years ago and purchased it direct from his website. It is easily one of my favorite discs.

The disc contains many surf standards all performed in a relaxed acoustic style. Very Very good.



The Vanduras - "In The Dark" and Ape - "Jungle Gems" might satisfy that sound you're looking for.

everything listed above...plus Davey Allen & the Arrows and The Neptunas.


Hey AlmostHuman, I almostforgot...for more surf, The Shadows - "Shadows Are Go!" is a great one too. And if you enjoyed Dick Dale, his drummer Dusty Watson is also in a band called Slacktone, and the album to get is "Into The Blue Sparkle"

For little bit of exotica, try Fisherman - "Vibraphonic Jungle Exotica & Lounge" which can be acquired from http://www.fishermansburlesque.com


one great band to check out are the red elvises. they tour quite frequently and have a lot of albums out under the "surfabilly" section at your local musichouse. with the mix of the russian accents singing rockabilly/surf music, it is quite fun to listen too. they also put on a great show---with the bassist having the biggest red triangle shaped bass you will ever see. those commie bastards...you gotta love em.

tikicleen - I almost forgot about those guys. Thanx for the rewind, I gotta check that out. BTW did anybody mention Combustible Edison. I was exposed to their music a coupla months ago at a party and liked what I heard. I should probably check it out in a sober frame of mind before I give it the Good Loungekeeping seal of approval though.

When I had a girlfriend that live in Santa Monica, I used to go see the Red Elvises every weekend at Rusty's Surf Ranch on the Santa Monica pier. I got to know those guys pretty well too. If you've know where to look and you live in California, those guys turn up everywhere. I've seen them randomly at the Third Street Prominade, on the Tonight Show, at my University's (in nor cal) homecoming, E's 'Wild On', and I guess they were on an episode of Melrose Place. Truely the hardest working musicians around.

My favorite thing about them was that their lead guitar player was unbelievable. Sadly, he left to do his own thing after playing with them for years and years. They replaced him with an accordion player. Not sure how that'll affect the sound but I'm sure it ain't gonna be the same. I mean... accordion?

Their best album in my opinion is SURFING IN SIBERIA with the standout track being a very Dick Dale inspired song called 'Lovepipe'. Their newer music is much more on the novelty side than their earlier stuff.

Check 'em out at http://www.redelvises.com

The Red Elvises are good, but the single best modern surf band is easily Los Straitjackets. Hands down. Eddie Angel from The Planet Rockers and Ronnie Dawson's band formed this band. Los Straitjackets are the real deal. And as Sirginn mentioned, they do, in fact, rock out wearing mexican wrestling masks.

Check them out here: http://www.losstraitjackets.com

Of course, the mix between exotica, caribbean, and surf comes from our own Crazy Al's band "Ape." Great CD plus live tiki carving onstage by Al. Fun, upbeat, exotic, surfy type stuff. I think my favorite track by them is their cover of Duke Ellington's "Caravan."

Here's Ape: http://www.tikimania.com/ape-tiki-gallery.html

On 2003-12-06 21:52, Luckydesigns wrote:
The Red Elvises are good, but the single best modern surf band is easily Los Straitjackets.

I don't consider Los Straitjackets to be the KISS of surf music in any way, but has anyone ever seen these guys without their Lucha Libre masks? :D

Guess Spike's being too humble to mention the Smokin' Menehunes, due to have a CD release soon.
Also on board here, kick_the_reverb's band, the Astroglides.
And not to forget King Kukulele, the Maikai Gents, Cherry Capri and the Thurston Howlies.
Sorry if I've left anyone out, but if any of you guys had put anything up on the performer/musician registry thread I suggested, we could have just "Sugared" a link to that.
Whoops, forgot the Vodkanauts.

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2003-12-06 22:50 ]

Aw, shucks Jade. Thanks for the plug. I thought we were just talking surf music, but you're right, it would be a shame to not mention all of the talented people on this website.

Cynnful, I've never seen the jackets without their masks on but I'm sure if you looked on the net, it wouldn't be hard to find a picture of at least Eddie Angel. I'm sure there would be some pictures of him playing with Ronnie Dawson. That's funny, the KISS of surf music. The only difference; Los Straitjackets can REALLY play their instruments and write great songs. Sorry KISS. ....and your trillion fans

Funny you should mention KISS fanss. My name is a KISS song from the Love Gun album and 've been a kommander in the KISS Army for army a years...

Thanx for all the info y'all. I look forward to many happy hours spent looking and getting as much of this stuff as I can...


wow, a lot of good music listings on this thread...now i just need to convince my husband to play this sort of music!

luckydesigns---love your taste in music...funny you mention seeing the red elvises at your university....that is when i first discovered them (or they introduced themselves to me) i saw them at uop...did you attend this place as well??!

must admit, rocketman is what got me initially hooked on them. (my whole family are a bunch of engineers...and then there was me) :)

On 2003-12-06 23:08, Luckydesigns wrote:
That's funny, the KISS of surf music. The only difference; Los Straitjackets can REALLY play their instruments and write great songs.

Hey....what about "Beth"? :D

Yes, Los Straitjackets really can whale on their guitars. If you've never seen them live, check 'em out!

This isn't a surf tune, but as long as the subject of music is up...

Has anyone heard of Black Mighty Orchestra? One of my favorite tunes of the last year or 2 has been "Ocean Beach"... Sort of a downtempo exotica track (if there is such a combination) It's the only piece I've heard by them and was wondering if anyone else could shed some light on the group. Be forewarned... If you're gonna sample it off of Kazaa or the like, there are some horrible remixes out there- just look for the original.


Tikicleen, yeah, I did go to UOP. There were only like thirty people there watching the band. That's crazy that you were there too. That was such a poorly planned event.


The Mermen get constant play here. They did a song back in the late 80s called Ocean Beach also. Great original surf band (not retro, no covers). Stay away from A Glorious Lethal Euphoria (my favorite title) and Songs Of The Cows......unless you dig that Sonic Youth type feedback thing. Best cds are Krill Slippin (Ocean Beach is on that one), Food For Other Fish, and their last one The Amazing California Health and Happiness Road Show. Also try Fez-World Domination On $3 A Day.....a grab bag of surf, blues and exotica, they also do Caravan, and Raiders Of The Lost Daquiri. For new exotica we like Orchestra Superstring with D.J. Bonebrake. Lotsa vibes, bongos, and cool guitar.


On 2003-12-06 21:52, Luckydesigns wrote:
When I had a girlfriend that live in Santa Monica, I used to go see the Red Elvises every weekend at Rusty's Surf Ranch on the Santa Monica pier.

I'll have to check out those red Elvises. The other bands you mention also rock.


Feelin' Zombified:

I have heard the "Ocean Beach" that you mentioned, and it is indeed exotica flavored. I believe Black Mighty Orchestra is an Italian group. I have the tune on a compilation that's on Irma Records out of Italy. I'd link the site, but it's under reconstruction. I have not heard anything else by them. It's a pretty interesting label. There's lots of reissued 70s italian porn soundtrack music, neo bossa nova and latin, electronica, and loungy stuff. Dig Boozoo Bajou (especially their debut full length, Satta!) for some more electronica/exotica flavors.

[ Edited by: Selector Lopaka on 2003-12-07 21:35 ]

Don't forget the Blue Hawaiians!


Here are some playlists from an old surf show I used to do. I like all this stuff, but probably too much info.

Los Straitjackets look better with the masks on. Just kidding - they're all great musicians and I think they all play or played with other bands. Pete Curry's been in about a million bands, and I think Eddie Angel has only been in about a half a million. 3/4 of them also played as the Neanderthals in Vegas at the same weekender as the Straitjackets in Sept.


Hey AH, try listening to Link Wray ("Rumble"). Also, you probably know about the Ventures for surf music. Duane Eddy ("Rebel Rouser") could also be considered a surf guitarist. I've always wanted to see Dick Dale. I've heard that his shows are "eardrum-shredding."


Thanx again for all the info guys...

Check out Link Wray's "Black Widow" and "Jack The Ripper". If you like things in that genre, check out Davie Allan and the Arrows (Theme from The Wild Angels is a good start). Did anybody here used to get "Kicks" magazine?

Another great all instro cd is "Nobody Sings Or The Guitar Gets It" -by the Cadillac Angels-lotsa Link Wray and Surf vibe

Here’s my solo project, some surf mixed with exotica and a tiny bit of jazz:

A while back I also posted a link to the two Zombied Later project, which is a double cd available online for free! Until january!!!


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