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ANNOUNCEMENT: Tikifish now a moderator

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I'm pleased to announce our very own Tikifish has become a full fledged Tiki Central Moderator. Yay!

Tikifish has contributed so much to this forum -- great tiki research, fab photos, a cool mascot design, great ebay deals, and last but not least, a lot of humor and great stories!

She is a part of the spirit of Tiki Central and will make a great moderator.

What do moderators do? Basically they fix problems with posts (editing messages if there's broken BB code or links), and move posts that are in the wrong forum.

Congrats to Tikifish!

And a little sidenote: Basment Kahuna has been moderating posts for Creating Tiki and to a lesser degree the Main Forum for a few months now, and I've expanded his roll so he's now a moderator for all our other forums, too. :)


We are all in very capable hands now. Good choice Hanford.

Basement Kahuna suggested her and I immediately thought "perfect!"

I'm experimenting with more moderators seeing as how my business it taking more time away from me and I just can't keep up with TC like I used to.


another in a line of many good choices, Hanford. How lucky are we that to help out, we have so many talented, even-keeled, judicious folks -- with SO MUCH SPARE TIME!!! JEEZ!!! (just kidding; sabu, mig, basement kahuna, tikifish, you all ROCK!)

Congrats Tikifish!
TF, I'm sure Hanford is paying you well.
Excellent choice.

No doubt...Fish is a mainstay..Congrats, M'lady!


Congrats Tikifish! You are indeed an asset to this community.


Congrats Tikifish! It's about time!!


Yeehaw! I quiver in anticipation of seeing your iron fist in action. Congrats!


Tikifish, Tikifish, rah rah rah!
Tikifish, Tikifish, sis boom bah!


Congrats to Tikifish!



Now that's Zazz!

Congrats on the "promotion", tikifish.


Congratulations Tikifish!


I also plan to fix Hanford's spelling, encourage drunken posting, and and request every thread has a topless chick in it.

he he

we like you lots :P


For a long time Jane has been a TC staple. I have enjoyed her posts and humour. A day without Tikifish is a poor day indeed.
Congratulations Tiki Fish.

Congrats TF,

To my best friend in the whole world. Can I borrow $20 US?


Sir Bong the Congratulator

(sure am glad I never made you mad. Did I?)


I think the only person who ever pissed me off in all my years on TC was mad_tiki, who really wasnt worth getting mad about, but I am a sensitive gal so it upset me anyway.

I tend to stay out of the flamewars (though I must admit I get a secret thrill from reading them).


On 2003-12-11 07:30, tikifish wrote:
I also plan to fix Hanford's spelling, encourage drunken posting, and and request every thread has a topless chick in it.

he he

It's about time we get a chicks perspective running these boards! I'm looking forward to it.

Congrats Fish!

Just happy to see Canada represented!

Hooray for Tkifish!

I never liked Tikifish. She is talentless, humourless, and has abhorrent taste. sigh


I wouldn't be so into this whole shmear if not for Jane. And I would never have tried bubble tea. I love the fishy-girl.

Just happy to see Canada represented!

Hooray for Tkifish!

Congratulations again Jane!

Can you possibly do anything about making sure that the taxes paid on all pupus and tropical drinks go directly to the preservation and rebuilding of tiki establishments? :lol:

Yeah TikiFish!

Right on...Hooray for Tkifish!


Congrats Tikifish!~And a special thanks to everyone who is involved with this site!

SES posted on Thu, Jan 1, 2004 10:38 PM

WooHoo! Congrats Tikifish!


Sooo, TikiFish, now that you have some "power" maybe you gan get Hanford and Stuckie to aggree on a contest for a new TC mascot mug. Especially since Sheky has been sold out for so long now.

I've got my sketches ready!

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