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Original Doug Horne art for Sale!!

Pages: 1 5 replies

Swamp Fire posted on 08/01/2012


"Jungle Marquesan"
15.5" X 18.5"
Pencil and Pastel on paper. Mounted to MDF board.
Ready to hand and ready to ship!
Art by Doug Horne (Swamp Fire)
Tiki is based off of a Bill Collins carving.

$350, free shipping within the U.S.

This is an original piece of art. Not a print.

Message me if interested.


The Art of Doug Horne

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2012-08-01 16:26 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/02/2012

Looks Fan-Fuckin-Tackular Douggie!

4WDtiki posted on 08/02/2012

Beautiful, Doug!

ToddVegas posted on 08/02/2012

Is that the same green glass fish float and plants from "Exotic Nights"?? Beautiful!

[ Edited by: ToddVegas 2012-08-02 13:49 ]

Swamp Fire posted on 08/03/2012

Thanks ATP!

Bill, thanks, glad you dig it. I wish i had bought one of your tikis when I used to see you at shows here in the states. Love your work man.

ToddVegas, good eye! Yeah, I liked how those two element looked in the "Exotic nights" piece so I re-drew them for this one.

As of this post this piece is still available!!

If interested you can e-mail me at doughorne@cox.net or send me a Personal Message here on TC.

Swamp Fire posted on 08/06/2012

Still available!

I'll have it at Tiki Oasis in my booth if you want to see it in person...if it doesn't sell before then. :)

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