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Tiki Central / California Events

Pre-Oasis LA Events.

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tikibob posted on 07/23/2012

Pre-Oasis Aloha to all the Ohana,

I know that in years past it has been a tradition for ohana to gather at Tiki Ti's and then often wander over to Trader Vic's at LA Live.

So who is in for this year?

Also in years past some of the ohana has also gotten together on Tuesday for a day at Disneyland. Anybody heard about that being a possibility?

WooHooWahine posted on 07/24/2012

The International Tiki Day Beach Burn is on Saturday, August 11...WooHooo!!

DJLee posted on 07/24/2012

The Martini Kings "Palm Springs Serenade" record release party at La Luz de Jesus this Sunday is also a Tiki Oasis pre-party!!

bigtikidude posted on 07/24/2012

Hey Bob,

Sun. Aug. 5th in Nor. Cal. at Forbidden Island, 1pm
Forbidden Island's 3rd Annual Surfin' Smorgasbord

Sat. Aug. 11th in So. Cal. SG101 Convention
The Big event I do the weekend Before Tiki Oasis is not Tiki.
It Is a 10 hour Surf Music Convention.
But being that Tiki events are known to have some surf bands.
and around 25 Tiki People came to the SG101 Convention last year.
I'd say some Tiki Peeps might wanna check this out
Sat. Aug. 11th

Closer to actual Tiki Oasis,

Monday Aug. 13th
Spikes in Rosemead (couple Miles from Bahooka) is having their:
RHYTHM N BOOZE Annual Tiki Party
Los Venturas (Belgium), El Ray (Denmark); DJ's
Bud, Satoshi & T-Bone

Tues. Aug. 14th.
Los Venturas at Bar Pink in San Diego.

Wed. Aug. 15th
Los Venturas and Jason Lee and the R.I.P. tides
are at Hensley's Flying Elephant in Carlsbad, (30 miles north of San Diego)

WooHooWahine posted on 07/25/2012

Here's a Must Do for Your List: Tiki Tuesday @ La Descarga

tikibob posted on 08/02/2012

Thanks for all the info. So there WILL be a La Descarga tiki night that week?


WooHooWahine posted on 08/02/2012

On 2012-08-02 07:44, tikibob wrote:
Thanks for all the info. So there WILL be a La Descarga tiki night that week?


Every Tuesday is Tiki Night @ La Descarga. We will be there :)

JasonLeeSurf posted on 08/02/2012

The Aug 15th Flyer

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