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Don't they work for us?

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Somebody needs to remind this police department that they're civil servants.


Rain posted on Fri, Dec 12, 2003 2:29 PM

i got this photo in a forward, but someone had added "...and take your donuts, too" to the side of the car. i thought it was a doctored photo, too, until now.


Ahhh....that's Bakersfield for ya.


Well, ignoring the fact that in any given sizeable city there are tens of thousands of people who need their asses kicked desperately, yesterday if possible, it doesn't do to put it opn the side of patrol cars.


At least they are offering truth in advertising!

I guess it's a tad better than saying..."If he needs shootin', call us!"

I find it funny in that Wild West sorta way, but then I've been banned from New Orleans...

On 2003-12-12 16:32, martiki wrote:
Ahhh....that's Bakersfield for ya.

Well, actually, it's not. The Sheriff's Department is a Kern County organization, not the city's.
This was just a harmless gag someone caught wind of and got their panties in a bunch over. PC at its worst.
By the way, they will kick your ass, though!

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