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best spots in hawaii?

Pages: 1 2 47 replies

nomeus posted on 08/06/2012

trying to plan a trip to hawaii, have never been before. would prefer to stay away from the touristy stuff and get to the quiet, out of the way areas. old tiki bars and something with a 50s/60s feel to it would be nice. thanks!!

Hakalugi posted on 08/06/2012

Nomeus, welcome to Tiki Central, I moved your post to the Tiki Travel Forum. Which island(s) in Hawaii? Either way, take a look at the existing topics regarding what to see and do in Hawaii, there are already MANY. You can also use the "search" feature to dig up more info (the "search" link is at the top right of this page).

Now then, since you're new here, you need to visit the introductions thread and introduce yourself.



nomeus posted on 08/06/2012

this is the coolest place ive found so far...


but would also like a rustic type place to stay, away from the hustle and bustle. havent really planned any certain island. would rather base that on where im staying. maybe island hop, see a volcano or some lava, i dont really know. a good luau would have to be in there somewhere. suggestions/ideas?

JOHN-O posted on 08/06/2012

General Hawaii suggestions you can get anywhere on the internet.

THIS is specialized. 5 pages worth.

Enjoy !! :)

nomeus posted on 08/06/2012

On 2012-08-06 12:00, JOHN-O wrote:
General Hawaii suggestions you can get anywhere on the internet.

THIS is specialized. 5 pages worth.

Enjoy !! :)

starts at page 8 and has 15 pages total starting with the demolition of a building. what should i be looking for?

Hakalugi posted on 08/06/2012
Phillip Roberts posted on 08/06/2012

Try the Breakers or the Royal Grove Hotel... both just off the main road, close to the beach (and cheap) and old skool joints in Waikiki.

nomeus posted on 08/06/2012

awesome thank you! what are some good old spots in Waikiki? what are some areas to avoid that have heavy tourist traffic?

JOHN-O posted on 08/06/2012

On 2012-08-06 12:17, nomeus wrote:

On 2012-08-06 12:00, JOHN-O wrote:
General Hawaii suggestions you can get anywhere on the internet.

THIS is specialized. 5 pages worth.

Enjoy !! :)

starts at page 8 and has 15 pages total starting with the demolition of a building. what should i be looking for?

Go 3 posts down and start at the first post titled "Honolulu Confidential". It goes for 10 chapters (posts). It details the historic, off-beat, divey, and "locals" places of interest in Honolulu. It would seem that's what you're looking for.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/07/2012

I don't see Kona mentioned much here :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/07/2012

Sven, what is the story on the green A-Frame house?

nomeus posted on 08/07/2012

those are great! id say disneys polynesian got some inspiration from kona

bigbrotiki posted on 08/07/2012

All taken between last Wednesday and now - and I am still here :)

ATP, that A-frame is right at the beach where I took my two other sand beach photos in the post: Waialea Bay. I think it could be a vaction rental, don't know yet. The place to stay in Kona is of course Doug Miller's Tiki Island vacation rental pad ! :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/07/2012

Thanks Sven, I want to go to there!

tikiyaki posted on 08/07/2012

Kona is one of the most "tiki" places in Hawaiii. LOVE Kona....lucky you for being there.

Alii Tiki posted on 08/08/2012

On 2012-08-07 12:58, bigbrotiki wrote:
I don't see Kona mentioned much here :)

A very poignant moment in history and of shifting in how the Hawaiian people were allowed to practice their beliefs.

Kekuaokalani and his wife Manono were among the dead, after he had fallen she had rushed into the battlefield and taken up his place in the fight dressed in his battle garb, the troops seeing that their chief was still fighting, carried on the fight to no avail.
The temples were deconstructed soon after this and the idols (Tiki) were burned, except for the ones that were spirited away and hidden by the remaining followers of the old religion.
This chant and an accompanying Hula are devoted to Manono.

VanTiki posted on 08/08/2012

Shameless self promotion - the reason I haven't been slinging the clay for the past (gulp) half year or so is every second I'm not drawing I have been building this in my backyard!


Will have better photos up next week (photographer is coming by on saturday) - the current photos are of the hut being constructed.

I'm sure we can work out a Tiki Central discount! :)

Henrik "VanTiki"

nomeus posted on 08/08/2012

so if hawaii isnt really the origin and home of tiki, where does it come from? how did it get to hawaii. based on what ive been seeing and reading, it seems as if its more of a CA thing that was brought to hawaii.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/08/2012

On 2012-08-07 18:27, nomeus wrote:
so if hawaii isnt really the origin and home of tiki, where does it come from? how did it get to hawaii. based on what ive been seeing and reading, it seems as if its more of a CA thing that was brought to hawaii.

For a primer on Hawaiian Culture see here: http://www.hawaiihistory.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page&CategoryID=1

What we practice here is "Mid Century polynesian Cocktail culture" , Which has its roots in California

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Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/08/2012

Thanks for sharing those photos, Sven! They are beautiful and easily make one fall in love with Kona all over again.

nomeus posted on 08/08/2012

On 2012-08-07 19:29, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

On 2012-08-07 18:27, nomeus wrote:
so if hawaii isnt really the origin and home of tiki, where does it come from? how did it get to hawaii. based on what ive been seeing and reading, it seems as if its more of a CA thing that was brought to hawaii.

For a primer on Hawaiian Culture see here: http://www.hawaiihistory.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page&CategoryID=1

What we practice here is "Mid Century polynesian Cocktail culture" , Which has its roots in California

which im a big fan of and was hoping to combine the two during a trip to hawaii. my noobness is clearly showing however. maybe i need to go to tahiti or the polynesian islands?? :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/08/2012

Which Island nomeus, We can point you in the right direction.

nomeus posted on 08/08/2012

i havent gotten that far. was hoping to island hop around the hawaiian islands and do the "must see" spots. still trying to find out where the quiet, out of the way places are for lodging. if it has the name sheraton, hilton in it, im staying away!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/08/2012

Check out the Tiki Travel thread for lots of info: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewforum.php?forum=16&6524

bigbrotiki posted on 08/08/2012

Thank you Alii to enlighten us about the history of that sacred spot, I am fascinated by that place, and the believers' valor in the face of inevitable loss.

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On 2012-08-07 18:27, nomeus wrote:
so if hawaii isnt really the origin and home of tiki, where does it come from? how did it get to hawaii. based on what ive been seeing and reading, it seems as if its more of a CA thing that was brought to hawaii.

Who said that? :) You are partially correct, but one has to differentiate: America's love affair for Hawaii, with all its intriguing history and art, was THE important factor that INSPIRED the mainland Tiki style. But more than that, American Tiki style encompassed not only Hawaiian, but ALL Polynesian island arts and culture -in a purely popular manner, so it became Polynesian Pop.

In the mid- to late 50s, the TIKI became the symbol of this popular mainland fad, thus marking the beginning of TIKI STYLE: Because of America being so far away from the original source, American developers and designers felt free to interpret and embellish the original art forms, with authenticity becoming secondary, and thus a pop culture genre of its own was created.

The artists in the Hawaiian Islands had to be more culturally sensitive to create anything else but close-to-the-original reproductions of the Idols - if they did it at all. All the other Hawaiian symbols - the Hula girl, the palm tree, pineapple, palm hut, outrigger, ukelele, flower leis, were freely commercialized as souvenirs. But that form of tourist culture is not unique, it is created by any vacation destination country.

That is why I am saying that Hawaiiana like the HULA GIRL are not "Tiki" per se - they are, and, (especially before the term "Tiki Style" ever existed), always were....a Hawaiian Hula girl, a palm tree, a pineapple, etc...

What I am warning you about is that American midcentury "TIKI" is hard to find in Hawaii, (as are good examples of its Tiki Revival) - but its sources are fun to discover, and the rest is not too shabby either, as one can see in my previous photo thread. :D

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[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2012-08-07 21:33 ]

nomeus posted on 08/08/2012

a little off subject but.. im reading that some dont like mai tai with pineapple juice in it. i dont know much about mixology but i would think a mai tai would have pineapple juice?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/08/2012

A Traditional Mai Tai has only lime juice, The Island version uses Pineapple & Orange juice

Most places that serve a Mai Tai (Outside of a real Tiki Bar or Rum Bar) usually serve a fruit juice version

nomeus posted on 08/08/2012

does that mean trader vics was lime juice? i read that there is some kind of battle between vics drink and beachcombers drink

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forgotten tikiman posted on 08/08/2012

Yes. The original Trader Vic Mai Tai only had lime juice as ATP mentioned. There has always been an argument about who invented the Mai Tai. Most have concluded, including myself, That Victor Bergeron(Trader Vic) invented the Mai Tai and that Donn Beach(Don the beachcomber) invented the Zombie. Two iconic exotic cocktails.

nomeus posted on 08/08/2012

i had 1 zombie at disneys polynesian village tiki bar, tambu, and let me tell you something....i dont remember getting over to the magic kingdom and in the park

Alii Tiki posted on 08/08/2012

On 2012-08-07 21:00, bigbrotiki wrote:

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I see you were doing some antique hunting, just 2 weeks ago in that very spot I actually found the SvenTiki mug - Good find on the Kona Gold Rum Co. that's my friends business and they make all the cakes from scratch - a true Mom & Pop operation that has started to take off, they now do the Costco circuit through the islands, every other week a different Costco store somewhere in Hawaii.
CHeck them out and order some Made in Hawaii goodness of your own.


[ Edited by: Alii Tiki 2012-08-14 19:36 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 08/08/2012

Glad to hear that a Sven-Tiki mug sailed all the way to Hawaii. That reminds me of the fact that the very first piece of Witco I ever bought I purchased in a thrift store in Hilo. :)

Alii Tiki posted on 08/13/2012

On 2012-08-07 21:00, bigbrotiki wrote:
... I am fascinated by that place, and the believers' valor in the face of inevitable loss.

Sounds familiar - a bit like the members of the tribe here in the battle versus the bastardization of Tiki.
Mahalo to you Sven for your efforts and achievements in documenting this much loved subject, you've assured that the knowledge will be passed on, long after the temples have been torn down.

nomeus posted on 08/14/2012

what is sven tiki?

Alii Tiki posted on 08/14/2012

On 2012-08-13 20:31, nomeus wrote:
what is sven tiki?

exactly .... :roll:

nomeus posted on 08/14/2012

lol no really, i dont know what it is

Hakalugi posted on 08/14/2012

To learn what a Sven Tiki Mug is Click Here.

Additionally, Sven Tiki = Sven Kirsten = BigBroTiki

nomeus posted on 08/14/2012

i had a feeling id get a reply like that lol...i thought about googling but prefer the dialog, thanks! :)

Alii Tiki posted on 08/15/2012

On 2012-08-14 11:58, nomeus wrote:
i had a feeling id get a reply like that lol...i thought about googling but prefer the dialog, thanks! :)

That sets it up for the following question then.
What is Tiki Sven?
Let the dialogue begin - again.

nomeus posted on 08/15/2012

what it tiki sven?

nomeus posted on 08/15/2012

these are the only mugs i own right now

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bigbrotiki posted on 08/15/2012

Part of the fun of Tiki culture lies in being an urban archeologist, researching and uncovering clues to the mystery of Tiki - and not having it served to you on a silver platter. Granted, this might seem a little daunting when confronted with the avalanche of information (good and bad) out there on the interweb now. If one is seriously interested, and not just looking for idle banter, I do recommend my two books (though they are not as cheap anymore as they were when published)

Here is one more tidbit of Tiki info: I adopted the name "Sven-Tiki" as a play on Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki (because we are both Northern European explorers fascinated by exotic cultures) and used it since my opening article in the first issue of Tiki News in 1995:

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When my Book of Tiki was published, it seemed like a good idea to hook up with the newly formed Tiki Farm to design a mug for it:

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The mug came with a cocktail recipe:

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So there you have it: Sven Tiki is a moniker, a mug, and a cocktail - though the term has fallen out of use in recent years.

nomeus posted on 08/15/2012

well thats pretty cool. there is way more to this tiki stuff than i could have imagined. im digging it!

urban archeology? euro explorer? perhaps you would be interested in what i do... http://www.nomeusphotography.com

*for those that prefer video, http://www.youtube.com/user/flurbexx is my channel

[ Edited by: nomeus 2012-08-15 12:15 ]

[ Edited by: nomeus 2012-08-15 12:15 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 08/15/2012

You got it. GREAT photography! I have seen your site before. As a Tiki archeologist, I have photographed the defunct Chin Tiki in Detroit...

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...and the Tikis amusement park here in LA:

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But full Tiki ruins are rare, the concept of urban archeology applies mostly to finding remnants of the style in altered and renovated structures like apartment buildings:

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But I sure dig abandoned buildings. When not doing Tiki work for fun, I make my living in Germany and Europe shooting TV movies, and sometimes I get to shoot in locations like abandoned hospitals and factories, like this place:

...or this:

...and I photograph the hell out of them :)

nomeus posted on 08/15/2012

fellow explorer and lucky enough to be in germany. great locations in europe. virtual handshake

bigbrotiki posted on 08/15/2012

On 2012-08-15 14:34, nomeus wrote:
fellow explorer and lucky enough to be in germany. great locations in europe. virtual handshake

High five back! I do get to film in some cool places in Europe (you must go to Prague!), but what I do not get to experience enough are the vast plains and deserted urban centers of Middle America. :)

How did we get to this from asking about Hawaii? :D

nomeus posted on 08/15/2012

im good at derailing threads, even my own

nomeus posted on 09/12/2012

heres another off topic subject...thought you guys might enjoy...


Original WWII and dated 1945 inside photo souvenir folder that was given away to visitors while dining at the restaurant, photo taken of the guest and then added into this 6 x 8 inch double folder

ft cover has nice graphics showing a ship wreck man on a small island with 2 blonde naked gals

the beachcomber home of the zombie miami beach florida

inside has 5x7 photo showing of a us naval man in uniform

Pages: 1 2 47 replies