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Win 2 Tix to the 5th annual surf guitar 101 convention, surf/tiki contest

Pages: 1 7 replies

bigtikidude posted on 08/08/2012

More info about the event here:

now on to the contest.
In conjunction with the upcoming Surf Guitar 101, and Tiki Oasis the following weekend.
And an upcoming article that Jonpaul Balak did in the New Tiki Magazine:
"Surf/Exotica - A Brief Survey"

For the First Person that can tell me how all 8 of the bands are related to Tiki, and or Exotica, 2 tix to the SG101 convention.

some of them are obvious, some you will have to do some homework,
and some are association to the scene, but not a direct connection.

good luck,

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2012-08-07 23:30 ]

HB TIKI posted on 08/08/2012

they have all played at tiki oasis.

[ Edited by: HB TIKI 2012-08-08 07:41 ]

bigtikidude posted on 08/08/2012


JOHN-O posted on 08/08/2012
  1. Jon and the Nightriders - song "Molokai Cocktail" (based on the Molokai Mule?), also played at Ungawa Tiki bar in Italy

  2. Madeira - a Surf band with an exotic Middle Eastern sound

  3. El Ray - song "Hypnotic" (the Martin Denny composition?)

  4. Los Venturas - song "Revenge of Tiki"

  5. Intoxicators - played 2011 Hukilau (I was there but missed their performance. BTD gave me a big Tiki lecture !! I did catch the gorilla headed band).

  6. Exotics - played 2011 Hukilau, did a 2010 CA Tiki Tour (Forbidden Island, Trader's Vic's DTLA, Sunset Beach DTBC), drummer owns the Foundation Tiki bar

  7. Dynotones - song "Blood and Sand" (A Tiki-Ti cocktail - Toro, Toro !!), have played Sunset Beach DTBC

  8. 9th Wave - song "Blue Tiki Wave", have played Otto's Shrunken Head, I think the guitar player is Hawaiian

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2012-08-08 17:50 ]

bigtikidude posted on 08/09/2012

John O,

wow good work, You win!!
some are right on, some are close, some are correct answers that I didn't think of.
and there are the tiki events that bands played, that you didn't list,
9th wave plays Ohana at the Lake,
Exotics played at Exotica in Chicago area in 2005.
Madeira played the Surf Fest-Tiki Ohio a couple years ago.

I could post more details, but it seems that by the lack of replys,
mabe there isn't any interest in this on here.


aquarj posted on 08/09/2012

This one's a stretch, but sometimes you have to live life on the edge...

Here's the Dynotones playing with Jim Frias at the Double Down in Vegas in 2000. And the Double Down is owned by the same guy as the fabulous Frankie's tiki bar.


bigtikidude posted on 08/10/2012

So true Randy,
if you can make it down,
I will let you in for that pic alone.


aquarj posted on 08/10/2012

Wish I could take you up on that Jeff, but I can't. Thanks for the offer, and for the yeoman's work on that show every year.

Makes me want to come up with more connections just for fun. Hmm... Jon & the Nightriders cover Wild Weekend, and Oasis and Hukilau are both wild weekends? Maybe not.


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