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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Best Username

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FLOUNDERart posted on 12/11/2003

This might be a stupid thread, but I often find myself laughing at the cleverness of Tiki Central members usernames.

Anyhow, my vote goes to:
Sabu the Coconut Boy

Every time I see this I start to laugh.

Unga Bunga posted on 12/11/2003

And a handsome boy he is.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-12-10 17:17 ]

Humuhumu posted on 12/11/2003

His turban is even bigger in person.

Wersmo Derinc is one of my favorite usernames.

Tiki Diablo posted on 12/11/2003

That's a pic of my buddy Sabu before all the plastic surgery(think MJ). I first remember meeting Sabu at the Big Bash. I look at him with this grin on his hace, an oversized straw hat on his head and he's slipping the tongue to some alligator. I said to myself" that's one creepy mutha Fu**er! I too vote for Sabu!

Futura Girl posted on 12/11/2003

i thrice the vote - Sabu!

pablus posted on 12/11/2003

I like many of them... Humuhumu, Kiliki, Basement Kahuna, Unga Bunga, Traitor Vic, Selector Lopaka and many others...

...but the name "Tiki Bong" gets my attention like no other. Hmmm. I wonder why?

I used to really like the name Martiki6 until it was changed to Martiki. Now I hate it.

(just kiddin')

I apologize for not providing you with an entertaining name but I try to make up for it with annoying - pointless posts.

emspace posted on 12/11/2003

For me, it's fartsatune every time.


martiki posted on 12/11/2003

For me, it's Slacks Ferret. That just kills me.

FLOUNDERart posted on 12/11/2003

I like fartsatune also. I forgot about Slacks Ferret, I don't even know what it means, but I like it and it does make me laugh.

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/11/2003

On 2003-12-11 06:47, FLOUNDERart wrote:
I like fartsatune also. I forgot about Slacks Ferret, I don't even know what it means, but I like it and it does make me laugh.

i think that the dali-esque juxtaposition of "flounder,""art," and
is a winner :tiki:

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2003-12-11 07:07 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 12/11/2003

I guess I will add my 2 cents....Suburban Hipster is my fave user name.

purple jade posted on 12/11/2003

Yeah, I forgot, I did actually laugh out loud when I saw Slacks Ferret's first post.

Fartsatune got me too, especially when I found out it's a girl!

Sabu is a great name to yell across a room... SABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

You probably don't realize exactly how great a name Basement Kahuna is until you really see his basement.

In addition, I always like Atomic Cocktail and weirduncletiki. And nice fishy gives me a giggle in it's simplicity.

But I think that Exit into the Unknown (insert Twilight Zone music), Hanford Lemoore, may be the coolest.

martiki posted on 12/12/2003

The exit is not unknown. The exit is 198.


paranoid123 posted on 12/12/2003

My favorite name is Captain Ambiance.

DawnTiki posted on 12/12/2003

Too many good ones to pick just one. Sabu the Coconut Boy and Polynesian Pop are my two very favorites, but I like Atomic Cocktail, Boob and Tiki A. Moaikingbird too.

Mano Tiki Tia posted on 12/12/2003

I'd have to say SirParrothead

Tiki Chris posted on 12/12/2003

Mano Tiki Tia ain't bad either.

TikiGoddess posted on 12/12/2003

The name Basement Kahuna makes me laugh every time

TikiGoddess posted on 12/12/2003

The name Basement Kahuna makes me laugh every time

tikifish posted on 12/13/2003

I wanted to be pupuplatter.com but it was taken. I wanted fishtick.com but it was taken. tikifish.com was about 15th on my list, but now that it is mine, I cannot imagine it any other way!

thebaxdog posted on 12/13/2003

I have been the DOG for so long it was to late to come up with anything else, BUTT
when I found out I could get TIKIFRK for my cars plates, I jumped all over it.
I was listening to some women behind my car the other day saying
"What is a TIKI FRANK"
I told them to just add some ketchup and you got it??

DawnTiki posted on 12/13/2003

Baxdog wrote

"What is a TIKI FRANK"

A Dawntiki's husband :P

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-12-13 10:42 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 12/15/2003

I'm very fond of some of the Rock-a-billy Tiki names here, like "SugarCaddyDaddy","Johnnievelour", and "Suicide Sam".

Also like the Kahuna variations such as "Basement Kahuna" and "Cowtown Kahuna".

I like any name that shortens into a nice nickname; "BK","Johnnie V","Z", etc.


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Fonduie posted on 12/15/2003

I like LimpTiki's name. Given the phallic nature of Tiki's I got a good chuckle out of that one.

And I also remember a religion thread a while back. I think it was BambooBen who then changed his name to RevBambooBen. Anyway, that was pretty cool.

[ Edited by: Fonduie on 2003-12-15 15:57 ]

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freddiefreelance posted on 12/16/2003

On 2003-12-15 15:55, Fonduie wrote:
I like LimpTiki's name. Given the phallic nature of Tiki's I got a good chuckle out of that one.

And I also remember a religion thread a while back. I think it was BambooBen who then changed his name to RevBambooBen. Anyway, that was pretty cool.

[ Edited by: Fonduie on 2003-12-15 15:57 ]

OK, there's crude sexual reference & religion, just let me mention PoliTiki to complete the trifecta...

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limptiki posted on 12/16/2003

Thanks Fonduie, next time you're in Modesto drive by the tiki motel parking lot and view the inspiration for my handle. Have you been around long enough to remember the "Lanai" in San Mateo?

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freddiefreelance posted on 12/19/2003

Oooh! I want to add the tiki carver called "IdolHands!"

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Jungle Trader posted on 12/27/2003

I like Floratina's name. It wasn't Hibiscus Hannah or Plumeria Pam or Lily Lucy or TikiFlower or TikiTina, it was Floratina and it covers the botanical world. Very original.

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tiki mick 1 posted on 04/07/2004

My favorite names are EMSPACE and Atomic Cocktail

Emspace is just plain cryptic and wierd..kind of scary..I love it!!!

Atomic cocktail sounds like something you could order at Tommorrowland terrace!

very cool!!!!

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chisel slinger posted on 04/07/2004

my vote goes for "kooche", i just love "kooche", i mean who doesnt love "kooche".

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Tiki_Bong posted on 04/07/2004

I dunno, I kinda thought chisel slinger was a neat name.

If I were to be born again (not that born again, the other one), I'd wish my parents would have named me Kevin.

There were too many Bongs at my school and it got real confusing sometimes (especially after the lunch period at Lucus Vigors house cause he had no daddy and we could do what ever we wanted there (and we usuall did)).

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tiki mick 1 posted on 04/07/2004

I remember Lucas Vigor well!

Boy, we had many a cool party at his house...Bong, do you remember when we broke into Mr. Vigor's liquor cabinet in 1st grade?

I tried to make a mai-tai with Grenadine, and you threw me in the pool! Man, that was fun!

How is old Lucas doing these days, anyway? I haven't talked to that cat in ages!

Is he still doing sound tracks for porno movies out there in Simi Valley?

I heard a rumour that he was starting a band up with some exotica singer named "Pop Ylop", or something like that!

Is that true?

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mig posted on 04/08/2004

On 2003-12-13 08:36, thebaxdog wrote:

I was listening to some women behind my car the other day saying
"What is a TIKI FRANK"
I told them to just add some ketchup and you got it??

It could be worse, you could have "What's a FAGCUTTER" like Martiki gets when people see his FGCUTTR plate...

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Exoticat posted on 04/08/2004

ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Bamzeno has a nice ring

Floratina is so beautiful sounding

TikiBong scores for most memorable

Like theJab, Johnnievelour and MonkeyGod

Snarkoutgirl - love it! Don't know why

Smogbreather - a classic

Fonduie - sounds yummy

Swanky - makes you want to meet him

mrsmiley - i like happy things :)

OneBigSwinger - has one big post, but i like the name

Also like inkylouise, sugarcaddydaddy, vintagegirl, Turbogod, Cherry Capri, kick the reverb, Doctor Z, Surburban Hipster, Sabu, humuhumu and tikivixen... this is just from skimming the first 8 pages of the member list. I'll stop now. Too many good ones. Sorry if you got gypped and your name appears on pages 9 - 37!

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martiki posted on 04/08/2004

On 2004-04-07 17:38, mig wrote:

On 2003-12-13 08:36, thebaxdog wrote:

I was listening to some women behind my car the other day saying
"What is a TIKI FRANK"
I told them to just add some ketchup and you got it??

It could be worse, you could have "What's a FAGCUTTER" like Martiki gets when people see his FGCUTTR plate...

Amusingly enough, whenever I hear someone yell "Hey Fagcutter!" at me when I'm driving, it always turns out to be mig.

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tikijackalope posted on 04/08/2004

I think my fave would have to be Slacks Ferret. Its not particularly tiki, but for some reason it makes me wanna make up an Adult Swim kind of charactor called "Slacks Ferret, one-eyed detective."

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rodeotiki posted on 04/08/2004

I also like Slacks Ferret.

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CruzinTiki posted on 04/08/2004

I grew up in L.A. so I'm going to have to go with Smogbreather ... it's a classic.

In my next life I want to be something sexy like tikivixen.

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Atomic Cocktail posted on 04/08/2004

My favorite is "absolute-shemale" even though He/She has never posted.

I like "Hanford_Lemoore". I though "Hanford" was Hanford's real name until I saw the sign for the Lemoore/Hanford exit way up the 5 near the East Bum-Hole, Egypt Slaughterhouse.

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/08/2004

I like Tiki Mo Fo, think its a fun name.

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Polynesiac posted on 04/08/2004

I like "shipwreckjoey". It's got that Robinson Carusoe (sp?) salt factor to it.

I also think the uga-chacka chant names are pretty cool like: "Unga-Bunga" and "Humuhumu"

Unga-wa-lo! :)

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Johnny Dollar posted on 05/19/2004

for some reason, the name "Tonnikan Jinn" has been bouncing around in my head. then last night it rang out in my head: "tonic and gin." classic! pretty dam clever my friend...

this segues into the douglas adams assertation that on every planet, there is a drink called "jinnantonic" regardless of what is actually the recipe for the drink.

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suburbanpagan posted on 05/19/2004

well, I get all sorts of whack stuff for my name!
Are you into Wicca? -NO
Are you a druid? -NO
I am a Suburbanpagan! Oh, never mind!

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Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/19/2004

Thanks J.D.!

My name was inspired by 3 things, two of which you nailed....

  1. Tanqueray an tonic. Accept no substitute.
  2. Hitchhikers Guide to the Gallaxy. Which reminds me, it's been 10 years so I should really read that again.
  3. Star Wars. Big fan / borderline freak. I created this name over on a replica movie prop board where lots of the people have "Star Wars" like names. This one just killed several birds with one stone.


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tikijackalope posted on 05/20/2004

Tonnikan Jinn wrote:

  1. Star Wars. Big fan / borderline freak. I created this name over on a replica movie prop board where lots of the people have "Star Wars" like names. This one just killed several birds with one stone.

Hey, was that ezboard.com's ASAP (A Site About Props)? I joined that one as cosmicjackalope to post a question about Burke Chairs as used on Star Trek. I checked back til I picked up an invasive program that tried to re-assign my wallpaper.

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dogbytes posted on 06/10/2004

the two names that make me laugh are
Sporkboyofjustice and Suburbanpagan

Sporkboy conjures up a vision of a superhero ~ his job is to provide cutlery (spork of course) to the etiquette challenged masses.

SuburbanPagan cracks me up, because all the pagans i know.. wouldnt drive a Suburban, nor live in the suburbs...

so many fun usernames ~

[ Edited by: dogbytes on 2004-06-10 00:27 ]

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Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 06/10/2004

I thought it was Spork as in the luncheon meat. Either way, great name.

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Johnny Dollar posted on 06/10/2004

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