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MNZombie posted on 08/06/2012

A couple of recent thrift store finds. The Frankoma coconuts are pretty straightforward but pirate mug really has me perplexed. It's identical to the Trader Vic's pirate mug on Ooga-mooga (including the seemingly unnecessarily complex construction) but this one is marked as being from 'the Mauna Loa.' I'm assuming it's from the one in Detroit but I'm not really sure and I've never seen a mug like this marked from there. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?

Or Got Rum? posted on 08/06/2012

MNZombie, Nice finds. Did you happen to spot the pricey Matchbook sold on eBay a while back from a Mauna Loa in Hollywood, Ca? Ironically, the seller is from St Paul. OGR

MNZombie posted on 08/06/2012

I missed the matchbook. I'm always surprised how much stuff travels to MN.

hang10tiki posted on 08/07/2012

hang10tiki posted on 08/09/2012



SandraDee posted on 08/09/2012

Hang10 I like that slot machine part

Did you know there is also a Show Me Your Record Collection thread in Tiki collecting? You may want to post your records over there and your finds over here that are the non-record ones.

Just a suggestion :)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/11/2012

not bad for a lousy $50 for the whole set.......

blacklagoon posted on 08/11/2012

Found a rare Aloha Hut mug at our local flea today for $5.

[ Edited by: blacklagoon 2012-08-11 11:26 ]

SandraDee posted on 08/11/2012

I found 20 more of those Mandarin Geisha girl mugs (didn't buy them) and just picked up 6 of these green buckets mugs from the Mandarin (left 10 behind..it appears some backstock was being cleared out from somewhere)

Picked these 2 up as well from

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/11/2012

Hey Tipsy It took almost three afternoons to build a small bar like your latest find. And I don't have stools! nice, congrats.
Sandra Dee You know you are outta room at your place. I'll hold em for you in my new patio. very nice!
Yea Oasis!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/12/2012

This week's stuff:

16" Maori tiki

Resin two piece Maori feather box

Little Maori boxed holder thingy

It has slots for something?

Anyone know what goes in it?

Coco Joe's #232 Makahiki Kalua Pig Bowl

Strike another from Da List. Been trying to get that one for a while now...

Cool Menehune Mele ukulele guy, no maker's mark

Unmarked Schirman? hula girl, so I'll call it a polyart:

Cocojoes and another unmarked resin piece:

The Aliis mug:

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2012-08-12 15:30 ]

Ragbag Comics posted on 08/13/2012

Snagged this lamp over the weekend at the flea market:

It's a biggin'- the lamp base is 21" tall (not including the light kit), and with
the shade stands 40". It's hefty, too & made of thick ceramic. It's definitely
old, probably late 50's to early 60's.

Anybody know anything about it? Age? Manufacturer?

We were psyched to nab it!


ukutiki posted on 08/13/2012

I recently found this carved palm frond in a thrift store. Would anyone know who might have carved it? Mahalo.

TIKI DAVID posted on 08/13/2012

one of these;
a wall hanging bar,

Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/13/2012

Been some time since I checked in. Life has kind of taken me away from Tiki, but once in awhile I go out and find things.

Found a few things lately, some souvenir photo covers from the 40's from the Tonga Room, Papagayo Room (located in the Tonga Room)and Forbidden City Club in San Fransisco, along with a nice signed program souvenir from Forbidden City as well. Some slim Tonga Room mugs with the stamp on the bottom instead of the side and a parrot mug from Hawaiian Cottage. Other stuff as well and when I have more time I will post some pictures.

Posted pictures of this painting I recently purchased in the What is this thread. Nice deco style watercolor painting with a Hawaiian theme. Cannot make out the artist signature, so I am reaching out to see if anyone is familiar with the artwork or artist? Kind of looks like Tyree, but then again, not?

Nice finds everyone and thanks for your help.


tikilease posted on 08/14/2012

PTD-Pretty sure that picture is a Kupur...I had an airbrushed type of picture once and the sig was the same ...also have 2 head statues signed kupur also...Seemed to be in the league of Harris, Carlo ...I don't know if it was the same artist every time as the sig is a little different sometimes but was usually airbrushed art...I think if you google that name for images some will pop up...Hope that helps- Lease

Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/14/2012


Thank you, right on the money. Not much information out there, but from what I saw the signature is the same. I really didn't see much Polynesian styles of his art, mostly flowers and a few people. I wonder if he did any more in the same theme.

Mahalo again,


Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/15/2012

A few finds. The Frankoma 7m is really Aztec in design, but comes off polynesian to me. (I like it.) The Harvey's Sneaky Tiki is a fun find, just because it's my first one and everyone else seems to have one. I don't know the origin of the third mug- no markings. He has a handle, a nice brown glaze inside and is deeply carved.

SandraDee posted on 08/15/2012

Bongo that mug on the right...there are 3-5 mugs in that design series.

I KNOW I know the name of the maker but heck if I can remember! Someone will be able to chime in though I am sure.

They are kind of hard to find so I am glad you came across it :)

ErichTroudt posted on 08/15/2012

Found this old bamboo piece for my hut.... Great shape...part of a real old gold foil sticker on bottom with what looks like Manila on it it...

ukutiki posted on 08/15/2012

Found this today in a thrift store. Can't seem to find it on OM or TC. it's about 6 inches on the long side. It doesn't seem to be Treasure Craft but the molded in mark is hard to read . The best I can determine is _RA___LE, 20, MADE IN HAWAII. Is anyone familiar with the piece or the manufacturer? Mahalo.

hang10tiki posted on 08/16/2012

Day before OASIS...

HOUSE OF KU posted on 08/16/2012

On 2012-08-15 16:59, ukutiki wrote:
Found this today in a thrift store. Can't seem to find it on OM or TC. it's about 6 inches on the long side. It doesn't seem to be Treasure Craft but the molded in mark is hard to read . The best I can determine is _RA___LE, 20, MADE IN HAWAII. Is anyone familiar with the piece or the manufacturer? Mahalo.

Should be Hana Isle/Tiki Isle, from 60's -70's, They also made those
Tiki Corks of Hawaii bottle stoppers/pourers :) Aloha, Freddie

ukutiki posted on 08/16/2012

Hana Isle it is and it is on OM.


Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/16/2012

On 2012-08-16 05:15, HOUSE OF KU wrote:

On 2012-08-15 16:59, ukutiki wrote:
Found this today in a thrift store. Can't seem to find it on OM or TC. it's about 6 inches on the long side. It doesn't seem to be Treasure Craft but the molded in mark is hard to read . The best I can determine is _RA___LE, 20, MADE IN HAWAII. Is anyone familiar with the piece or the manufacturer? Mahalo.

Should be Hana Isle/Tiki Isle, from 60's -70's, They also made those
Tiki Corks of Hawaii bottle stoppers/pourers :) Aloha, Freddie

T.c's own leleliz sold one out of her shop on etsy not long ago... she might have info as well...

Big Kahuna posted on 08/18/2012

My latest conquests.
Another WWII era photo album/scrap-book from a young serviceman.

And this guy. 4 feet of chiselled sexiness!

Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/18/2012

Wow Big K, nice finds!

Tabu posted on 08/19/2012

That scrapbook is an incredible find.

Big Kahuna posted on 08/19/2012

Thanks, Tabu.
This is the second one I have found.

atomictonytiki posted on 08/20/2012

That scrapbook is a great find but how could someone sell a piece of someone history like that?

Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/20/2012

On 2012-08-20 02:43, atomictonytiki wrote:
That scrapbook is a great find but how could someone sell a piece of someone history like that?

Well people die and sometimes there's no family to hang on to stuff like that. That's where WE step in.

Two little finds today. A NewZealand tourist carving and a smallish double walled skull stamped "JAPAN" on the bottom.

SandraDee posted on 08/20/2012

Killing it BK! Room is looking good too!

And Bongo always loved that skull mug...now go find that same version from The Islander :)

LOL Tiki posted on 08/20/2012

On 2012-08-20 02:43, atomictonytiki wrote:
That scrapbook is a great find but how could someone sell a piece of someone history like that?

It likely came from an estate sale; probably no surviving family members to pass it along to. It appears to be mostly intact which, in my view, is the real win. From what I see on eBay the typical fate of these WWII scrapbooks is to be broken up and sold piecemeal. If ever there was a case for the true value of something being worth more than the sum of its parts, these personal artifacts would be it.

LOL Tiki posted on 08/20/2012

On 2012-08-20 13:02, SandraDee wrote:
Killing it BK! Room is looking good too!

And Bongo always loved that skull mug...now go find that same version from The Islander :)

Find two please. :)

Alii Tiki posted on 08/23/2012

A few recent finds from the shelves of America and purchased through eBay.

I just love it when people don't do their research and list things under odd descriptions, like this Maori panel that was listed as an Asian Dragon Carving.

[ Edited by: Alii Tiki 2012-08-23 22:48 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/24/2012

"I just love it when people don't do their research and list things under odd descriptions, like this Maori panel that was listed as an Asian Dragon Carving."

Alii I suspect this is sometimes deliberate. A seller can be messin' with us, trying to get us into the mental state of "I know what this is and this idiot selling it doesn't!" I see this with mugs marked as vases and often ukuleles marked as a "Little Guitar".

Alii Tiki posted on 08/25/2012

I hear ya Bongo !!!
Most of the time I feel like the idiot after looking through pages of oddly named items.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/25/2012

scored this witco tiki shield and spear wall hanging recently...... looks great all cleaned up !!

ukutiki posted on 08/26/2012

Just picked up a Benihana Safflower mug. It is marked on the bottom Peru with an accent mark on the u. Would anyone know if Peru refers to the restaurant location or the manufacturer of the mug? Mahalo.

Tiare posted on 08/26/2012

I picked this wood plaque up a while back. Anyone know if it was part of a set or stand alone. I couldn't find anything about it online. The back says Buzza Cardozo which I guess was a greeting cards company in L.A.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/27/2012

New stuff:

Prices of vintage stuff seemed outrageously high at Oasis, so I only came away with some matchbooks...

And a Maori tiki I traded for with Bongofury:

Which reminded me of the PNG forkspoon set I got from him last year, and never posted:

An abridged due to the circus swapmeet this weekend yielded me this pair of Bali Hai s+p shakers

I just sold a set of these last weekend...

and two PNG masks:

Buzzy Out!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 08/27/2012

On 2012-08-25 01:06, Alii Tiki wrote:
I hear ya Bongo !!!
Most of the time I feel like the idiot after looking through pages of oddly named items.

I tried to help educate this lady about the origin of the piece on ebay, she said she found it at a yard sale in Maine and she like dragons. She had it mounted sideways too :) Freddie

hang10tiki posted on 08/27/2012

MaukaHale posted on 08/27/2012

What's the name of the book you found?

[ Edited by: MaukaHale 2012-08-27 15:37 ]

hang10tiki posted on 08/28/2012

National geographic society
Copyright 1970

Looks like it was never opened...


Alii Tiki posted on 08/28/2012

On 2012-08-27 04:35, HOUSE OF KU wrote:

On 2012-08-25 01:06, Alii Tiki wrote:
I hear ya Bongo !!!
Most of the time I feel like the idiot after looking through pages of oddly named items.

I tried to help educate this lady about the origin of the piece on ebay, she said she found it at a yard sale in Maine and she like dragons. She had it mounted sideways too :) Freddie

Dat's da wun !!! She then listed it as Maori Dragon - with the original Asian Dragon listing still running. It was a great deal - this things over 2' and about 2" thick x 8" wide. Really a beautiful piece of art. I'm thinking about mounting it in a framed out black velvet background.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 08/31/2012

It was a good month, so I'll just post two loaded pics.

Vacation finds:

Birthday booty:

naugatiki posted on 09/02/2012

Here are a few recent finds that are a little more exotic than the usual Party City junk. First, a Don the Beachcomber menu from the International Market Place that’s a little stained but a nice depiction of the joint. Then the wine list of Canlis’ broiler with the familiar graphics and no Polynesian wines, a coaster from Trader Vics. Finally, a pair of 3 foot tikis that look like there were once wall panels from someplace. Any insight would be welcome.

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