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Rolling Stone Top 500 Albums

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DaneTiki posted on 11/23/2003

So Rolling Stone has released their Top 500 Albums list. The rock critic at the Strib here in Mpls didn't like it very much.

I counted about 20 albums on the list that I own or used to own. But I don't buy a lot of mainstream pop stuff. Whaddya think, is it too much of a fuddy-duddy list? Should there be more lounge/exotica? Aren't these big lists just an excuse for lazy journalists to drink more and not write original articles?

emspace posted on 11/23/2003

Big "amen", esp. the last part of your post Dane! Looks like a lot of the SOS to me...


fartsatune posted on 11/24/2003

No Phil Collins on the list so its not a total write-off!

donhonyc posted on 11/24/2003

Rolling Stone has had Britney Spears on their cover how many times in the last year or two??

Need I say more?

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/24/2003

I'm sorry, "Who's Next" SOOOOOOOOOOOOO beats "The Velvet Underground And Nico" although I like them both.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/24/2003

But cool to see Black Flag and Husker Du in there. Nick Drake, too.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/24/2003

One of my favorite albums - Born Under a Bad Sign by Albert King came in at No. 499, while one of the most overblown, overproduced & overrated albums in the history of recorded music came in at No. 1. Sorry if I've insulted any Beatles fans out there...that's just my two coconuts worth.

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2003-11-23 23:22 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/24/2003

It's hard to take any top 500 list seriously that does not include Guided By Voices' "Alien Lanes". That album is incredible...one of the best rock albums of all time, period.

Doctor Z posted on 11/24/2003

Rolling Stone puts out one of these "Best 100 Albums Ever" or "Best 500 Albums of All Time" or "Best 1,000,000,000 Albums Throughout Eternity" or whatever every couple of years or so. For the most part, the top 10 or 20 don't ever change, and I don't really pay all that much attention to them. I check where my faves are and move on to the other articles. Nuthin' to get all worked up about... 'cept maybe Britney Spears being a judge - what's up with that?

--Doctor Z (Lifetime Subscriber since 1984)

hanford_lemoore posted on 11/24/2003

Very cool that they included compliations in their list, like "best of" and "greatest hits" albums, though. That makes it less snobby than it otherwise would be.

They made a mistake in the write-up of Sgt. Pepper's though:

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is the most important rock & roll album ever made,

Sgt. Pepper's is rock and roll???

I'm a huge Beatles fan and I dig this album, but it aint Rock n Roll.


Feelin Zombified posted on 11/24/2003

hhmmmm... I have 30 of the top 50 (stopped counting after that)

Not sure if I feel proud or... Dirty.


Feelin Zombified posted on 11/24/2003

interesting: Just last year, Jeff Buckley's "Grace" was within the top 10 or 15 of Rolling Stones' top guitar albums of all time, yet it only made #303 on this list. I think that RS just keeps the same top five for every list and just pulls the rest out of their ass at random. Perhaps whomever brought the donuts in the RS office that day gets more say...


Klas posted on 11/24/2003

I'm glad I only had 6 of the top 100 albums :)

Klas posted on 11/24/2003

What would you guys pick as your 3 favorites from the Rolling Stones top 100 list?

Here's my choices:

  1. Phil Spector - Back to Mono
  2. Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
  3. Elvis Presley - S/T
Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/25/2003
  1. MC5 - Kick Out The Jams
  2. Love - Forever Changes
  3. Dr. John - Gris Gris
Klas posted on 11/25/2003

I don't think MC5 was on the top 100 list... :wink:

seamus posted on 11/26/2003
  1. London Calling
  2. Electric Ladyland
  3. The White Album

I woulda put The Clash's first one in there too, but wanted to spread it out a bit.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/26/2003
  1. ElectricLadyLand - Jimi Hendrix Experience
  2. Santana - Santana
  3. L.A. Woman - The Doors

No Steppenwolf or Ten Years After?
What about CCR's Bayjou Country?
And CSN&Y's 4 Way Street.
Also, "live" Grand Funk Railroad and Rare Earth are needed.

What about the the first soundtrack to Woodstock and the soundtrack to Easy Rider?

Am I showing my age? Has my brain been damaged by chemicals? Do I ride a motorcycle? Do I have slight hearing loss in my left ear courtesy of third row tickets to Led Zepplin?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.

Actually, I thought it was cool they put some Sinatra on the list.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/27/2003

damn Klas...your so strict. O.K. I missed the "top 100" part of your post. I think I might be suffering from adult A.D.D. If it's the top "100" were talking about I'll change my choice to:

1.Highway 61 Revisited - Dylan
2.Forever Changes - Love
3.Horses - Patti Smith

tikifish posted on 11/27/2003

I used to be interested in popular music, but then working at a nightclub changed all that. having to listen to top 40 at 200 decibels every night all throughout the 90's sent me into a self imposed purgatory of silence, or the occasional classical sundays. Perhaps that's why I like Exotica so much? It doesn't remind me of my bartending days...

emspace posted on 11/27/2003
  1. Herbie Hancock "Headhunters"
  2. Getz/Gilberto
  3. Tabla Beat Science "Tala Matrix".

Ask me again in a week and I'll say something completely different.

:), em.

Mrs. B posted on 11/27/2003

So many cool albums, so much time!
And, hey, man, can they spell "Never Mind The BULLOCKS" correctly...but then again, it's the Pistols, who has time for spelling...they just rocked. Oohhhh youth!!!

Luckydesigns posted on 11/27/2003

Gawd damn I love the Stones!

Klas posted on 11/27/2003

On 2003-11-26 19:53, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
damn Klas...your so strict. O.K. I missed the "top 100" part of your post.

The top 100 part was the challenge :D Also thought that people didn't want to go through the entire top 500 list.

emspace posted on 11/27/2003

On 2003-11-27 00:36, Mrs. B wrote:
So many cool albums, so much time!
And, hey, man, can they spell "Never Mind The BULLOCKS" correctly...but then again, it's the Pistols, who has time for spelling...they just rocked. Oohhhh youth!!!

bullocks: bulls.
bollocks: Brit slang for testicles.


Mrs. B posted on 11/28/2003

He made me write it!

Mrs. B posted on 11/28/2003

Lucky, you lie. You are too young to know, but that's another "rock lecture" for another time....if you dare! :lol:
Oasis 2004....you can rock in our room again.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/28/2003

emspace- a freind married a Brit by the name of Ray Gange (the Clash roadie featured in the movie Rude Boy). The first time they went to the mall (the Galleria in San Fernando valley) he saw a huge sign above a department store here called BULLOCKS and laughed his arse off.

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2003-11-28 11:19 ]

emspace posted on 11/28/2003

Hmm, I know a lot of Brits through Usenet, and it's always either been 'bollocks' or the more trendy 'bollox'. Synonym for bulls--t. I guess 'bullocks' is as good as any since 'bollocks' isn't a real word.

'Rude Boy' rocked! That was when I realized that the C-word is really the most common epithet, both friendly and unfriendly, in the British Isles...

:), em.

johntiki posted on 11/29/2003
  1. Bob Marley & the Wailers - Catch a Fire
  2. Johnny Cash - At Folsom Prison
  3. The Police - Reggatta de Blanc
Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/13/2003

After sitting around listening to a lot of my old '70's records this morning I began to wonder did RS completely breeze through the period between 1971-75. They totally missed Eno, King Crimson, Mick Ronson, Matching Mole, the Sensational Alex Harvey Band & Gong. Most of these bands were probably bigger in the UK than the US but hey the early '70's was a very "starved" period in popular music, you had to get it where you could find it. At least RS gave recognition to Bowie, Roxy Music and Iggy, without whose efforts this era would have sucked even worse. BTW my Chinese name at work is Whining Tiger...hey, maybe that should be my new screen name...hmmm.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/162cbeb271b58fd706c06d620b704cef?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
thejab posted on 12/14/2003

On 2003-12-13 13:51, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
After sitting around listening to a lot of my old '70's records this morning I began to wonder did RS completely breeze through the period between 1971-75. They totally missed Eno, King Crimson, Mick Ronson, Matching Mole, the Sensational Alex Harvey Band & Gong.

I finally saw the issue at my barber shop this morning. I didn't get a chance to check out the entire list as I was distracted by reading the article on Iggy, who I saw last night with his new band the Trolls. The article was a good update on Iggy's recent move to Miami, and the author even admitted that in the 1970s the Rolling Stone dismissed the Stooges music while other critics were heaping praise on them.

Last night he played a short set (45 min? - it seemed too short to me) because it was at this lame-ass Live 105 show with 5 bands, but I got free tickets so I'm not complaining. Iggy rocked harder than most 54 year olds would. At one point he defied the bouncer's wishes and invited all up on stage to dance. Pandemonium ensued! He did plenty of Stooges numbers, as well as Lust for Life, Passenger, and a few new tunes. He kept his c@#k in his pocket but slid his super-tight hiphugger jeans down far enough to thrill the girls. Iggy's the greatest!

Back on the subject, did they mention the early 70s bands the Raspberries, Soft Machine, or Mott the Hoople in the top 500 list? They always seem to include the same tired old albums by Joni Mitchell, Elton John, the Eagles, etc. in these lists.

Tonight I'm seeing the Weirdos and the Skulls in San Francisco! It's strange to see all these old bands reappear but again, I'm not complaining!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/14/2003

jab - you lucky dawg. I haven't been to an Iggy show since 1980 at the SDSU Backdoor (remember that place). I read that article too...what a trip, Iggy cruisin' around Miami in a Rolls! The Weirdos are still around...next you're gonna tell me Pearl Harbor & the Explosions are playing at the Mabuhay Gardens!

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martiki posted on 12/15/2003

Yeah, pretty typical list for RS. Old classics + plus Nevermind = best of list.

However, I thought by this time that everyone had come to the correct (read: my) conclusion that Revolver is better than Sgt. Pepper's.

Also- how the mighty have fallen: Dark Side is only at #43?! Amazing- that always used to be top 10 or 20. Revisionist history!

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 12/19/2003

Happy b-day Mr. Richards! 60! Alive and kickin' ass!

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