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Big cement tikis for sale via internet

Pages: 1 7 replies

kingslod posted on 08/16/2002

I came across this link. Well, OK it is actually my Mother's site. You caught me. Well, she's been inspired by my Tiki collection to create some cast stone Tikis of her own. Check 'em out...she normally makes cute animals and the like for the yard, but these are obviously more appealing.


Thanks for looking. :)

Biotron2000 posted on 08/17/2002

Wow! That is great work. Now I'm afraid to try my own :wink: Awesome pond, there. Where in the Central Valley does she live?

kingslod posted on 08/17/2002

On 2002-08-16 18:11, Biotron2000 wrote:
Where in the Central Valley does she live?

In beautiful Turlock. Home of the...Uhm, I don' know what it's the home of...

She has free shipping, too!

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 08/17/2002

that winking moai is fantastic!
hell, I like em all!
VERY cool stuff!

dogbytes posted on 08/17/2002

oh MAN .. while my mom was baking chocolate chip cookies, YOUR mom is making moai..

stomps feet not fair not fair!

Tiki Roadtrip to Turlock!!

martiki posted on 08/19/2002

Y'all stay out of Turlock- It's mine! Mine! Not really, but I do got there on business all the time and I've had the occasional thrift shop score, but not in a few years.

Yes, you heard me right: I get to go to Turlock for business. Try not to act so jealous.

I should visit your mom sometime!


kingslod posted on 08/19/2002

Hey! She's married! :wink:

pambot posted on 08/22/2002

I think I might order one of the winking tikis for my patio. Kind of heavy, no? I'll post a review when I receive it.


Pages: 1 7 replies