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Advice from any locals. Will i have enough time to see everything?

Pages: 1 42 replies

swizzle posted on 05/12/2012

G'day all. I'll be making the trip over to the U.S. in August to go to Tiki Oasis. After that i'll spending a couple of days with a friend in Arizona, a night in Vegas to see Frankies Tiki Room, then from there i'll head to San Francisco for a few days and then L.A. for a few more.

Now besides a couple of typical tourist things i'd like to see/do i really want to get to as many tiki bars as i can in the time i will be spending in each state. I'm hoping that any locals, or even those who have been to the places i have in mind could tell me if i'll be able to squeeze everything in within my time frame. And also maybe what places are closest to each other to be able to see them in the same day so that i'm not criss-crossing all over the place.

Note that i'm planning on 3-4 days in each state although i'll definitely stay an extra day where required if it makes sure i get to tick off everything on my list. I know that i can spend the entire night at each bar in San Franciso as there are three bars and i'll have three nights but L.A. i'm going to have to visit two, or possibly three on the same night, with a drink or two at each. If that's the case, where should i start and where should i end the night?

Lombard street (don't :lol:)
The Golden Gate Bridge
Alamo Square
Haight and Ashbury streets

and obviously
Forbidden Island
Smugglers Cove
Tonga Room


Tiki Ti
Oceanic Arts
Tonga Hut
Trader Vics
Purple Orchid
Don the Beachcombers

Please let me know if there is something i have missed worth seeing.


SandraDee posted on 05/12/2012

Disneyland--Trader Sams at the Disneyland Hotel--open late enough that aafter you see the park (the park is not super big and can be seen pretty easily in 1 day with plenty of time to go to Sams and not feel rushed)
Don't miss Traderr Sams--its a great tiki bar and the bartenders, esp Kelly, are topp notch

You will want to hit Trader Vics in Emerville
Keep in mind TV and Tonga Room are both closed monday(I'm pretty sure TR still has that as a night closed but double check). You can do a meal or happpy hour at TVs, head to Conga Lounge/Kona for a drink and end the night at Forbidden Island

While in the vicinity of Alameda you could also go to Oakland--10 min away-and hit Kona Club and Conga Lounge. Conga Lounge is owned by Michael who owns Forbidden Island.

You could then do tonga room and end the night at Smugglers Cove

If you had another day you could head to Palo Alto Trader Vics for dinner/drinks as that is not close enough to hit on the same day as any other unless you start way over there and end in the bay area bars

Do you have the book Tiki Quest? If not you may want to get it--may help on your trip

See you at Oasis!

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Loki-Tiki posted on 05/12/2012

Wow, how exciting! It sounds like you have a great start on the To Do list. What SandraDee said above absolutely. There's also Tiki No bar in North Hollywood, 5 minutes away from Tonga Hut. Hope you're planning on Bali Hai while in SD for Oasis too.

Re Las Vegas, be sure to at least walk the strip at night too, even if you don't go into any of the casinos.

Cheers, see ya at Oasis!

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MadDogMike posted on 05/12/2012

Swizz, we did a San Fran trip a few years back. We stayed near Fisherman's Wharf so we could check out that area including Gheradelli Square. One day we rode a Cable Car uphill to Union Square and then walked back to the hotel (downhill) checking stuff out on the way. There are many things in a fairly compact area to check out, we saw Union Square, I think Haight/Asbury is there, Chinatown, the cable car museum, Lombard Street, Coit Tower, and checked out a couple of old churches - all on foot. Alcatraz is very interesting if you like history at all. We rented a tandem bike and rode across the Golden Gate bridge, through Saucelito, to the redwoods, back to Saucelito, and took the ferry back to SF ~ about 20 miles round trip. San Francisco also has some really cool trolleys made from old 30s and 40s busses, worth checking out if you are a fan of old iron.

A word of warning, pack some warm clothes! We spend a week there in June and it was the coldest winter of my life! :D Maybe July/August will be better?


EDIT - Loki is right about the Vegas Strip at night. I have not been there in several years but inside the casinos used to be the highwater mark for over the top kitchsy theme decor ~ the Egyptian theme of the Luxor, the medieval theme of the Excalibur, etc. Something Tiki people can understand and draw inspiration from.

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" Friedrich Nietzsche
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[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-05-12 08:51 ]

swizzle posted on 05/12/2012

Thanks SandraDee. Your response is exactly what i wanted to hear. I'll have to make a copy of it and keep it handy for when i'm there.
I'm aware of Trader Sams, i just didn't mention it as i know it is in Disneyland and i can see them together.
I do have Tiki Quest yet it didn't even cross my mind to look through it. I'll have to have pull it off the shelf and have a browse, although i think i have more than enough places to visit and the ones i've already mentioned i'm sure would be at the top of most peoples lists.

Loki-Tiki, Bali Hai is definitely on the list. I bought the super-duper VIP Deluxe tickets for Oasis so that i see/do everything.
I have no interest in the casinos at all really but i'm sure a walk around the strip would be entertaining.

MDM, thanks for your reply also. I haven't chosen where i'll be staying yet but the places you mentioned are all things that might interest me. I think i'll make a copy of your list too.
Also, thanks for the tip about warm clothing, however coming from winter in Melbourne (we don't get snow here but Crowded House didn't write Four Seasons In One Day about Melbourne for nothing :lol:) i think i'll be able to handle it. :D

Thanks again to those of you that took the time to respond. See you at Oasis.

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JOHN-O posted on 05/13/2012

Trader Vic's Downtown LA --> Tiki-Ti (East Hollywood adjacent) --> Tonga Hut (North Hollywood) --> Tiki No (North Hollywood) are fairly doable driving-wise for a single night of Tiki bar hopping. I'd recommend a designated driver if you can recruit one. You DO NOT want to get pulled over in the state of California even with just 2 cocktails in your system (especially a Tiki Ti cocktail). :(

If you're into high-end rum mixology, I'd suggest Cana (Downtown LA) and La Descarga (East Hollywood). FYI, these two places often enforce a dress code... No shorts, and T-shirt & jeans may be discouraged.

Also Tiki Ti is only open Wed-Sat. Best time to go is early between 4pm-7pm before you might have to wait to get in. Seek Rasta Jim out, he will advise you. :)

And oh yeah, Wed night = Rumpus Room !!

[ Edited by: John-o 2012-05-12 18:22 ]

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TikiTie posted on 05/29/2012

Where in Arizona? There are some cool tiki bars scattered around, and plenty of unique stuff that'll make for good stories when you head back home.

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TikiTie posted on 05/29/2012

Where in Arizona? There are some cool tiki bars scattered around, and plenty of unique stuff that'll make for good stories when you head back home.

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christiki295 posted on 06/04/2012

On 2012-05-28 21:11, TikiTie wrote:
Where in Arizona? There are some cool tiki bars scattered around, and plenty of unique stuff that'll make for good stories when you head back home.

Kon Tiki in Tucson, AZ

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TikiVato posted on 06/05/2012

How many in your group? Are you flying into Los Angeles? What dates will you be staying in Los Angeles?

swizzle posted on 06/05/2012

Thanks for your tips JOHN-O. The Tiki Ti is a must and at the moment i'll be going there on Wednesday if everything goes to plan. The Tonga Hut i plan to see also. Fortunately i wont be driving so being pulled over wont be an issue although i am aware getting around L.A. without a car can be difficult. I'll put Cana and La Descarga on my list and see what happens as i do like my rum. :D

TikiTie, i'll be staying with a friend in Scottsdale for a few days and as christiki295 pointed out, we will be going down to the Kon Tiki.

TikiVato, i'm going to be travelling alone but there will be a few of my friends(two couples) from Melbourne also, who will be going to Oasis, however after that we are heading our seperate ways. I'll be flying straight in to Oasis(via L.A.) then after Scottsdale, Vegas, and San Fran. i'll be back in L.A. on Monday the 27th through to Friday 31st and will leave there in the afternoon for Hawaii for a few days before heading back home.

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TikiVato posted on 06/05/2012

Are you flying into LAX from San Francisco?

swizzle posted on 06/05/2012

On 2012-06-05 10:54, TikiVato wrote:
Are you flying into LAX from San Francisco?

That is the plan. My friend is flying Air New Zealand and they are the only ones apparently that do a return trip from Honolulu airport back to Melbourne. I'm booking my flights tomorrow so we'll see.

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JOHN-O posted on 06/05/2012

On 2012-06-05 01:44, swizzle wrote:

The Tiki Ti is a must and at the moment i'll be going there on Wednesday if everything goes to plan.

...i am aware getting around L.A. without a car can be difficult...

If you want to visit Rumpus Room as well on Wed, I might be able to give you a ride from Tiki Ti (which from where I live, is on the way).

Rumpus Room is even more famous than many of our regular Tiki bars !! It's the only place right now to get a Hiphipahula-mixed cocktail on a regular basis and you get to hang out with Tiki celebrities like GROG. Kirby even came out with a Rumpus Room T-shirt, the brand is so powerful. :) (Which reminds me, I'm really overdue :()

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TikiVato posted on 06/06/2012

John-O, I am working on my schedule for the week that Swizzle is in town. I am hoping to be able to offer myself as a designated driver in my Yukon. If I am successful, I have a tentative itinerary that I will submit to Swizzle for his approval. You are welcome to join us if he decides he wants me to drive him.

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TikiVato posted on 06/06/2012

I just got permission from Mrs.Vato. Swizzle, If you like, I can offer you the following:

Monday, August 27th : Pick up at LAX/Happy hour at Trader Vics / Lodging: La Mirada area off the 5 fwy, I can book hotwire rates for under 100.00 per night for a 3 star hotel for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

Tuesday, August 28th : Pick you up at hotel and drop you off at Disneyland / 5:00pm meet you at Trader Sam's /6:30pm Don the Beachcombers

Wednesday, August 29th: 10:15am, Pick you up at hotel/ 10:30am Bloody Mary at Tiki Nui,my house/ 11:30am Oceanic Arts / 1:30pm Bahooka / 4:00pm Tiki Ti/ 7:30 Rumpus room

Thursday, August 30th : Pick you up at hotel check out/ 4:00pm Tiki No (North Hollywood)/ 6:00pm Tonga Hut (North Hollywood)/ 8:30pm Purple Orchid . I can book you a three star hotel near LAX for under 100.00 for Thursday, August 30th.

Friday, August 31st. Check out of hotel and take shuttle to LAX.

swizzle posted on 06/06/2012

On 2012-06-05 15:46, JOHN-O wrote:

If you want to visit Rumpus Room as well on Wed, I might be able to give you a ride from Tiki Ti (which from where I live, is on the way).

On 2012-06-05 17:08, TikiVato wrote:
John-O, I am working on my schedule for the week that Swizzle is in town. I am hoping to be able to offer myself as a designated driver in my Yukon. If I am successful, I have a tentative itinerary that I will submit to Swizzle for his approval. You are welcome to join us if he decides he wants me to drive him.

Are you guys serious? Or just crazy? Or seriously crazy? :lol: I don't know what to say.

JOHN-O, i'd love to go to the Rumpus Room. That's something i hadn't even considered. If that's another place i can get to see and hang out with some like-minded individuals, i'm in.

TikiVato, your itinerary and the fact that you are willing to offer to do that for me, a complete stranger, has blown me away. I'm flattered and would be mad not to take you up on your gracious offer. I'll PM you in the next couple of days. JOHN-O, i'll get in touch with you when the time gets closer also.

Thanks to both of you, i'm truly grateful.

P.S. Are either, or both of you actually going to TO?

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JOHN-O posted on 06/06/2012

Not a stranger at all, I've followed your posts over the last few years and can see you have a genuine passion for Tiki. That someone can be SO into this stuff from so far away has always impressed me. Heck we have some some Tikiphiles here in So Cal that have never visited the Tiki Ti. :)

You should take TikiVato up on his offer. Not only is he one of the nicest people I know in Tiki, but based on his retired profession you will be in no safer hands than his on the "mean streets" of Los Angeles. And you are right, trying to navigate So Cal without a car is difficult, especially trying to get to some of our Tiki places that really aren't in tourist areas. (Also you guys drive on the wrong side of the road).

And yes I will be at Oasis.

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TikiVato posted on 06/06/2012

It will be my pleasure just to see you enjoy what many of us here take for granted. My grandson's birthday prevents me from staying in San Diego this year but my brother is going and I hope to do a one day appearance. I will keep you posted.

JOHN-O, how about you meet me at the Tiki Ti and ride over with Mrs. Vato, Swizzle and me to the Rumpus Room. My brother and his wife may make it to that one. Take a look at the itinerary and if you can make it one any or all of the days, there's always room in my vehicle for you. I also plan on taking swizzle to a local bar to see a mural.

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MadDogMike posted on 06/06/2012

Now THAT is ALOHA! Makes me proud to be a associated with this group :)
Swizz, can't wait to meet you at TO

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TikiVato posted on 06/06/2012

The itinerary is open to anyone wanting to extend our Southern California hospitality to our fellow tiki central mate. Hope to see many of you at any or all of the bars we will visit. Woohoo and Soccer Tiki, I know you will see us at Don's.

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 06/06/2012

Aloha Swiz: Looking forward to meeting you. I'm Tikivatos older,wiser brother. Were you seeking advice from locals or locos? Either way we both grew up in L A so we are very familiar with Socal. Hopefully Joe will let me and my better half tag along on some of your excursions.

swizzle posted on 06/12/2012

OK guys, i've booked all my accommodation and flights so now all i have to do is relax until August. I managed to find a cheap hotel one block north of Union Square and looking at it on Google Maps it appears to be in a good position to get to all the places i want to see and that have been suggested.

If anyone has any other suggestions, or would like to meet for a drink in San Fran. or L.A., please PM me or leave a post here. I'll be in San Francisco at about 5:00pm from Thursday 23rd until around 12:00pm Monday 27th. Kahuna Kevin lives south in Mountain View and he already has an itinerary planned for which nights we'll be seeing which bars although it isn't set in stone yet. There are a couple of other places not mentioned that i'd like to go to and have to work it into the schedule with him.

JOHN-O and MDM. I'll see you guys at Oasis and hopefully for any or all excursions that TikiVato will be taking me on whilst in L.A. (Monday 27th about 3:00pm until early Friday the 31st.)
nui'umi'umi. I'll be happy to have you join me. Provided Joe lets you. :D

TikiVato. Thanks again for your hospitality and i'll talk to you soon.


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harro posted on 06/12/2012

hey swizzle i just saw your thread now. i guess you're probably all covered but just my 2c :

i hired a car after oasis to drive up to LA and it made life a lot easier getting to places like Bali Hai, Dons, OA, Tiki farm, Bahooka etc. Didn't need one in San Fran but it helps if a friendly TC'er can take you between Vics and forbidden island.

TC nights are the best (dons monday, tiki ti wed, kirby's wed, San fran Vics last thursday of month etc) - great way to meet peeps and save money too.

if you can find someone to share with (or can afford it), stay at the Hanalei/crown for Oasis as nothing beats being right amongst it for the weekend.

take an empty suitcase and plenty of bubblewrap...

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TikiVato posted on 06/12/2012

Harro comes up with great ideas. If your airline charges per suitcase, don't bring an empty suitcase, we can get a cheap one here at a goodwill. I have bubble wrap and if you need more, there is a place we can get some near by.

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Bamboo Bev posted on 06/22/2012

Sounds like a great trip Swizzle, would be cool to go over for Tiki Oasis one year.

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Trailerpark Tiki posted on 06/22/2012

Hey Swizzle, I would enjoy having a drink with you when you are in Vegas. We don't have a lot of tiki sites here but we have some good tiki people. PM me when it gets closer and we can meet at Frankies or your hotel. I can fill you in on Vegas but like most TC'ers I'm not real happy with the 'new' Vegas because it is starting to look like New York City. But if you've never been here there's some crazy shit to see. -Wade

PS-I'm not going to Oasis because I'm spending my vacation money to go to Hawaii in July.

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TikiVato posted on 08/28/2012

Swizzle will be here tomorrow. Here is Robbie's tentative itinerary

Tuesday, August 28th : Pick up Robbie at LAX/ check into hotel/ drop him off at Disneyland / 6:00pm -ish meet him at Trader Sam's. If we have time and he feels up to it, we will go to Don the Beachcombers

Wednesday, August 29th: Pick up Swizzle up at hotel 12:00pm-ish quick visit to Tiki Nui, my house/ 12:30pm Oceanic Arts / 2:00pm Bahooka/ 4:00pm meet with John -O at Tiki Ti/ 7:30 Rumpus room

Thursday, August 30th : Pick up Swizzle at hotel/ check out/check in at Lax hotel 11:30am / 3:00pm/Happy hour at Trader Vics /5:00pm Tiki No (North Hollywood)/ 7:00pm Tonga Hut (North Hollywood)/ 8:30pm Purple Orchid

Friday, August 31st. Check out of hotel and take shuttle to LAX

All TCers' are welcome to join us at any or all of our stops. If you plan on joining us at any or all of the events, PM me and I will send you my phone number so you can call or text me so we can look out for you.

SandraDee posted on 08/28/2012

Swizzle it was great hanging out while you were here!

We were able to see APE play the Make-out Room in SF, hit Trader Vic's in Emeryville, Forbidden Island, attempted to get a drink at Kona Club (man the bartender SUCKS) and he went to Smuggler's Cove with Kahuna Kevin.

I know today he is down at Danlovestikis house checking out Wendy and Dan's collection and then heading your way tomorrow TikiVato.

Good to spend time with ya, mate!

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TikiVato posted on 08/28/2012

Post some pictures Sandra-Dee.

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lunavideogames posted on 08/28/2012

I hope you had fun Swizzle! I would be interested to hear what you thought of your travels. I am surprised that we didn't run into each other, we must have just missed you on Wednesday. I hope that you are recovered by now, I know it took me a week or so.

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lunavideogames posted on 08/29/2012

Oh... Looks like you are still here. Enjoy SoCal!

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TikiVato posted on 08/29/2012

I picked up Robbie at the airport and we stopped by Ember's to see the Frank Bowers mural.
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After checking into the hotel, we stopped by Doug Dorr's house to hang out for a bit. Very nice tiki getaway.
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We then went to Trader Sam's and met up with lots of Tiki Centralites
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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/30/2012

Here are some shots of Swizzle's travels this evening;
At Bahooka's
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Tiki Ti
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Loads of fun with fellow TC'ers and wrapping it up at " In and Out".
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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/30/2012

Looks like you got around a bit and met a bunch of the good ones (TC Ohana).

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Beachbumz posted on 08/31/2012

Shoots!! This is mo'betta than that Mr.Tiki's thread.... :D :P

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What an awesome tiki adventure your on brada! Looks like you've been to all the places on my list that I haven't made it to yet and met lots of Ohana, so cool..

Cya in Waikiki in a couple days brada,

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/31/2012

Some pix of Swizzle on his final night ( this trip) in L A.
1rst stop, Trader Vic's L A Live
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5 mai tai's and a navy grog, all for the Swiz.
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left to rht, CeCe, Frank, T V's Lounge manager and a true gent, Swizzle, and Rosemary, Tikivato's better half.
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Arriving at Tiki No
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inside Tiki No
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on to the Tong Hut
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Marie and Swiz
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Not sure which one is My braddah Tikivato
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guess who these tikiphreaks are
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Left to rht, Grog,Swizzle,and Tikivato
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Swizzle and Kerri
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With my tikiqueen, CeCe
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Tikivato,Kerri,and Swiz
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Hopefully,good memories in his gourd. Nice to have met you ,mate!
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[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2012-08-31 01:27 ]

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/31/2012

Does the Swiz look a little like this guy?

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I couldn't help but notice he accidentally smiled in one of the photos :lol:

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TikiVato posted on 08/31/2012

Robbie made a Mai Tai or two at my place before we left for Trader Vic's.
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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/31/2012

That pic is right on!. You're too funny.
Not to wax philosophically,but I'd rather see an accidental smile than a forced one.
Cheers, hope to see you and J G Sat at Don's

swizzle posted on 09/01/2012

I don't know why i don't smile in photos although i think i am when it's taken. Maybe i'm smiling on the inside.

Tikivato, i cannot thank you enough. I wouldn't have seen anything without you. L.A. is just crazy, a lot bigger than what i'm used to. You are a true gentleman and i really enjoyed our time together and look forward to doing it again.

nui'umi'umi, it was great meeting you also and having you come along to all the destinations i wanted to see. And also both of yours wives.

To all the other Tikiphiles i met along the way, it was great meeting you in person also. Talking face to face is a hell of a lot better than all these zeros and ones.

That plane ride is a pain in the arse, literally, but i'm sure i'll do it again in the future. Hopefully we'll meet again and i also get to meet some more of you.

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/03/2012

Great trip Swizzle! Thanks for sharing your adventures & pics.

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TikiVato posted on 09/20/2012

WOW....Thanks Swizzle....I received the Tiki Farm Appleton Estate 2011 mug in the mail yesterday. The fantastic Black Beauty tiki next to it is the one Swizzle made for me and gave me on his tour of Los Angeles. Swizzle, as my brother told you, Thanks Cabron. Did you get your Book?
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