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!!!Attack Of The Ren Clark Clones!!!!

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RockNRollRatfink posted on 06/04/2009


NOTCH posted on 06/04/2009

All the clues do not have meaning to the answer but it will lead you to it.
And, You guys are gettin close!!! and its right in front of ya!!!!

Good Luck!!!

NOTCH posted on 06/04/2009

clue #4. 1 ____

NOTCH posted on 06/06/2009

Here is a clue for you,
look at the head from the bottom back
where the hair is hiding the code is at
and what you see , it is not that
you will find the message that you will crack


[ Edited by: NOTCH 2009-06-06 16:47 ]

RockNRollRatfink posted on 06/07/2009

Look mom no head!!!!!

NOTCH posted on 06/11/2009

A little late but we have a second WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of you guys are real close to the Right Answer but you gonna have to put on your thinking caps!!
I'm almost ready to post pictures of the Prize Mug for this Contest!!!So keep em Comming,Yeah
Go Team! Go!!!

Paipo posted on 06/11/2009

I am gonna deserve SOMETHING after all the time i have spent staring at this mug, trying to work out which paint blobs are what and how NOTCH's devious mind works! I think I'm gonna have to try RnR Ratfink's method next, cause I'm just about out of ideas....

RockNRollRatfink posted on 06/13/2009

There's nothing wrong with a little enlightenment every once in a while... My few remaining brain cells serve me well. What doesn't kill them makes them stronger. Maybe? Try my method. Sometimes it works!

NOTCH posted on 07/19/2009

Aloha !
Its been forever and a day
and many restless nights and minimal sleep...I have news

All that are trying to Crack the Code On The Severed Head are True sportsmen in my Eye
And to Congratulate the winners I will Give them one Of my Tiki Mugs from my arsenal and that mug is
SKULLBO! Its a new old mug

Skullbo will be a limited run of 100
I'm still tweeking with glaze colors

more clues will be up soon for the contest.

Gibbo posted on 07/19/2009

Well Notch old mate, you really are a generous guy and it sure is such a cool mug to boot...looks like everyone will be trying extra hard to find that hidden message now!
Cheers and Mahalo mate,

POCKETIKI posted on 04/10/2011

WAHOOIKI!...My #62 Severed Head turned up a couple of days ago!!! Four years two months after puttin' me name down...Is this a record?

I told you tiki nuts that good things were worth waiting for. What a beauty! IT WAS WELL WORTH THE WAIT...and I MEAN THAT MOST SINCERELY FOLKS!! I really do!

NOTCH you did a really great job on this mug. MAHALO NUI from myself, Hiltiki and everyone else who is lucky enough to own one!

All the Best from Tiki Towers - Trader Jim (Make Mine a MAI-TAI!).

And before the usual suspects chip in!...Issue 3 will be out when it's good and ready!! "Good things were worth waiting for".

tikiskip posted on 09/04/2012

This is a cool mug.
Can I still get one?
Are these the same as the ones Wendy made or no?
One of the coolest mugs out there.
Great job!

NOTCH posted on 09/04/2012

Severed Head Tribute mugs are made by me and they're sold out.
Limited 100, and around a dozen AP mugs.
Thanks Brotha.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/04/2012

Those are cool! Put me on the list for one when they're ready!
Buzzy Out!

tikiskip posted on 09/04/2012

"Dan calls the really big one the Severed head bowl.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2016-02-06 06:39 ]

TheMuggler posted on 09/05/2012

Count me in if you make another round!

teaKEY posted on 09/06/2012

Look to the Ebay gods cause Notch smashed the molds like any great artist would.

thefuzz posted on 02/25/2015

Any more clues to the secret code?

I need to pull this mug out of storage to go over it again. :P

[ Edited by: thefuzz 2015-02-25 12:55 ]

tikigreg posted on 02/27/2015

Cheez, the Fuzz!

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 354 replies