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The Creature Surfs Among Us!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/06/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!


Thought you might Dig This!
Award winning short monster/movie from Body Glove! It's kinda' like "the Blair Witch Project" but with world class surfers and a vicious Sea Creature! Too Cool!
I work with Body Glove, and they let me see this project:

Hey everyone,
Our 2012 Imaginarium video The Disappearance went up on TransWolrd Surf's site today. If you could share this link through all your avenues (email, facebook, twitter, google+) we would really appreciate it. We are very proud of this video and want everyone to see it.
This is the link to the video on TW's site:

Once there you can share it, like it and comment on it. Please get the word out.

Very fun!
Looks like I'm gonna do some tee-shirt art; like a retro movie poster (which will have a TIKI in the back ground of course!), Tales from the tiki lounge cover (and a TIKI!), maybe a tiki mug design, and some other art to tie in for a cross promotion of the creature, my art, and some swank ultra-quick dry Body Glove board shorts called "Amphibious" for next season. I'm pushing for an action figure (!) The Body Glove creature is showing up in person at Surf trade shows and such events. Too much fun!

Brad tiki-shark Parker

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2012-09-05 17:22 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/07/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Body Glove's short monster-movie won the Trans Surf Photography Magazine Contest!

Creature lurks...

Creature attacks!

A classic Beautiful cover shot.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/09/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Here's another shot from the award winning short film by Body Glove "The Disappearance": The sea creature reaches out a webbed claw for an unlucky surfer (Anthony Walsh) in the tube!


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