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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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pjc5150 posted on 07/30/2012

very cool!

I dig it...

AlohaStation posted on 07/31/2012

On 2012-07-30 08:15, cy wrote:
I think it was Crazy Al that said if you use your chisels correctly you can by-pass much of the sanding and I took that as great advise from a master.

Truer words could not be spoken

Atomic Mess posted on 08/03/2012

That is really cool!

once again there's loads of interesting guys in the background...

[ Edited by: Atomic Mess 2012-08-03 04:23 ]

cy posted on 08/05/2012

Thought you might enjoy some pics from Tiki Kon this weekend in Portland. Joe from Elroy set me up with a beautiful place to work and although there was record heat I had a blast carving and talking to mostly local tiki people.
By the pool of the Janzen Beach Red Lion

Cy master. (Thanks Hang10)

My view of the Columbia.

Portland is the rose city.

Here is looking east towards Mt. Hood. I was able to sell enough to make it worthwhile and am looking forward to next year. Mahalo.

TheBigT posted on 08/05/2012

Lookin good! Luvin the skeleton.

cy posted on 08/19/2012

Thanks Big T, glad that things are getting closer to normal for you. Armed with extra credit from Will Carve I toiled to complete "The Cult of Tiki"

I mixed orange and brown dye in some poly I had then clear coated.
Also added detailing on the base.

I started "Ashton" at the Tiki Kon event here a few weekends ago.

He is an ashtray with a compartment for "stuff" in the back.

"Tre" is a piece I did a while back but never photographed

He is so named because he has three sides

[ Edited by: cy 2012-08-19 16:59 ]

pjc5150 posted on 08/20/2012

wow...that last one is awesome Cy...

very creative...

Will carve posted on 08/20/2012

Great carves.
Lots of stuff in the background.
Every thing fits in that garage but a car.
It's good to get extra credit.

amate posted on 08/21/2012

On 2012-08-19 16:52, cy wrote:

Now that belongs in a museum!!!

cy posted on 08/22/2012

Thanks pjc, Will, hoping to meet you on my trip your way next month and the garage fits tikis and bikes ONLY. Amate I have been derelict in commenting how much I like what you have going and appreciate the kind words.

pjc5150 posted on 08/22/2012

hey bro, I said it before and it bears repeating...

I have a spare bedroom and a futon if you need a place to crash in Tampa....

hope I get to meet ya while you're here...

cy posted on 08/22/2012

That's a great offer Jeff, but it will be a short stay for me and I will not be in the Tampa area. I think you need to make a roadie back to Fort Lauderdale and let me buy you a few at the Mai Kai!

hang10tiki posted on 08/23/2012

missed u at Oasis...

cy posted on 08/23/2012

Thanks Hang10, thought of you guys over that weekend also. Got an email from the Oasis people today and I told them if room is available next year I will be there.

cy posted on 08/27/2012

I love baseball and tiki so here's a combo. Of course his name is "Louis"

McTiki posted on 08/27/2012

Louis......Thats awesome!

Well done CY!

Keep em coming



Will carve posted on 08/27/2012

Did you turn that?

cy posted on 08/27/2012

Ha, I should have explained that Will-It is a store bought cheapy of unknown wood that I wanted to experiment with. I got the idea a few weeks ago while watching a game and checking out the beautiful maple bats that some major leaguers use and thinking how nice they would be to carve. Gracias McTiki for checkin' in

[ Edited by: cy 2012-08-27 07:59 ]

TheBigT posted on 08/27/2012

Louis?! Haha, yes! Funny. Love that one you call Tre. Very modern for sure!

pjc5150 posted on 08/27/2012

very cool.

a buddy of mine has a sailboat and we've tossed around the idea of me carving the handle of his tiller....

MadDogMike posted on 08/27/2012

Hey BatterBatterBatter - SWING!!!

Great idea Cy! You going to do one in hickory or maple now?

cy posted on 08/28/2012

Good idea pjc, don't carve too deep though. Mad Dog I was going to use maple but the cost was prohibitive. I will finish this one and then do one more that will have the feet in the fat part of the bat and the face towards the handle.

MadDogMike posted on 08/28/2012

Maybe you can collect broken bats from the Portland Sea Dogs? :D

Atomic Mess posted on 08/31/2012

nice idea!

cy posted on 09/16/2012

For me the fun stops when I have to use my reading glasses to carve but a recent visit to see Aloha and Will carve made me take another look at the importance of finishing. Here are some I completed and some older ones that I went back through.
"Facebook" (Maka Puke) This one is close to finish. I will paint him mostly red.

"Shiela" was my first attempt at a female.

"Kona" is a piece of palm that I added to an old coffee maker.

This is a kind of totem made out of a who knows kind of 4x4

Finished and got a coat of varnish on "Ashton". In the background is "Keith"

Three branches of plum that will be a band with drummer, guitar, and horn.

Also got "Louis" done.

pjc5150 posted on 09/17/2012

very cool & original as usual. I dig the old 4x4...

sorry I wasn't able to make it south while you were in town...

hang10tiki posted on 09/17/2012

The cy museum continues

Way cool brother...

Will carve posted on 09/17/2012

You are inspired.
Lot-a stuff going on there.
If you can't see it, you can't carve it.
Take macro pictures of something you carve &
they will show the level of clean detail or not.
For Mango my pendant, I wore 3 pair of glasses.
looked silly but I could see it & in the real close
up pic I posted you can see a blemish right next
to his nose. Couldn't see it holding it in your hand. I did fix it.

MadDogMike posted on 09/17/2012

Great stuff Cy, always thinking outside of the box. (A coffee pot tiki?! :D )

cy posted on 10/07/2012

Thanks H10 and MDM, always happy when you like. Pjc next time I visit Florida I'll look you up. Willcarve I have been looking at how I finish since my visit, but a telescope and 40 pair of glasses is where I draw the line. Here is what is new.
"Bernie" is so named cause of his burnin' desire.

He is made from a cedar branch that crashed through my deck a few years ago.

cy posted on 10/07/2012

I did some work on "Barry" also.

This is a piece that I designed the profile first but it seemed too thick so I sawed him in half and reversed the image.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-10-07 16:27 ]

McTiki posted on 10/08/2012

I soooooo dig the recent pieces CY! That last piece is lolo killer !



McTiki posted on 10/08/2012

On 2012-10-07 18:39, McTiki wrote:
I soooooo dig the recent pieces CY! That last piece is lolo killer !


PS.....your female frightens me!


AlohaStation posted on 10/08/2012

Very Creative!!

Polynesiac posted on 10/08/2012

I REALLY like the last one that you had to cut in half - has a cool disney/cubist feel to it. Would look great the way you have it (back to back) or flanking an entrance. Well done! You have quite a few tikis in there!!!

pjc5150 posted on 10/08/2012

very cool Cy!

cy posted on 10/08/2012

Thanks for noticing McTiki, Shiela was based on a rather frightening female. Always appreciate props from you Tom and Jeff and Poly thanks a lot as Walt Disney would be on my "People I would have liked to meet" list.

cy posted on 10/11/2012

I had a week off with lots of stuff to do around the house so what do I do? There are times when I love carving palm and think it's like cheating and 2 minutes later it seems like I'm trying to carve a mushroom. This one came about after a conversation with Will carve about how different a tiki comes out depending on if you start with a square or round blank. He suggested starting with a triangle (Why didn't I think of that?) Here is the odd result.
This is the start and decided to do the whole body triangle instead of just the head.

I used a piece cut out for a tiki-mask-shield.

I will let him dry out a bit then complete.

Will carve posted on 10/11/2012

Different Hu ?
Ya know,
We need to credit AlohaStation for that.
Ask him about using the shape of wood
to enhance your carve.

cy posted on 10/11/2012

No doubt Aloha is a master of using what the wood gives you.

danlovestikis posted on 10/11/2012

Hi Cy, it looks like you live in a beautiful wooded area. Your tikis are very special and unique. It's fun to look back over your work. I hope we see you at Caliente, Wendy

cy posted on 10/12/2012

Thanks Wendy I made a great decision to move from So Cal to Oregon way back in '76. I behaved myself pretty well at last years Tiki Caliente so am hoping Wildsvilleman will have me back.

MadDogMike posted on 10/12/2012

Very cool Cy, nice use of the "scrap" too.

pjc5150 posted on 10/12/2012

cool man!

where'd you get the palm?

cy posted on 10/13/2012

Thanks pjc, the palm came from my bro-in-law from So-Cal about 3 years ago. You would think it would be good and dry by now but nope. I have done a few palm and really dig it but they mold really bad around these here parts and so I have to take them inside until I have a few coats of varnish on them.
Here are the other pieces of palm that I have done, Claude, Lombardo, Erroll, and Willard and Ben.
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[ Edited by: cy 2012-10-14 09:05 ]

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skootiki posted on 10/14/2012

really cool stuff Cy! who would ever think of a coffee pot TiKi? from the idea to the finished products....really great work!

McTiki posted on 10/14/2012

Beautiful palm carves Cy! You really think outside the box! I like that!



McTiki posted on 10/14/2012

[ Edited by: mctiki 2012-10-15 04:06 ]

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