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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Excellent Tiki Website

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Unga Bunga posted on 12/16/2003

I did a TC search and came up with no data regarding this website, though I see a lot of fellow TCers in the “links” page, so some of you obviously know about this.
Anyway, if there is any TCer who is affiliated with this website, THANKS!
I had a great time going through it. I don’t intend to promote the band here (though I indirectly already have), it just made this dam little cubicle I work in, go away for a few minutes, and took me to the islands that I love. It was worth it.
Check out the "TV Lounge" for some great videos on Don Tiki's performances. Though I know there are many other talented musicians here, it's just another view.


pablus posted on 12/17/2003

Very cool site.
I saw the poster for the show a few months back and wondered if the band was any good.

Gives "Big Band" a whole new meaning.

The show would be a blast to see live.
And quicktime isn't too shabby either.

Thanks, Unga Claus!

Traitor Vic posted on 12/17/2003

The band is AWESOME, Pablus. I can say that without ever even having seen them. I have both of their CDs and they are terrific.

I don't believe they get to the Mainland very often (I'm not even sure that they perform live on a regular basis), but they appeared once at the Kahiki before it closed. Wouldn't thatta been somethin' to see?

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