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**ALL SOLD** Tiki Lamp blowout sale

Pages: 1 7 replies

Brice posted on 09/29/2012

Aloha, I have some various lamps for sale -- whose tiki bar doesn't need more lights?! All are in good condition and perfect working order. PM me if interested to arrange Paypal payment and shipping. Thanks!

  • Bamboo & tapa globe lamp from Oceanic Arts, hard-wired (no plug) $70 + $15 shipping

  • Small lamp from Tiki Skip, $20 + $10 shipping

  • Tapa volcano-style swag lamp w/bamboo bottom, from Woody (includes wired plug), $125 + $25 shipping


  • Tapa diamond-style swag lamp w/bamboo ends, from Woody (includes wired plug), $125 + $25 shipping


[ Edited by: Brice 2012-09-30 13:41 ]

[ Edited by: Brice 2012-10-05 12:58 ]

Brice posted on 09/29/2012

One more: a tapa sconce, unknown maker/designer/brand. $60 + $20 shipping (it's pretty heavy and odd shaped). Includes wired plug.
PM me if interested.


[ Edited by: Brice 2012-09-30 13:42 ]

The Blue Kahuna posted on 09/29/2012

PM sent regarding the tikiskip light!

Brice posted on 09/29/2012

** The Volcano-style tapa lamp is the only one still available. ** PM me to arrange payment and shipping.

Big Mahalos for the interest!

Tai Won On posted on 09/30/2012

PM sent.

Brice posted on 09/30/2012

[ Edited by: Brice 2012-09-30 13:42 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/03/2012

I am kicking myself for missing that Tiki Skip lamp! That's the one I wanted. If your buyer backs out I'll happily take it!!!

tikiskip posted on 03/20/2013

Just heard from the person who bought my light.
Looks like it's in California.
Good price too I can't make that light for that price.
Kinda funny some of the parts on this lamp came from Cali
to Ohio then went to Kona, HI and now back to Cali.

Just be glad little light that you got out of Ohio.

-==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==-


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