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KeverC's Stuff

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KeverC posted on 09/20/2012

i figured that i would make a post where i can add pics of what i am working on. i have a few tikis in different stages of being worked on. so here is some stuff i have done or am working on. i will post more as i finish them or start new ones.

thanks for the input and thanks for checking out my post

[ Edited by: KeverC 2012-09-21 15:37 ]

[ Edited by: KeverC 2012-10-01 16:18 ]

KeverC posted on 09/20/2012

not done yet but getting close. this is for a friend and his wife they asked if i can do another one just like it. they want a pair of them.

not done yet but getting close

KeverC posted on 09/21/2012

done carving. now i just need to do some touch up and seal it.

McTiki posted on 09/21/2012

Nice work!

Now make the log disappear on your next one! (Deeper)

Looking good!



pjc5150 posted on 09/24/2012

yes, what Andy said.

I used to torch the shit out of everything, but after spending some time with Benz & Will, and also getting some advice from Aloha Tom, I now realize that torching is essentially a cheap trick to create the appearance of depth and hide tool marks. it fools people who don't know the difference, but not people who know what they're looking at.

deep clean cuts eliminate the need for torching...

but hey bro, not knocking your work at all...you're on the path and doing great. just telling you what I was glad to have been told myself. Except for Benz, we're all students and have a lot to learn....myself included!

KeverC posted on 09/24/2012

right on. thanks for the tip. this is the first of a matching pair for a buddy of mine. he helped me out in the past so i offered to do the pair for him for free to put in his back yard. he refused and said that because he knows that doing them takes some time and all he offered to pay me. i will be putting that money toward some much needed tools. i will keep in mind that i need to cut deeper. i have seen the work you guys do and i thank you for the tips.

pjc5150 posted on 09/24/2012

do you have any chisels yet?

KeverC posted on 09/25/2012

i have a couple straight chisels. i will be buying some new tools at the beginning of the month. i am getting a set chisels, some saburr burs, 4 inch and 2 inch lancelot cutting wheels, a straight neck grinder and looking at a new die grinder for my air compressor. the tools i am working with now are just tools i had for other jobs. i got some really nice pieces of wood today and i am stoked. the last tiki i did is the first of a matching set my buddy asked for to put in his yard i have to go the match to it. the tiki after that i will make sure to cut much deeper. i am happy that you guys have taken the time to point me in the right direction. that is part of why i joined TC so i could get feed back and tips on how get better at carving. so thanks guys. you dont need to worry about hurting my feelings when you see something i should do better or fix please tell me. i can take it. lol

[ Edited by: KeverC 2012-09-24 17:41 ]

pjc5150 posted on 09/25/2012

this is the first "real" set of chisels I purchased, and what I'd recommend (especially if you already have a decent straight chisel or 2)...

they're well made, reasonably priced, and a great place to start.

I like swiss pfeils, but they're expensive. These work GREAT on palm...


KeverC posted on 09/25/2012

right on bro i will look in to picking up those chisels. you said they work good on palm but i also have a lot of pine to carve on. how will they hold up to the pine?

pjc5150 posted on 09/25/2012

they worked great on the douglas fir & cypress piece I just did, so yeah...

KeverC posted on 09/25/2012

cool i will let you know how they work out for me. thanks. have you ever used the lancelot chainsaw cutting wheels? or the saburr tooth grinding wheels? i have been doing some looking at them and they look like a good way to remove a lot of wood in a fairly quick manner. i have some issues with my hands so the power tools make it a little easier for me when working on the rough shaping. by the way i have looked at your work and i really like your work. the Air Boss is awesome.

McTiki posted on 09/25/2012

Beware of the Lancelots. in order to get maximum exposureof the wheel, you have to remove the gaurd of the grinder (At least I do) They are squirrely and if it somehow touches you, you are screwed.

Not many here use the shaping wheels and burrs like myself. If your wrists can deal with the Mallet/chisels, give em a try. Learn how to keep a sharp edge on em!



pjc5150 posted on 09/25/2012

yeah ditto what Andy said about lancelots. Regardless of efficiency, by all means LEAVE THE DAMNED GUARD ON....

They're just waiting to take a finger, or grab your shirt and run up it like an angry badger to eat your face off. Most dangerous tool in the box in my opinon (including the chainsaw) due to it's limited control factor. I had one brush up against my knuckles once....cut the shit out of 'em, and they weren't clean cuts...my hand was f'd up for 2 weeks. And yeah speaking of which, any angle grinder is dangerous if you're wearing a loose shirt...it'll grab 'em. Learned that one the hard way too...scared the hell out of me.

McTiki posted on 09/25/2012

Lancelot = Honey Badger

My PSA for today!



KeverC posted on 09/25/2012

when using power tools safety is the name of the game. i want to keep all of my fingers.

[ Edited by: KeverC 2012-09-25 19:59 ]

KeverC posted on 09/26/2012

got some more wood the other day. this piece caught my eye. i got a couple ideas but not yet sure what i will make from it.

McTiki posted on 09/26/2012

Bitchin Panels come to mind.....

Waiting on some fire maple from a relative...

Nice Wood!



pjc5150 posted on 09/26/2012

a Moai Mount Rushmore...

NIxxon posted on 09/27/2012

LOL^^ I like that idea

KeverC posted on 09/27/2012

those are all good ideas. i am going to have to see how the wood is when i clean it up. i currently have a hand full of tikis that are in different stages of being worked on that are ahead of this in line. i have pieces of wood laying all over my back yard lol. still dont think i have enough lol getting some new tools next week and i am stoked. looking forward to finishing some of the tikis i have started. i also wanted to let you guys all know that i am loving it here a TC. you guys are all very helpful and seeing the level of tikis you guys all make really helps me push to get my skills to the next level. Thanks

amate posted on 09/29/2012

On 2012-09-26 16:31, pjc5150 wrote:
a Moai Mount Rushmore...

Love it!!!

KeverC posted on 10/01/2012

i feel like a kid 3 days before Christmas... i got some new tools and my Lancelot and squire blades are on their way. also my saburr tooth burrs are being shipped out tomorrow express mail. i cant wait ill they get here. i have a couple tikis in line first but i will see if i can make the Moai Mount Rushmore happen. i have been wanting to try to do a moai. so i guess it is go big or stay home. i want to finish the Boba Fett tiki very soon...

McTiki posted on 10/01/2012

I often wondered. How the Squires worked. Seems like you'd have to recover the surface after a dig with those. They leave tools marks pretty bad. Can't tell how fast they move material.

Can't wait to see some carves.


How's the wrists?


KeverC posted on 10/01/2012

my wrist is feeling better and am looking forward to doing some carving. i just finished the match to the last one i did. the pair of them are going to a friend. now that that one is done and my new toys are in the mail i am looking forward to working on some of the projects i have started. i also ordered the flex cut chisels pjc5150 told me about. so on the next one i am gonna be thinking about cutting deeper and making the log disappear. i got a lot of ideas that i wanted to try to do but was limited by the tools i was working with and with the new tools hope to try to make happen.

KeverC posted on 10/01/2012

pjc5150 posted on 10/01/2012

cool stuff man. I like the bookends...

kinda mexican wrestler-ish...

I think you'll like the flexy's.

KeverC posted on 10/03/2012

My new chisels came in today and they are great. they cut like butter. thanks for showing them to me Jeff. once they got here i remembered i forget to get a wood mallet. so i went out to wood pile and grabbed a piece of wood and got right to work.

i know it is not a tiki but i made it for tiki carving so i think it counts. lol


[ Edited by: KeverC 2012-10-03 16:32 ]

McTiki posted on 10/04/2012

Functional brilliance!

Now show us a damned Tiki already!




KeverC posted on 10/04/2012

my burrs and my Lancelot blade came in today. i spent a couple hours trying out the burrs on some scrap wood just to get the feel for them. i am pretty shocked at haw fast the chew through the wood. hopefully tomorrow i will have some pictured for you guys. i am stoked about all the new tools i got and cant wait to show you guys what i can do with them. let the fun begin.


pjc5150 posted on 10/04/2012

very nice Chris...

new tools and the discoveries that go with 'em are always a rush...

Atomic Mess posted on 10/05/2012

I like that 'Lucha Libre' thing you've got going on, as the other guys have already said, don't be afraid to go a bit deeper...

KeverC posted on 10/06/2012

i put the new tools to work today and i am amazed at how well they work. just getting started but i figured i would share some pics.


pjc5150 posted on 10/06/2012

nice start!

I can already see that you're about to step it up a notch on this one...

nice tools make everything better...

and always remember the mantra....GO DEEP!!!

KeverC posted on 10/06/2012

i got up this morning and got right to work. after about 4 hours of switching between the chisels and the die grinder my compressor kicked the bucket. lol always buy the extended warranty. so off to Lowe's i went to get a new one lol. i hope to have some pics for you guys tomorrow. the whole time i am out there working on this tiki a voice in the back of my head keeps saying "Go Deeper" lol. how deep is deep enough?

McTiki posted on 10/07/2012

Nice stuff

"How Deep" = when the piece no longer looks like a log...



Ps.....spend time equally with family or this shit will make a hermit of you.

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KeverC posted on 10/08/2012

the tiki i am working on now is coming along. i am trying to take my time so i dont hurt myself or make any mistakes that would mess up the tiki. those burrs are amazing. they remove wood really fast and are pretty easy to control. the lancelot how ever is a whole different animal. like you said it is a honey badger. that thing removes wood but is much harder to control.


[ Edited by: Keverc 2012-10-18 21:17 ]

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Polynesiac posted on 10/08/2012

I'm liking the Ellis influence with the grasping hands around the legs - very nice touch! This tiki is coming along VERY nicely...I'm digging how so many carvers on here start with the legs and work their way up!

how deep is deep enough?

My answer? - when you chop ALL THE WAY through the log.

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KeverC posted on 10/16/2012

this tiki is coming right along. i am pretty happy with how it is turning out. there are a few things i will do differently next time. i learn something new every time i work on one of these tikis.

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not done yet but getting close. i hope you guys like it.

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CrazyCapizzi posted on 10/17/2012

Thanks for checking out my stuff, looking good yourself. I have not tried a body yet

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KeverC posted on 10/21/2012

A little gift i made for my buddies daughter's birthday.
hope she likes it

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pjc5150 posted on 10/22/2012

cool stuff Chris...

looks like you're having fun with those new toys...

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McTiki posted on 10/22/2012

You have burrs. Very stoked for you!

Nice firstys! Esp the skull



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KeverC posted on 10/23/2012

thanks guys. yeah those burrs are really nice and have allowed me to do some things that would have been very tricky with the tools i was using. the little skull i knocked out pretty fast for my friend's kids birthday. i met him about a month before she was born. she turned 16 today so i thought it would be cool to make a little something for her. she was very stoked when i gave the little skull to her. it is a pretty cool feeling to have people like the art you made and the look on her face when i handed the little skull to her was worth a million bucks.


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RIOTURBAN posted on 10/25/2012

hey KeverC,
nice tikis,i see you got totally hooked!
haven`t been on TC for a wile but its good to be here again!
best wishes and happy carving!

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KeverC posted on 10/25/2012

Hey Rioturban. thanks. yeah i got hooked. you were right about TC. i met some really cool people who have been really helpful. welcome back to TC. looking foward to seeing some more of your work.


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KeverC posted on 11/07/2012

hey guys. i haven done much carving in the last week or so. but my saburr tooth wheel showed up today and i got some work done. the piece i am working on is coming along and i am pretty happy with it so far. i will try to put up some pic tomorrow.

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KeverC posted on 11/08/2012

a couple pics of what i am working on at the moment.
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any thoughts?


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