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How do you handle "tacky tiki" gifts??

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Q-tiki posted on 09/24/2012

I'm not sure if this is the best place for this thread, but here goes...

I have been into the Tiki scene for a little over a year now. I have seen the light, had the revelation, etc, etc. During that time, I have been collecting a wide variety of Tiki related items. Mugs, music, shirts, rum, carvings, books, more rum, prints/artwork, blah, blah, blah. You all know what I'm talking about, I'm sure.

So, as soon as people (friends and/or family) begin to hear my wild rantings about exotic drinks, exotica or anything Tiki, suddenly I start receiving random gifts because now I'm the "Tiki" guy and I would surely love this random tiki sign or carving that is incredibly tacky (poor design, wild colors, etc.). I have received these items on my birthday, on holidays or just because. Up until now, I have always been gracious and thankful for the thoughtful gift, but I'm unsure what to do with the items I've received or how to stop it from happening in the future. Granted, lots of folks think that anything Tiki is tacky and I freely admit that it took me a while to develop a sense of tiki style and concentrate on "authentic" Tiki, but I feel I've narrowed my collecting asthetic quite a bit.

How do you deal with this dilemma? Do you tell them how particular you are or how hard it is to find the right style to match your collection? My son bought me a Parrot drinking rum sign at Big lots that says "Time flies when you're having Rum!". It's He was so proud to have found something he KNEW I would like. Of course, it's hanging in my kitchen because I would never hurt his feelings.

Anyway, I'm just curious how some of you may have handled these situations in the past.

Thanks and CHEERS!

Tiki Teach posted on 09/24/2012
Q-tiki posted on 09/24/2012

Thanks TikiTeach! I feel a little better knowing that others are feeling my pain. Ha!!

Even though I don't have a home bar yet, I think keeping them in another area away from the "real" stuff is likely the route I will take for now. However, the torch idea sounds pretty good.


JackLord posted on 10/03/2012

Have you received an African mask yet?

Hale Tiki posted on 10/04/2012

On 2012-10-03 12:44, JackLord wrote:
Have you received an African mask yet?

I just got one from Haiti from a friend. It looks like Abe Lincoln. It's awesome.

And to the OP, graciously accept, then show them some of your collection, talk at GREAT length about what you do collect, and either they'll never want to see/buy tiki again, or come away with a greater understanding of your collection, and what is good and bad.

It's worked for me!

Hale Tiki posted on 10/04/2012

And from the other thread, say you have enough tiki stuff for now, and suggest that next time they bring you rum! (That you can enjoy with them. Or by yourself. While you cry. Over your Big Lots/Pier One tiki collection.)

dcman posted on 10/04/2012

You do the same thing you do if someone gives you a sweater you don't like. You thank them graciosly and make it a point to never give them the impression you don't like it.

I receive gifts as well that I wouldn't have chosen for myself. Often, I give them away at parties to someone who would appreciate them (folks are often fascinated by my interest in tiki and don't have a lot of tacky or non-tacky tiki stuff themselves) and say, "I don't have room for this, would you like it?" If the gift-giver is at my party, I wait for another time.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/04/2012

I just put them in my "Tacky Tiki Grinding Machine" (Patent Pending)
When asked about said gift, I use my practiced line "Those damn neighborhood Tiki thieves!"

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