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Who likes Tiki!?

Pages: 1 15 replies

arriano posted on 08/24/2012

I thought there was a need for a really pointless post.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/24/2012

arriano, go straight to bilge with the rest of us, smart asses! :lol:

P.S. I like Tikis!

Jürka posted on 08/24/2012

I do.

Am I the only one who has a weird feeling like I'm on my wedding? Hmm... Propably delusion...

thePorpoise posted on 08/24/2012

On 2012-08-24 08:47, arriano wrote:
Who likes Tiki!?

probably not his ex-wife...

RevBambooBen posted on 08/24/2012

Tikis or Tiki's? :wink:

Kiwi Steve posted on 08/24/2012

What's Tiki?

twitch posted on 08/25/2012

No. Owls are where it's at.

White Devil posted on 10/16/2012

I especially like these Tiki Farm commemorative "Love, American Style" martini glasses. Does anyone have one to sell or trade?

woofmutt posted on 10/17/2012

A lotta times I think I like Tiki but then others who know better say the Tiki I like ain't really Tiki so I stop likin it cuz I don't wanna look like a dork.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/17/2012

White Devil posted on 10/17/2012

A lotta times I think I like Tiki but then others who know better say the Tiki I like ain't really Tiki so I stop likin it cuz I don't wanna look like a dork.

Well, that's the beauty of Tiki: it can mean whatever you want it to mean. Just look at the diversity of influences throughout the field: Don Ho, Metallica, Rat Fink, surfing, The Monkees, monsters, Wacky Packs, etc. These early Tiki Farm collaborations, for instance, take great liberties with traditional tiki forms, but still manage to capture the spirit of Polynesian spirituality...

These "Ziggy Stackers" really capture the subtle, wry humor of the comic character in much the same way as Hawaiian carvers imparted the same characteristics to their Ku figures...

The more traditional "Berenstain Bears" collaborative mug was a blatant effort to appeal to younger, more feminine, less austere preferences...

And while the "tikiness" may be lost in the "Precious Moments Tiki Sippy," it does harken back to the vintage big-eye paintings of the Keanes...

tiki mick posted on 10/22/2012

Dirty Loops don't like Tiki...that's fo-sure.....but, they ARE Dirty loops so who gives a whip?


PS, Big Tiki Dude turned me on to these guys.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/22/2012

It is so sad to see a bunch of talented musicians playing such crappy muzak.

tiki mick posted on 10/23/2012

On 2012-10-22 16:15, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
It is so sad to see a bunch of talented musicians playing such crappy muzak.

Well, they are a swedish band of VERY well trained musicians, whose specialty lies in taking crappy pop songs by Beiber and Brittney Spears and company, and actually trying to make them good. Whether they succeed of not is a matter of personal taste. Me? I like how they totally change the chords and do the songs completely differently...if you think about it, this is basically what bebop jazz musicians would do in the 40's and 50's....take pop standards and then totally goof on them.
The bass player is very well regarded among other bass players, despite his somewhat wierd appearance....
If you are not into smooth jazz or fusion funk...this won't be your cup of tea, that's for sure....but I got to say, I have spent my whole life trying to be as good on bass as that kid is already.
Whether the average person connects with this band, or this style....probably not so much...but among musicians....that's a different story!

tiki-riviera posted on 11/02/2012

On the fence, but I love polka!

tiki mick posted on 11/10/2012

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