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Shasta Tiki Punch is "new"?

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SullTiki posted on 04/25/2002

I thought Tiki Punch was a new flavor. But check this out:


Looks like it's not so "new" after all.


PiPhiRho posted on 04/25/2002

No, it's not new. When I was a kid (in the 1960's) we always had a 4th of July celebration at the house of a friend of the family. They had a pool, and there was a BBQ, the usual 4th of july stuff. There were always two big coolers filled with drinks. One contained beer for the adults, but the kids cooler was filled with Shasta sodas. I was pretty sure that one of the sodas was called Tiki Punch, and this would seem to confirm it. The can looks different than I remember it. I vaguely remember there being a tiki on the can. I also remember a drawing of a mountain on the cans too (Mt. Shasta, obviously). I think it even tastes the same: like carbonated hawaiian punch. I had not had shasta sodas in many years until this whole tiki punch internet incident. But this brought back many memories. It looks lile some of them were even true.

bigbrotiki posted on 04/25/2002

I have a red and white can of Shasta Tiki Punch, the type looks more 60s, and the mountain logo is on the other side, but I saw one Otto had that I think had a Tiki on it...we need to join the soda can collectors web club to get a j-peg....

tikifish posted on 04/25/2002

Well from what I can see from the web poll, they are only asking what your favourite flavour is (pls excuse my canadian spelling) not what flavour you would like to see produced. At first I assumed these were 'proposed' flavours and voted like a madwoman, but then I relised its probably a scam so Shasta can decide which to pull, or something,....

SullTiki posted on 04/25/2002

On the Shasta site it says "new" next to Tiki Punch. I assumed it was a new flavor.

So it's not really new...but instead it's just back from hiatus...

Like i'm sure "Crystal Pepsi" will be in a few years.

dogbytes posted on 04/25/2002

ooh! thanks for posting that picture.. it brought back childhood memories! we rarely got soda ~ but i do know my brothers and i fought over flavors, and tiki punch was my favorite!

so, i'd start chuggin back tiki punch, if they made it in diet...

do they?

mrsmiley posted on 04/26/2002

The can with a tiki on it is most likely the NEW version-I gave Otto a case of it for Christmas.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 12/19/2003

Another vintage can of Shasta Tiki Punch up for sale on Ebay (not my auction):


8FT Tiki posted on 12/19/2003

Hey Sull....That item # is coming up as invalid on ebays' site. Did they pull it or what?

PiPhiRho posted on 12/19/2003

Check the date of the original posting. April 2002. Not surprising that one is coming up invalid.

As fort he new one, that looks familiar and could be what I remember from the 60's. It still seems to me that there was a tiki on the can, but maybe it was a plam tree and not a tiki. It was too long ago to get a clear mental picture.

8FT Tiki posted on 12/20/2003

PiPhiRo, Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't notice that this was a previous topic.
Ol' Sabu tricked me by reaching back into the archives but it makes perfect sense to add his photo to this thread. We found the new tiki punch quite by accident. We don't drink soda at all but were at a church picnic and that was one of the drinks available so of course we had to have one and kept the can.

mriddle posted on 12/22/2003

Shasta also has "Tiki Soda". I found it this summer in L.A. they have Tiki Blue (which is a blue-color berry soda), Tiki Mango-Organge and Tiki Mist (which I think is like Squirt). - There is also a Tiki Tequila that is starting to hit shelves. Drink up!

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