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Tikiyaki Orchestra Nov 17th - ED-A THON - ON SALE NOW !!!

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TIKI-RAY posted on 11/17/2012

When I was asked to create a piece for this show I was honored. I had carved the skull of a pig that I got from Polypops birthday. I even ground out the molars to add in boars tusks and it was named im Hawaiian "Brainless Pig". I submitted my piece and they had it for 2 weeks. The rest of this story is too funny and you just can't make this kind of thing up. Eddies dog ate it. I worked several hours on it and it was for a great cause. Eddie and his wife feel terrible about it but what can you say. The dog didn't know any different and that what dogs do. So if you planned on bidding on it , bid double on something else you like. It's a shame but at the same time very comical. Eddie is a great musician and in a time of need he can use all the help he can get from our amazing ohana. I can't make it tonight but give an extra $5 and not get that Starbucks coffee tomorrow. Enjoy folks.

[ Edited by: TIKI-RAY 2012-11-17 12:21 ]

crazy al posted on 11/17/2012

I've had this little feller around for 14 months and decided to paint him up this morning for ED... IT ED DAY! I'll put it on Ebay tomorrow or if Ed wants to keep it that is his decision, maybe he will put it on ebay??

My brother's name is Ed and he passed on sometime ago. He happened to become a Doctor near the end of his life hear on the planet. It's always great when one of us gets to stick around a little longer thanks to the doctors. They do like to get paid... PAY UP SUCK'AH

kirby posted on 11/17/2012

Some great contributions,Al great brains think alike, I will be bringing 30 limited , Ed-A-thon Brain skull pendants,they will be $10 bucks, See ya tonight.

[ Edited by: kirby 2012-11-17 13:52 ]

tobunga posted on 11/18/2012

Sadly, my ceramic brains are not of the same strong constitution of Eddie's brains... mine didn't make it through the procedure...

Hopefully they can be saved, but not in time for the event... so I'm adding this Stockton Islander set to the auction...

A Stockton Islander print and a Tiki By Night book, featuring the Islander on the cover.

Tiki-Ray, your story is both sad and funny... hey, if the plaque didn't get eaten, I could create a ceramic pig skull for it!

tobunga posted on 11/18/2012

Sadly, my ceramic brains are not of the same strong constitution of Eddie's brains... mine didn't make it through the procedure...

Hopefully they can be saved, but not in time for the event... so I'm adding this Stockton Islander set to the auction...

A Stockton Islander print and a Tiki By Night book, featuring the Islander on the cover.

Tiki-Ray, your story is both sad and funny... hey, if the plaque didn't get eaten, I could create a ceramic pig skull for it!

OnlyATikiLad posted on 11/18/2012

Tikiyaki just opened with 007 theme....bad ass!

OnlyATikiLad posted on 11/18/2012

Tikiyaki just opened with 007 theme....bad ass!

OnlyATikiLad posted on 11/18/2012

Double post....yeah it was that cool.

OnlyATikiLad posted on 11/18/2012

Double post....yeah it was that cool.

SandraDee posted on 11/18/2012

You can't watch Tikiyaki and NOT have a great time and last night was no exception! So happy to see Eddie on stage knowing that he is ok and that the money raised by the generous people last night was going to do a lot of good.

When push comes to shove the Ohana really come together and do everything they can to help...and that is one of the things that makes being a part of this community so amazing.

Much love to Eddie and to his wonderful wife Stephanie...may you both be blessed with long and wonderful lives filled with good friends, great times and amazing music!


tiki mick posted on 11/18/2012

The Smokin Menehunes want to thank Jim and all the lads from the magificent tikiyaki orchestra for allowing us to share this memorable evening with y'all!

Special thanks to Crazy Al and Big Tiki Dude for always providing professional and expert entertainment, and to JonPaul for lettingmebemycelfagain! I mean, for letting me use your amp!

I hope lots of money was raised for Steady Eddie!

I have to say that I really love the Tikiyaki Orchestra. I have followed their career from the start, ( I was at their first gig at tiki farm) and they just keep on getting better and better. Truly the premier modern exotica band!

tikiyaki posted on 11/18/2012

Amazing evening last night !

Thank you to everyone who showed up, bought raffle tickets and art auctions.....it will really help Eddie and Stephi with their medical bills....
The Ohana spirit of this community is really something incredible, and we really appreciate it !

I thanked everyone I could think of last night, but will mention here again...

Dibroc (John Corbid) and Julie who really conceptualized and created the whole surgery scenario....got us the scrubs and other medical gear (Julie made out hats from old Hawaiian Shirts!), and worked hard helping us out the entire long day and night. Over the past year...alot of what happens in our show is due to them.

Jeff, Big Tiki dude for DJ'ing, running lights , providing extra sound reinforcement and always helping promote this band.

Crazy Al - MC extrordinaire, entertainer and all around good guy

Smoking Menhunes for setting the mood for the night...great set !

Emerson, Delia and Everyone at Don's for providing the ideal Tiki venue, and generous donations.

All the artists and raffle donations....you guys really are super generous and talented....I dont have the complete list, and dont want to leave anyone out, but Thank you !!!

Queen Kamehameha Amy and Ray for the very generous VIP table auction donation...hope everything was first class for you guys.

Everyone who helped with the show...Stephi and her crew, Liz, and if course, my lovely Coco !

My bandmates for bringing their "A Game"....I was super proud of how we sounded last night.

Viva, SteadyEddie !

Hope to see you guys out for our show on Dec 1st at the Hip Kitty in Claremont.

PS - Sorry Tiki Ray about the Pig Skull incident...when I first brought it home (before I gave it to Eddie) my dogs were VERY interested in that thing....

tiki mick posted on 11/19/2012

Bring on the pictures!

tiki mick posted on 11/19/2012

The boys from tikiyaki chowing down and listening to Marty Lush tell off-color jokes!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2012-11-18 18:16 ]

tiki mick posted on 11/19/2012

Crazy AL!!!!!

The one and only, Tiki Bong!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2012-11-18 18:17 ]

heylownine posted on 11/19/2012

That was an amazing evening that Val and I are just barely recovering from. The band sounded incredible and the vibe in the house was really positive. Excellent opening by The Smokin' Menehunes, and I was more than happy to drink Jungle Jetsetters for a good cause. Pretty fun to see so many people walk out with art and other prizes knowing the proceeds were going to a great cause. I know I couldn't have been happier to take home the keyboard stand/bar.

Thanks to Jim and everyone who had a hand in putting on the show. And best wishes to Eddie and his family!

Pictures soon-ish,



Lots of good people and good music Saturday night and great to see all the giving, caring and good feelings to Steady Eddie Cleland.

And it sure was nice to hear that Delia and Emerson plan to keep Don the Beachcomber going.

[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com

TIKI-RAY posted on 11/19/2012

No problem Jim. I tried. Next time we will auction off the dog. I'd hate to be at Eddies place when the dog lets those skull pieces loose. Does this get me front row at the Hip Kitty ? 15 minutes from my house. (Wink,wink)

[ Edited by: Tiki-ray 2012-11-19 07:56 ]

OnlyATikiLad posted on 11/19/2012

Great show! The Outerslackwave amalgamation that went down in the Dagger Bar post-show....WOW

bigtikidude posted on 11/20/2012

Great turn out, and out poring of love and support to Eddie,
especially with the downpour of Rain we had.


tiki mick posted on 11/21/2012

No pictures?

Ok, here's one Dave took of the smokin whatevers...

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2012-11-20 21:24 ]

Tonga Tom posted on 11/21/2012

I will try to post pix soon! I've been crazy busy this week.

Chippy posted on 11/23/2012

This show was great. Such a great crowd and a great performance by all involved (bands, MC, DJ, ect)

We brought Mrs Chippys Mom and Dad who had to leave early but still were blown away.

Oh, I forgot to mention I did grab a could of pictures but they are on my phone and our home computer is on the fritz. I will throw them up on Facebook. Feel free to repost them here if you have those skills. (I don't!)

[ Edited by: Chippy 2012-11-23 09:45 ]


I believe these are the photos you are talking about Chippy? Too good to not be viewed here on TC.
I hate it when that Fritz guy gets into a computer

[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com

Chippy posted on 11/24/2012

Thanks King.

Those are the ones.

Thanks for throwing them up.

heylownine posted on 11/24/2012

Here's a few photos from last week's show. Almost all of our photos were blurry (except for the phone camera ones), but some are more stylistically blurry than the others.

Full size versions are up on Flickr.

Thanks again for a great show!


Tonga Tom posted on 11/26/2012

A few shots of The Smokin Menehunes...

Tonga Tom posted on 11/28/2012

More to come...

tikiyaki posted on 12/03/2012

Great pix Tonga TOm and Heylownine !

Thanx for posting !

Tonga Tom posted on 12/04/2012

Thanks Jim!
I'm a little behind, here's some more…

Tonga Tom posted on 12/07/2012

A few more …

SandraDee posted on 10/14/2013

So extremely sad to hear of the passing of Steady Eddie yesterday.

As I said on my Facebook some of my very best memories of tiki events involve the Tikiyaki Orchestra and Eddie on drums was a huge part of that magic. This benefit show was--in my opinion - Tikyaki's best performance. There was a certain magic in the air that night that only comes from true friends coming together to show their support and love for someone that meant so much to them.

It is heartbreaking to lose such a wonderful and kind person and my heart goes out to the members of Tikiyaki,to his friends,our tiki community,his family and his beloved wife Stephi.

Rest in peace Eddie.

I am so blessed to be able to have called you a friend



So sad to hear of the passing of Eddie Cleland. As a member of the Tikiyaki Orchestra, he helped give the tiki ohana so much great music.

But glad that we got to see and hear him perform while he was still with us.

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