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Las Vegas Tiki Chop

Pages: 1 15 replies

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 10/25/2012

I've been carving lately and thought it would be fun to get together and have a chop, enjoy some adult beverages and talk tiki. I'm wondering if there is any interest in getting together in Las Vegas. Date TBD. I am willing to host but I have a limited set of chisels and power tools. I know there are a few of us in Vegas that like to carve tikis.



[ Edited by: Trailerpark Tiki 2012-10-24 19:16 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/25/2012

Im in...

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 10/25/2012

I thought you would be. I think Mr. Smiley and Wipson Chaynes (Mike) would also be interested. Billy the Crud may also want to come. I was thinking late November or early December.

mrsmiley posted on 10/26/2012

Early December could work. I am busy around Thanksgiving.

pdrake posted on 10/26/2012

no sundays and i'm in.

Ninth Islander posted on 10/26/2012

Count me in, fer sure!


Trailerpark Tiki posted on 10/26/2012

It sounds like we have enough people for a chop. We're looking at early December on a Saturday.

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 10/29/2012

Billy the Crud says he is interested too but he lost his TC password. So, can everyone can make the first Saturday in December?

RevBambooBen posted on 10/30/2012

That's Frankie's Tiki Room 4th anny party :)

This years mug is gonna be good!

And the artist showing up even better!!!!!!

Dec. 1

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build Fun for you!

[ Edited by: revbambooben 2012-10-29 19:10 ]

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 10/30/2012

Thanks, Ben. I don't know if its a good plan to have a meetup on that day and then go to Frankies or make it a different day. There might be a lot of Socal folks in town that may want to come over to socialize and talk tiki at my tiki lounge during the daylight hours. I definitely want to go to Frankies because I had a great time when Benzart came out.

hang10tiki posted on 10/31/2012

Dec 1 would be awesome
(I never have Saturdays off, but that day I'm off)
And a Frankie's party on the same day

whoseyrtiki posted on 11/01/2012

I'd be into making the drive from SoCal for the chop during the day and Frankie's the same evening! 8)

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 11/01/2012

So, how about chop at my house from 12-6, then everyone can get cleaned up and meet up at Frankies? December 1?

whoseyrtiki posted on 11/03/2012

Thinking maybe this thread would be more appropriate under "other events"? Looking for new wood and sharpening my my carving knives as we speak. PM me with an address.

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 11/07/2012

On 2012-11-03 12:06, whoseyrtiki wrote:
Thinking maybe this thread would be more appropriate under "other events"? Looking for new wood and sharpening my my carving knives as we speak. PM me with an address.

Agreed. I will repost under events and set a date.

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 11/27/2012

I have posted a related thread on Tiki Events. Please check there if you are interested in the Las Vegas Chop on December 1!

Pages: 1 15 replies