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My carving

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McTiki posted on 10/28/2012

Exellent! Keep em coming! I always enjoy your displays!



hang10tiki posted on 10/28/2012


amate posted on 10/29/2012

Thanks for lookin' in and the compliments guys. Still trying to get back into the swing.

amate posted on 11/03/2012

The topknot Maori is finally complete.

Will carve posted on 11/03/2012

I likie.
Amate scores again.

amate posted on 11/04/2012

Thanks Will. I forgot to mention that he is 39" tall.

cy posted on 11/04/2012

Nice topknot Maori Amate, especially like the feet.

Atomic Mess posted on 11/07/2012

cool stuff Amate! did you finish the bowling pin?

amate posted on 11/09/2012

Cy - I enjoy doing the feet and have to watch myself or I'll spend way to much time on them. Same with the fingers. Thanks

A.Mess- I'm going to have to bail on the bowling pin. Lots of insect damage and it is falling apart. I stuck with it just long enough to get some small definition on the cooling fins around his hat. Otherwise, he would look like he's wearing a hoodie. I'll come back with a coat of spar just to try and glue things together. He's not as bad as Vlad but glad you looked in.

Watango productions posted on 11/09/2012

Nice work on the Maori piece , looks awesome!!!

Atomic Mess posted on 11/09/2012

shame about the rot, that's looking good. I want to do a slit drum at some time, did you hollow out with power tools or was the wood to flaky to get that deep?

amate posted on 11/10/2012

Watango – Thanks man. That drummer you are working on is fantastic and I will use it as a study. Someone asked if I could make them a drummer so I started these two small pieces to see if I could figure out how to make one. I like the way you did the legs.

A.M. The cavity is only about four inches deep and 1.5 wide inside. I have a request for one of these slit drums and since the first is not the best quality, I have started another to give the young lady another option.

pjc5150 posted on 11/10/2012

dude, I am diggin' the hell out of that maori guy...

amate posted on 11/11/2012

Thanks Jeff...I'm not sure how many more of those I'll do. Too much work involved.

TheBigT posted on 11/16/2012

Sweet moari Allen! One of your best pieces. Great stuff coming out of your studio. :wink:

amate posted on 11/17/2012

Thanks Roy. As I said, he was a lot of work and I ran out of steam near the end.

Finished up this 12" rough and chubby Ku.

Started another 12" Ku...only a bit more slender.

Benzart posted on 11/17/2012

Cool stuff Amate the Skinny Ku looks promising. Towards the end carvings Always make us run out of steam, it's easy just to overlook all the things we had planned and call it quits. Looks like you pulled it out tho, it looks great.

amate posted on 11/18/2012

Thanks Benz...

Here’s the other half of that beetle-riddled log I used on the slit drum. I hate to waste a log so I tried a quickie using a chainsaw and 1” bench chisel almost exclusively. Then, I set him on fire. After spanking him with a flap wheel I realized I burnt him too long because I did not want to sand off all the tool marks. He’s a little darker than I intended. Live and learn.

AlohaStation posted on 11/19/2012

I'm wondering - where your inspiration came from for that last Marq?

coconuttzo posted on 11/19/2012

:lol: Aloha, you're too funny. I was thinking the same thing. That's where I get my inspiration too.

amate posted on 11/23/2012

Aloha- very inspirational and a work of art without question. It took me a while to go back and find this photo on the thread of Atomic Mess. I believe this is what planted the seed for my dramatic exaggeration...then again, maybe not. Hope everyone had a grand holiday!

amate posted on 11/30/2012

Finished the 12" skinny Ku.

McTiki posted on 11/30/2012


As always, the background in your presentations add a mystical quality.

Keep em coming



Atomic Mess posted on 11/30/2012

agreed, nice pics! Great carve, really like the finish and the pose.

Will carve posted on 11/30/2012

I'm not sure which is cooler,
The carve or the grotto.

See, less wood is more.
It' funny like that.

How'd you get the Tiki to stay still so long,
to take that waterfall pic???

[ Edited by: Will carve 2012-11-30 04:02 ]

hiltiki posted on 11/30/2012

I love the picture with the waterfall, oh and I love the carving.

Watango productions posted on 12/01/2012

Top notch carv'n as allways !!

cy posted on 12/01/2012

Great carve, color, finish and backgrounds amate!

amate posted on 12/01/2012

Thanks everyone! That one was fun.
Will - you have to get out early while they're still grogy...tikis aren't fully awake until about noon.
The weather is very mild here and I hope to get some stuff roughed out today.

amate posted on 12/07/2012

Got a few started last weekend.

I haven't done a Moai in a few years now so I'll do two.

and some minis.

PockyTiki posted on 12/08/2012

perfect setting for those last two carvings. Almost like they've been forgotten in time. Great carvings!

pjc5150 posted on 12/10/2012


your pics are always great.

and yeah, your tikis are packin' some serious bootay...

Atomic Mess posted on 12/10/2012

that second Moai is particularly good!

amate posted on 12/15/2012

I appreciate you guys lookin' in and the comments.
Top of the page...more photos
Eight and a half inch mini marq.

amate posted on 12/16/2012

Forgot to include the newest rough out. I must be crazy to start a large project this late in the carving season. I just love to do the rough outs.

amate posted on 01/11/2013

This fellow is full of all kinds of metal about 3 inches deep. This tree must have served as a fence post in his younger days. He's wrecking all my tools!!!

Mini Marq completed. 6 inches tall

More minis in different stages of completion.

amate posted on 01/11/2013

This guy is starting to get grumpy...I need to hurry up and get him finished.

pjc5150 posted on 01/11/2013

very cool bro...

I'm digging the dude full of nails...but be careful with that...

cy posted on 01/11/2013

Looking good amate, I like the group shot and "Pierce"

AlohaStation posted on 01/11/2013

Looking good! Nails do suck - I've destroyed several blades!

hang10tiki posted on 01/12/2013

Lots o Marq

Lookin kool

Will carve posted on 01/12/2013

Good thing about lil ones is they don't take so long.
Looks like the beginning of a chess set.
I have a metal detector but I don't use it all the time & get fooled too.
My last Tang got me good with a nail.

hiltiki posted on 01/12/2013

The guy full of metal pieces could be called the Hell Raiser. :) Love the grumpy guy.

amate posted on 01/28/2013

“…a piece of white pumice stone formed into the rude resemblance of a human figure…”
Wm. Monkhouse, Ships Surgeon, HMS Endeavour - October 1769

I was reading the book “Cook: Extraordinary Voyages” during my annual autumn trip to the coast last year. The journal of the ships surgeon was quoted concerning the discovery of a small idol presumed to be of religious significance due to its careful placement. While roaming the beach, I picked up a bunch of stones I discovered there. They looked like they would be relatively soft and easy to carve. Wrong!

No fine carving required here... I was going more for the vibe than technique on this one.

Thank you all for lookin' in!

Atomic Mess posted on 01/30/2013

Those minis are super cool Amate!

I like the stone one as well, very primeval.

amate posted on 02/03/2013

I'm trying to wrap up my little voyage to the Marquesan style. Here are a few minis...still a couple in process.

and now the large one...this is the guy with the nails in his face,leg and chest so I'm scrubbing the mission before I have to scrap all of my tools. I've been wanting to do a series of Blue Tikis for some time now and this guy will be great to experiment on.

So, now it's time to change things up a bit with a visit to the style of some other island group. I just haven't figured out which group these fellows come from. Probably my imagination but I may be sailing into the forbidden waters of the Folk Art Islands.

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hang10tiki posted on 02/03/2013

Lil Marqs are way cool.
I love the color on blue dude.
And the island of your imagination must be one heck of a place,
good start on those 2.


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Cljha posted on 02/03/2013

Good job on the marquesan one.
Waiting to see more of your imagination trip :wink:

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