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Lemon Hart Rums in Washington, D.C.!!

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Trader Mort posted on 12/09/2012

Hello Fellow TC'ers,
Just wanted to let anyone living in the National Capital Area (D.C./Maryland/Virginia), that we've found a place that can acquire Lemon Hart and Lemon Hart 151 for you (as well as alot of other key Mai Tai ingredients - including Rhum Saint James, Rhum Barbancourt, and all of the usual Jamaican and Puerto Rican Rhums).

Its Addy Bassin's MacArthur liquors, located on MacArthur Boulevard in Northwest Washington, about a ten minute drive from Georgetown. The place is a local institution, and has fantastic selection of other tiki-friendly liquors for the Tiki drinker. Although they don't stock LH on the shelves, all you need to do is call ahead and have them procure the Lemon Hart for you, it usually takes them a couple of days to get it. They can acquire both Lemon Hart and Lemon Hart 151.

Good to find this place as liquor sales in Maryland and Virginia are run by the state, and usually don't stock some of the more exotic, tiki-drink friendly brands.

Anyways - best of luck to all of you searching for the Magic LH. Happy Mixing!

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