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Tiki Mugs and Sugar Skulls now available

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MauiTiki posted on 09/06/2012

Hey Gang, I posted some info in the creating Tiki Thread, but I wanted to be sure everyone knows I have mugs available for sale and NEW Sugar Skulls too.

These Three are up for grabs. The Kaikaina mug on the left is $75, the Carson in the middle is $100 and the Kamalo mug on the left is also $100. These are all custom hand detailed mugs.

Here is another Kamalo Mug for $100

I'm making Moai mugs from a 1963 Duncan mold. these are $40 each. The blue one and the Orange are now sold but I can make one for you at any color.

The stone finish is more work so these are $50. This one is now sold, but I can make more if you'd like one.

I'm also making some crazy Sugar Skulls!!
These are a ton of work but are super nice. I will only be making 25-30 of these.
The only way to get them is through my KICKSTARTER gig.

If you want one, don't delay... go to: http://kck.st/QjRaZj


Tiki and flower pattern Stickers http://www.stuckonmaui.com
Maui Tiki Tours & Tiki Mugs http://www.mauitikitours.com
Hippie Stickers http://www.hippiestickers.com

[ Edited by: MauiTiki 2012-09-07 16:08 ]

Kiwi Steve posted on 09/07/2012


I LOVE my custom Carson!!!!!!!!!

I gotta get one of those skulls...

MauiTiki posted on 09/07/2012

On 2012-09-06 18:51, Kiwi Steve wrote:

I LOVE my custom Carson!!!!!!!!!

I gotta get one of those skulls...

Thanks Steve! I got to post some better photos of the skulls! I took those with my phone. I did post some better photos on Ooga-Mooga.

4WDtiki posted on 09/08/2012

Yes, more pics of those skulls, please! very cool!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/11/2012

Got my mug super fast, your the best Rob!

MauiTiki posted on 12/11/2012

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Just a heads up that a One-Of-A-Kind Octo-Mug is on ebay this week!


One of my nicest mugs to date is sure to make a fabulous Christmas gift for the collector who has everything!

More Photos on eBay.

Anyone on Instagram? Follow the progress of my mug making or check it out here...

Good luck and Happy Holidays!!

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