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Excerpt About "Sam's Seafood" From Surfside Colony Book

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Hidden Village posted on 01/05/2013

Hey just found a book at the Goldenwest Swap Meet for a dollar about the history of Surfside colony. It's a great book and has a couple of pages dedicated to Sam's Seafood I thought some might find interesting.

" Sam's Seafood opened in 1923 and became noted for its clam-shaped drinks, tropical waterfalls and Polynesian dancers. In the 1930's and 1940's the restaurant had a gigantic 100-year-old turtle that guests would enjoy seeing as they entered. The restaurant was originally located at Anaheim landing where seals would come ashore to visit, hoping for a treat.
During World War II the Navy took over the property where the restaurant was located to build the Naval Weapons Depot and the entire restaurant was transported by a large truck about a mile down PCH to it's current location across from surfside. Remnants of original china and glassware from the restaurant can still be found today in the Anaheim Bay mudflats underneath the bridge that extends over PCH next to surfside. Close observation of the writing on the bottle states that "this bottle cannot be reused" (to prevent bootleggers of the era from easy re-filling). For this reason, the bottles always had their tops broken off to prevent reuse."

My wife and I had our wedding reception here back when it was still Sam's, so it will always be a special place to me. But anyways, thought some of you might enjoy this, if my scanner wasn't busted I would have included the photos from the book.

bigtikidude posted on 01/07/2013

Hidden Village,

thanks for posting that.
although I think this should be added to the
locating Tiki thread,

or posted in General Tiki, and not in events.

Also if you or someone you know has a smart phone or a good camera.
You could take a pic of the pics in the book and tranfer it to a link to post here.


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