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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 01/11/2013

What a wonderful morning to find all these posts. You given me inspiration to work hard.

dartharnie I'm am so happy with your response that I'm going to work on your last mug today...the Mummy! I'll add Count Bobula to the bottom of the mug do you want Bob's Mummy on this next one or do you have a better idea?

hang10tiki we are so familiar with the mayhem I'm very honored to have saved you.

zerostreet thank you very much. I'm enjoying myself immensely.

WaikikianMoeKele you didn't let me down. I was counting on exactly what you posted. I'll be working on this repair for awhile.

swizzle you don't just have two Bob's in your collection you are perpetuating the joy of Bob by making your own. We look forward to having one in our collection. It was fun to see how you glazed the Bumatay necklace. I'm so happy you liked Bela. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next.

LoriLovesTiki I should weigh Bela. You are right he takes two hands to lift him.

Progress Report

6 Severed Heads are drying and 1 has just been poured 30 minutes ago. Plugging away one at a time.

I'm also pouring the Missionary Downfall women. 19TikiChef62 has been patiently waiting for me to get to his bowl with 3 of these ladies. Each will have tattoos like his other requests.

Kele the crack has turned into a large hole. The crack went all the way through after all. I'm going to let it dry out and then I'll see if I can use paper clay to fix it.

Yesterday we were out of town. So all I accomplished was to make the bow tie larger

and to cross over the vest further and to make sure the button was under the shirt buttons. I still have to crisp up the edged to make them straight.

It's time to pour out the mold for the woman so adios amigos, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 01/11/2013

Wendy, a non-tiki or clay question, how much coffee do you have each day for this nonstop creative clay working method? As a coffee professional, I need to know. It's terribly impressive. :)

hang10tiki posted on 01/12/2013

Can't wait to see the mummy shots

danlovestikis posted on 01/12/2013

TikiAno I've been thinking about coffee recently. In my entire life I've had one cup of coffee at a charity event. I was freezing and someone gave it to me and said it would warm me up. Instead I got my very first migraine headache and had to go home and stay in bed for two days with no light and no noise. I keep reading that it wards off dementia but I don't think its worth the headache. Now chocolate that's a different form of caffeine and I have some every day. So there you have it. Energy just comes from the joy of working the clay. I can get a happy chill just thinking about clay.

hang10tiki aaaaaaaaaand hhhhhhhhhhheres Mummy!

Progress Report:

I've started forming the head for the Mummy for dartharnie.

First I decided to add clay inside the mug and then build the top to round it back.

Next I covered over Bob's face. I saw a tear roll down from his eye to his chin and that was sad.

I block out the structure of the face working from the top down.

Putting my fingers around the mug I squeezed slowly to make a neck.
Checking the photo against the sculpt its easy to see I need to add to the top and back
of the head and also the chin.

This photo is looking up at the mummy so I can't use it for straight on. I have other photos for that.

I put small amounts of clay on the face and then using a brush or wooden tool I smooth them into place.

I do one direction and then another.

He is very soft so I put him on his back under plastic to rest through the night.

I'll be back at it later today.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 01/13/2013

this one looks cool

HB TIKI posted on 01/13/2013


danlovestikis posted on 01/13/2013

Thank you hang10tiki and HBTiki.

Today I spent the morning go over future projects. Some are harder than the Temple of the Jaguar bowl. I should have lots to share over the next few months.

I still need to open the molds today. We have poured number 8 of the Severed Heads. Now we are getting somewhere.

Here's the update on dartharnies The Mummy.

I'm still working on the base of the head. When it is done then the gauze and wrinkles will be added. This is the way it looked when I started today.

This is how it ended up.


Ended for the day.
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Out in the cold doing the clean up. I'm so lucky he'll work for tikis. Without him I don't think I could do so many projects.
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Back to work and loving it, Wendy

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MadDogMike posted on 01/13/2013

Is it just me or does he look like Lyndon B Johnson, especially the profile? :lol:

Great work as usual Wendy :D

TikiAno posted on 01/13/2013

Wendy, looks great. Thanks for the step by step in watching you build it, too! MDM, too funny. :)

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Holler Waller posted on 01/14/2013

Anticipation, anticipation
Is keepin' me waitin'

'cause these are the good old days

hang10tiki posted on 01/14/2013

Go easy on that back Dan-O

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Hale Tiki posted on 01/14/2013

MDM, it is not you, no.

Hey hey LBJ, how many mai tais did you drink today!

danlovestikis posted on 01/14/2013

MadDogMike maybe but now he has completely changed parties.

TikiAno its wonderful to have the photos appreciated.

Holler Waller no more waiting except like the rest of us. The wrinkles they will come soon enough.

hang10tiki I'll tell Dan.

Progress Report on Wish List #3

dartharnies Mummy just needs wrinkles when he dries.

It was time to wrap up the mummy. I used a roller to smooth the edge of a slab of clay.
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Using my label scraper I cut a strip.
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When I had a whole bunch of them I dipped one side into some slip, used as glue, and applied them to the statue.
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Since he is wrapped it fabric I used gauze to press in some texture to each strip of clay.
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He has arms!
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His head has strips added.
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His ears have been carved.
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The back of the head will be a mix of shin and fabric.
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More fabric on the side.
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This is how he looked when I stopped.
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He looks like such a nice guy right now. I hope the sever wrinkling will make him scary. Wendy

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dartharnie posted on 01/14/2013

he does seem pretty happy...or at least satisfied...Maybe he has good health care.

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Hale Tiki posted on 01/14/2013

Using the gauze is a brilliant move. Very nice.

hang10tiki posted on 01/15/2013

That's a wrap...

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Babalu posted on 01/15/2013

wow! look at you two go! :wink:

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Professor G posted on 01/15/2013

And why, you ask, does the mummy look like a nice guy? It's because you can't be unhappy on this thread.

danlovestikis posted on 01/15/2013

dartharnie after a long talk with the Mummy he said it was OK to do major changes to that satisfied expression. Now he no longer looks happy to be the Mummy.

Hale Tiki in the end I destroyed the gauze pressings with a lot more carving.

hang10tiki cute!

Babalu I've missed you. I'll have to check to see if you posted photos of the Bunny Stack glazed. I've never done anything that huge. You are so brave.

Professor G we like being a happy place. Guess what 3rd times is going to be the charm. I'm trying again.

Progress Report Wish List 3 and the Severed Heads

This is one of Notch's severed heads. As an artist proof he did an extra good job of glazing it. I will work to make all of them in the run as good as this one.
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Years ago I sculpted a bowl but I never got around to making a mold. It is shown in this photo. It is sculpted with Romo Clay #3. A Very hard clay. I bought a wax pot and I melt the clay in it and then spread it for sculpting.
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19TikiChef62's wish is for a cannibal or witches pot with 3 of the topless Missionary Downfall women with tattoos. So now I've started to add clay to form a pot in the shape he desires.
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Spreading the hot clay.
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When you make a mold you need an opening in which to pore the slip. I just make that a part of the sculpt. So first I melted the bottom.
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Then I stuck it on the pot.
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I haven't fine tuned the shape yet and there is a pot lip yet to add but I have a good start.
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For Professor G I am trying a third time to make the War God statue in white with blue specks. He also wanted it to have a rocky base which I'm starting here for the first time. I figured out the size.
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Next I've built the platform that the WG sits on. Next I'll form the rocks and surround the WG.
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I'm also working on the Mummy's wrinkles. I'll have photos tomorrow morning.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-01-15 12:33 ]

TikiAno posted on 01/15/2013

The Wendy and Dan show continues. amazing stuff! Whether it's a happy, scary, bewildered, or charming Mummy, it's amazing to watch him/it come together. Wowzers. Love the gauze use for texturing. The back looks amazing, love all of the details. All of the comments in this thread continue to be great fun to read... good times.

hang10tiki posted on 01/16/2013

Wow, that's a lot of work rolled up in one day
Don't forget to take time out to eat so you can keep up your strength...

Thanks (as always) for the update pics


danlovestikis posted on 01/16/2013

TikiAno thank you I hope we can keep our ratings up.

hang10tiki we are eating enough to keep us working. Yesterday I was really bad. I had cheese puffs, chocolate chip cookies and ice cream. But I got a lot done and here's the show!

Progress Report on Wish List #3

For dartharnies Mummy I went back to a different photo and changed the eyes.
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Next I added a lot of "folds" to the fabric wrap.
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Then I worked on his wrinkled skin.
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I reshaped his nose to match Boris Karloff's.
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Now it is up to dartharnie to tell me if he's what he wished for.
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It is time to work more clay! Wendy

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/16/2013

The change to the eyes was perfect! I think you really nailed him.


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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 01/17/2013

The Mummy looks AMAZINGLY like Boris Karloff!
It kind of sends shivers down my spine. I expect him to open his eyes at any moment!

hang10tiki posted on 01/17/2013

Wouldn't want to run into that mug in a dark alley...another fine job


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Professor G posted on 01/17/2013

I'm looking forward to the new attempt, Wendy. I'm sending positive thoughts with my eyes crossed and my fingers closed. Wait . . . switch that.

danlovestikis posted on 01/17/2013

I started today off by accidentally erasing all the photos I took yesterday. I was so relieved to find them on the back up hard drive. It's the first time I've had one (in the past I put photos on CD's to save them). It worked and I retrieved all my photos. Whew!

LoriLovesTiki nailed him? Isn't there a monster with nails? There were many eyes to choose from I'm glad you like these, me too.

WaikikianMoeKele dartharnie agrees with you and has OK'd this one to dry. Thank you.

hang10tiki isn't there a dark alley monster? Doing these for dartharnie has been fun.

Professor G maybe failing twice will work out best because now I'm doing the rocky base you wished for at the same time. See below.

Progress on the Wish List #3 and the Severed Heads

This is how my pouring table looks this morning. Head #10 is in the mold. I've also poured everything for the rest of the Wish List. Putting the things in Baggies with a wet paper towel has kept them from drying out. All the bags on the top two selves have Wish List projects waiting to be made.
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On and off yesterday I would melt clay and work on the pot for 19TikiChef62.
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It needs a lot more smoothing but it is almost ready for the lip.
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Professor G asked for a rocky base to support the War God ( which can be removed).
I finished it if he says he approves of what I've done here.

Each rock is hollow with a way for air to escape once placed on the base.
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Once a rock is in place I would cut the base and make it look like part of that rock.
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I finished all the rocks up to the edge of the platform.
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I put the War God in place and built rocks up around him.
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It's time to open those molds. Cheers, Wendy

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lunavideogames posted on 01/17/2013

The mummy is looking great! Very good idea on the gauze.

10 severed heads already. Hope that they are all drying well. So looks like they will be a pretty limited run. How many do you think that you will make?

TikiAno posted on 01/17/2013

Wendy, I can't wait to see the Mummy's Day card. It looks great- you're clearly very wrapped up in your work. Were you listtening to a lot of wrap music for inspiration while making him?
......... crickets. Aw, jeez.

Don't hate. Wait til I start making rock jokes next.... okay, back to work. (er, sorry).

hang10tiki posted on 01/18/2013

War god rock base, great idea and it's lookin good

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dartharnie posted on 01/19/2013

The mummy does look great and I can't wait to see all 4 lined up and on display.

I have a question about the rock base. Is there any worry of the statue and base drying at a different speed and possibly not fitting together later. I assume you've left buffer space between the two and aren't expecting them to be a tight fit (this may not be a good assumption)

....However, I would really appreciate more details about what may or will happen? I'm very curious.

Thank you. I am so excited to watch the thread and the mail soon (i know I'm jumping the gun, but I'm all giddy)

danlovestikis posted on 01/19/2013

lunavideogames I'm glad you like the Mummy. I haven't decided on the number for the Severed Head yet. Right now my goal is to pour as many as I can while I finish off the Wish List #3 projects. When they are done I'll see how far I've gotten with the casts of the head.

Wendy, I can't wait to see the Mummy's Day card. It looks great- you're clearly very wrapped up in your work. Were you listening to a lot of wrap music for inspiration while making him?
Don't hate. Wait til I start making rock jokes next.... okay, back to work. (er, sorry).

I'm ready for those rock jokes. Good job on the Mummy jokes, I enjoyed them.

hang10tiki the rock base was Professor G's idea and it was fun to make so far.

Progress Report:

Step by step I'm doing the bowl for 19TikiChef62. I smoothed the bowl and added clay to round the top.
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I marked where the next part would be added.
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Hot messy clay stuck in place.
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I smoothed it out and let it harden. Half way up this new ring of clay I will make the lip that angles out.
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10 severed heads drying on my dining room table.
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dartharnie's Mummy, Bela Lugosi and the Invisible Man all together for a family photo.
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I wish you all a joyful weekend, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 01/19/2013

That's awesome
Quite the cast you have at your table...


danlovestikis posted on 01/20/2013

hang10tiki I'm hoping that when dartharnie has all five together that he'll post photos. It's been fun doing these. Now it is back to tiki time. I wrote you another note below.

Progress Report Wish List #3

Every day I work on 19TikiChef62's pot. I forgot to mention that heating this Romo clay gives off a vapor. I always wear a mask and hope its working.
I've done the body and the ring and now I'm working on the lip which is the last part.

Half way up the top ring I built up a second wider ring.
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I turned the pot upside down and began to build it larger.
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All the way around.
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Then back over to do the top again. Since this is to be molded and not fired air pockets don't matter as long as they don't show.
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I've started to smooth it again.
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This is where I left off for the day. I will be trimming off clay so that this lip slopes from the top edge down to the ring. (hang10 it didn't flip.)
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I've started a new mug for Holler Waller. He already has the Tapa Turtle Bob and now he's getting a Bumatay with Fins Bob. It's easy to cut away the excess clay with this pointer tool.
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The cast of the Bumatay is flat and the Bob mug is curved. (Note to hang10tiki. I waited to rotate this image until it was in the picture file. It didn't flip back when loading it here, just like the one above)
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Since the mug is too soft to press on I used a bottle to round the Bumatay's back.
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I added sticky clay made with clay and slip mixed. Note the v shaped area at the chin. I cut this wedge out so air can escape during firing.
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I pressed it in place.
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I added clay around the sides and smoothed it.
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Now it will sit and firm up and then I'll Super Carve it a few days from now. I'll also carve more detail into the Bumatay head.
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Thanks for following my art work. You keep it fun for me. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-01-20 09:56 ]

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 01/20/2013

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 01/20/2013

On 2013-01-20 11:05, GROG wrote:
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That's EXACTLY what I was thinking!
(oh, my God, now I'm thinking like GROG!.... argggghhhh!!!!)
~kele :)

HW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/dae1388506a9493d71567449da0ebb1f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Holler Waller posted on 01/20/2013

Grrreat family foto - special BumBob too

hang10tiki posted on 01/21/2013

BumaBob, kool

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Philot posted on 01/21/2013

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Geeze Wendy, better have your paperwork in order if you're gonna take those down to Hukilau!

That picture gives off a plain of jars / Prometheus vibe.

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Professor G posted on 01/21/2013

The rocky promontory looks perfect Wendy. This should be fun.

danlovestikis posted on 01/21/2013

GROG I never saw it until you painted it. I just may have to make one of those next Christmas. Thank you very much.

Kele all our thoughts started with the cave man. GROG's thoughts are precursors to all of ours.

Holler Waller the super carving comes soon. I'm glad you wished for this one. Do you like BumaBob for the bottom or BumBob? Whose family? Did you see a resemblance to Dan?

hang10tiki thank you, Holler Waller came up with a good idea.

Philot thank you for the article. I will not be selling at any events but I'll get the paperwork ready in case I have my home inspected. When will you post photos of the Temple of the Jaguar bowl settled into your collection?

Professor G great, after it is bisque fired I'll get back to you and everyone else for glaze choices.

Wish List #3 and the Severed Head.

I have #12 SH to remove from the mold today.

I've finished the basic bowl shape for 19TikiChef62. I need to smooth it more and to make a mold. Once I have a bowl mold I can alter the cast in many ways.

I worked on the ring. His design will have rivets. His bowl will be metal in color.
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I started carving down the ring around the top.
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This is how I made it for molding. Once I have a cast I can flare the lip out further making it more stylish. He wants it carved with tapa. Maybe inside and out. This bowl will have three Missionary's Downfall woman which I'm going to try to modify. But first up will be the mold.
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I hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday. Wendy

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Holler Waller posted on 01/22/2013

The Monster family foto - with all the screaming severed heads as backdrop

danlovestikis posted on 01/22/2013

Holler Waller your mugs almost ready to be carved.

Today is Mold Day. Dan is setting up the ice cold garage and I'm going out as soon as I post here.

I didn't work on the wish list yesterday instead I worked on fixing Sitting Bob now renamed by Dan as Beach Bum Bob. He's relaxing on the sand while sitting on his towel drinking from his coconut mug. We wish we were on a warm beach today.

I have never worked with paper clay but I thought this would be a good time. It doesn't shrink like regular clay and the tiki mug I'm working with is dry and has shrunk. I cut a slab.
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I put down a baggie so it wouldn't stick to my table top. Under that is a board so I can lift and carry the mug.
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I used a rolling pin to make it the right size and thickness. I cut the clay into the shape of the towel.
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I plugged the hole in his bottom with more paper clay.
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You can see a bump of clay has come through into the mug.
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I used a wet paintbrush to smooth the paper clay.
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I wet the clay and pressed him into it. If he doesn't stick this way I will stick him with glaze later.
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I used grid sandpaper to make a towel weave.
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I used the label scrapper to make a fringe.
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The baggie makes it easy to lift corners and sides to add movement to the clay.
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I still need to carve his finger and toe nails.
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For now he joins the rest of the Family to dry.
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Dan's ready for me it is time to mold 19TikiChef62's bowl.

Cheers, Wendy

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MadDogMike posted on 01/22/2013

or Magic Carpet Bob :D Either way he looks very relaxed

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SandraDee posted on 01/22/2013

Wendy loving the Bob on the beach :)

I thought I had added my name to the Severed Head list--please put me down for 1


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tikiskip posted on 01/22/2013

Beach Bong Bob is cool.
Nice job as always.

TikiAno posted on 01/22/2013

Love Beach Blanket Bob-o!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/22/2013

Beach bum Bob is the BOMB!!!


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