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Les Baxter - vinyl recommendations?

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rupe33 posted on 05/24/2005

Greetings -
Since "The Exotic Moods of Les Baxter" cd is increasingly hard to come by, my conclusion is that I should perhaps start digging up some of the vinyl.

The problem? I don't know where to start! :) Would any of you care to recommend some of the touchstones as far as his albums? Am inclined to start with "Ritual of the Savage," if only because of the cover...


vegasvic posted on 05/25/2005

Here is an ordered list of my personal favorites:

  1. Le Sacre du Savauge (Ritual of the Savage)
  2. Tamboo!
  3. African Jazz
  4. Ports of Pleasure
  5. Skins
  6. Teen Drums
  7. Sacred Idol
  8. Primitive and Passionate
  9. Soul of the Drums
  10. Wild Guitars

Good luck!

rupe33 posted on 05/25/2005

Thanks for the suggestions, Vic! I appreciate them - and discovering your site earlier today will prove a valuable resource: kudos, there's a ton of stuff there.

If anyone else has some tips, I'm all ears... at least until the next vinyl comes my way!

I, Zombie posted on 05/25/2005

Well, I think the list above is pretty good. I might suggest that Sacred Idol should be closer to the top, but otherwise, pretty right on. To be honest, I might start with Tamboo. It is a very song oriented LP, and therefore covers a wider range of the Baxter sound. Ritual, overall, is better, but it is more like a suite than an album of songs. One thing I'll say about Ritual: it's impossible to get sick of that record. It is a beautiful recording, and I seem to discover new things everytime I listen to it. And I listen to it a lot!

A CD that doesn't get a lot of respect is Colors of Brazil, but it is better than what you might think.

Finally there's a double album that you might be able to still find in thrifts that covers a range of Les Baxter stuff called "Les Baxter The Sounds of Adventure." Looks like you can get a copy on Gemm for $10 or so.

Hope that helps and good luck!

[ Edited by: I, Zombie on 2005-05-24 20:31 ]

[ Edited by: I, Zombie on 2005-05-24 20:33 ]

bellybongo posted on 05/25/2005

You must have LPs of:

Ritual of the savage (is playing now in my home)
Caribean moonlight (not many L.B. tracks but masterful versions of exotica standards, one of my fave LPs, very atmospheric)
Music out of the moon (this is an early one, with Theremin, choose between a 3 78 rpm set, a 10" LP, 2 7" EPs in a box set, or a regular LP) very expensive some years ago, now often on ebay
Jungle Jazz (mostly expensive on ebay, but with patience and a little luck (I paid 10 dollar for a a NM copy))

This is my personal faves, I had the 2CD set, but sold it, it is excellent, many tracks from Jungle Jazz, but after a while it feels better to choose your own playlist

Hope this helps,
Magnus of Bellybongo.com

[ Edited by: bellybongo on 2005-05-25 12:05 ]

I, Zombie posted on 05/26/2005

Bellybongo, I'm so glad you mentioned Caribbean Moonlight. I too think that is an excellent LP, but did not mention it because I'm always afraid people will be turned off by the empahsis on strings.

[ Edited by: I, Zombie on 2005-05-25 19:21 ]

Jeff Central posted on 05/26/2005

As Les once said..."We will replace violence with violins."

Manakoora posted on 06/01/2005


You mentioned "Music Out Of The Moon" -- I bought an excellent box set of three 45rpm records of this album at the Seattle Library book sale this last winter for $1.00!

I don't think the records have ever been on a turntable. - Well I played one to make sure it sounded as good as it looks. The records are in clear brittle plastic sleeves.

The box has the same graphics as the other formats and is exactly the same size as a 7" reel to reel tape box. The cat # is CCF2000.

I have never seen anything written about the 45rpm set and I wonder if any you out there have any knowledge about their release and value.


I, Zombie posted on 06/02/2005


I just love those "$1" stories. It keeps me going to those garage sales and church basement rummages.

Great find!

rupe33 posted on 06/08/2005

Greetings again...
Well, my ebay win of "Ritual of the Savage" arrived today, yee-ha! The sleeve is not in great shape, but the record seems fine. I'm off & running down Les Baxter lane once home from work. Thanks very much to those of you who've chimed in with recommendations: they'll be hunted down like dogs as I proceed to build this collection.

In other recent news, some major finds include some Martin Denny - Exotica for $1 and a $1 pristine, near-mint Liberty "The Best of Martin Denny" as well from a recent estate sale.


naugatiki posted on 06/08/2005

In other recent news, some major finds include some Martin Denny - Exotica for $1 and a $1 pristine, near-mint Liberty "The Best of Martin Denny" as well from a recent estate sale.


That’s the beauty of "Tiki Music", while some folks will mortgage their house for the right mug, Denny, Lyman and to an extent Baxter music is readily available at most thrift stores or swap meets very cheaply. I haven't found Exotic Moog yet but I know one day I will.

Digitiki posted on 06/09/2006

Does anyone have a track list for Baxter's Space Escapades?

Blue Thunder posted on 06/09/2006

On 2006-06-09 09:11, Digitiki wrote:
Does anyone have a track list for Baxter's Space Escapades?

Space Escapade (Capitol T968)

Shooting Star
Mr. Robot
The City
A Distant Star
The Commuter
Winds of Sirius
The Other Side of the Moon
A Look Back at Earth
Earth Light
The Lady Is Blue
Saturday Night on Saturn

Good Les Baxter Discography page http://www.tamboo.com/baxter/baxter2.1.html


Great Resource for Lounge Space age pop etc..... http://www.spaceagepop.com/

Also searching posts/links here in this forum you can find posted albums people put up on the web as many have expired copyrights and are available only on hard to find vinyl many people are willing to share online.

[ Edited by: Blue Thunder 2006-06-09 13:47 ]

Digitiki posted on 06/13/2006

Thanks Blue Thunder! I have a copy that was made from a reel-to-reel of Space Excapades and it shows "Somewhere In Space" as song #9 and not "A Look Back At Earth". Was that track renamed? All the other songs and song order are exactly the same. Strange.

I, Zombie posted on 06/15/2006

You know, this week I've been playing "African Blue" quite a lot. It's kind of a forgotten record by Baxter -- and a later one (70s I think). It's pretty great, though more jet setty then straight exotica. More like his stuff with the 101 Strings (Que Mango, for example) but with more emphasis on flute and percussion, giving it a stronger echo of his 50s Capitol LPs than the Alshire stuff usually does. A couple of songs are almost proto-Don Tiki too, that sets your mind spinning into some weird time-traveling paradoxes.

I think it's worth a listen. The CD from GNP is coupled with Colors of Brazil.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 06/19/2006

On 2005-06-08 09:50, naugatiki wrote:
In other recent news, some major finds include some Martin Denny - Exotica for $1 and a $1 pristine, near-mint Liberty "The Best of Martin Denny"

I recently picked up a pristine copy of Martin Denny's "20 Golden Hawaiian Hits" on Liberty (LST-7415) for 6 bucks at a used record store in Ocean Beach. As the old saying goes..."some days it pays to get up in the morning".

OnyaBirri posted on 06/22/2006

On 2006-06-13 14:32, Digitiki wrote:
Thanks Blue Thunder! I have a copy that was made from a reel-to-reel of Space Excapades and it shows "Somewhere In Space" as song #9 and not "A Look Back At Earth". Was that track renamed? All the other songs and song order are exactly the same. Strange.

The stereo version had one title; the mono version had the other. It is essentially the same track, although the mono version of this LP contains instrumental and sound effect overdubs not on the stereo.

Jeff Central posted on 06/22/2006

On 2006-06-21 18:09, OnyaBirri wrote:

On 2006-06-13 14:32, Digitiki wrote:
Thanks Blue Thunder! I have a copy that was made from a reel-to-reel of Space Excapades and it shows "Somewhere In Space" as song #9 and not "A Look Back At Earth". Was that track renamed? All the other songs and song order are exactly the same. Strange.

The stereo version had one title; the mono version had the other. It is essentially the same track, although the mono version of this LP contains instrumental and sound effect overdubs not on the stereo.

Someone has done their homework!! Veeeery nice!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

HarveyMidnight posted on 07/16/2006

I don't see a mention of Baxter's Jewels Of The Sea-- it's my personal favorite of Baxter's & I believe it's a soundtrack(?).

Kind of unusual-- there's some kind of electric(?) organ in the mix; I don't know enouhg to identify it... gives the music a warm & maybe a 'spacey' sound. Overall the music is slow, pretty; reminisent of being under the sea, of course. I think two of the tracks from this album are available on the Exotic Moods cd set.

alohacurrent posted on 07/16/2006

I noticed Baxter's 'Brazil Now' album is being released as an import next month some time. Anyone have this record and could comment how good it is comparitively speaking. i'm not at all familiar with it.

Jeff Central posted on 07/16/2006

On 2006-07-16 10:53, HarveyMidnight wrote:
I don't see a mention of Baxter's Jewels Of The Sea-- it's my personal favorite of Baxter's & I believe it's a soundtrack(?).

Kind of unusual-- there's some kind of electric(?) organ in the mix; I don't know enouhg to identify it... gives the music a warm & maybe a 'spacey' sound. Overall the music is slow, pretty; reminisent of being under the sea, of course. I think two of the tracks from this album are available on the Exotic Moods cd set.

"Jewels of the Sea" was the last concept album that Les did for Capitol Records. The organ, which is likely a Novachord, adds greatly to the unique qualities of the record. The strange sounds that emanate from this electronic device are interspersed sparingly throughout the selections and add an almost magical effect.

The title track "Jewels of the Sea" was originally composed by Les Baxter as "Katia's Theme" for the American International film Black Sunday.

Hope this helps!

Cheers and Mahalo,

[ Edited by: jeff central 2006-07-17 11:36 ]

Jeff Central posted on 07/16/2006

On 2006-07-16 13:26, alohacurrent wrote:
I noticed Baxter's 'Brazil Now' album is being released as an import next month some time. Anyone have this record and could comment how good it is comparitively speaking. i'm not at all familiar with it.

"Brazil Now" was retitled "The Colors of Brazil" and was released as a two-fer with "African Blue" by GNP Crescendo catalog# GNPD 2036. It is a domestic release and should still be readily available. This would be a lot cheaper than waiting to buy an expensive import and only getting the one album. Both albums match perfectly since they are both albums of Brazilian music.

Cheers and Mahalo,

HarveyMidnight posted on 07/17/2006

Well, another Baxter album I love is The Dunwich Horror sountrack-- but it's not a Tiki or Exotica album at all.

It has has some organ-type sounds, too. Yet another reason for my loving Baxter's music so much-- the music is scary, but at the same time it also seems a little melancholy & reflective. Great Halloween atmosphere, if ya like that kind of thing.

I, Zombie posted on 07/18/2006


I have a copy of Cry of the Banshee, which is also in that Halloween category. The liner notes are spooky too, telling you that when you listen to this LP, you might see apparitions and other ghostly figures. It super creeped me out, I know that! I'm getting goose bumps just writing this.

Also your mention of Jewels of the Sea is dead on. That IS a stellar Baxter LP. A friend of mine and I were thrifting down in Iowa a few weeks ago and picked up a mint Stereo copy of it for a buck. THAT was a find!!!


HarveyMidnight posted on 07/19/2006

On 2006-07-17 19:26, I, Zombie wrote:

I have a copy of Cry of the Banshee, which is also in that Halloween category. The liner notes are spooky too, telling you that when you listen to this LP, you might see apparitions and other ghostly figures. It super creeped me out, I know that! I'm getting goose bumps just writing this.

OMG that sounds wild! I'll definitely have to keep a lookout for this one!

sushiman posted on 09/07/2007

My Teen Drums LP ( bought on Ebay ) arrived from the UK yesterday . It's an EMI pressing in near mint condition with EXC jacket . I'm a drummer myself so obviously dig all the boom boom ba boom . Read somewhere that this album was more or less done extemperaneously . But Les was talented enough to just stroll in the studio , snap his fingers and voila . Of course having talent like Milt Holland and others didn't hurt . Cool record .

Jeff Central posted on 09/07/2007

Teen Drums is a great album. My favorite track has to be "I Dig" with improvised sax solos by none other than Plas Johnson!!!

I'm sure Les approached this album professionally but with a "tongue in cheek" emphasis on percussion and improvisation. This was probably the closest Les wanted to get to a rock-n-roll album because he really despised the genre.

Still "Classic" Les Baxter! :)

Cheers and Mahalo,

jacoby posted on 01/09/2013

Hello all- I have a copy of the original pressing of the 78rpm Music Out of the Moon. The box is a little scuffed but the disca themselves are near mint. Anyone have any idea of their value?

Jeff Central posted on 01/15/2013

On 2013-01-08 16:32, jacoby wrote:
Hello all- I have a copy of the original pressing of the 78rpm Music Out of the Moon. The box is a little scuffed but the disca themselves are near mint. Anyone have any idea of their value?

Hi jacoby,

Not much. I'd probably say it's worth $25 but ultimately it's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. The problem is that it has been reissued multiple times on CD and vinyl. I believe it's also available for download as well. '78's are for the completist only and hence don't appeal to many collectors unless it doesn't exist in any other format. The "cool" factor about this set is that it features the theremin and was touted as having the first four-color record cover!

Still a nice find and welcome to TC.

Cheers and Mahalo,

Hale Tiki posted on 01/15/2013

Old thread, but man am I glad I can still find these kinds of things in the wild. Thank you third copy of Quiet Village.

Pages: 1 29 replies