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Maori Lime cake

Pages: 1 4 replies

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/16/2013

Fooled around in the kitchen and came up with this

It looks very moist cuz it's had Lime sauce drizzled all over it while still warm.

MadDogMike posted on 01/16/2013

Looks good, even has a hint of green to it.

Kill Devil posted on 01/16/2013


nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/17/2013

On 2013-01-16 08:19, Kill Devil wrote:

Maori lime cake

*box lemon cake mix 15.25 oz (Pilsbury)
*Box lime gelatin 1.4 oz (Royal)
Follow directions on box except sub O J for water and add gelatin.
Let cool 10-15 min. and then dribble lemon/lime sauce liberally over cake. Poke cake with skewer before dribbling sauce.
Lemon/lime sauce
*juice of one medium lemon
*juice of one large Persian lime (use 3-4 key limes if you like to pucker)
*1/2 cup powdered sugar
Sift sugar into juices and than whisk and whisk and whisk.
Dribble sauce over cake til you think it’s enough-than give it a little more The tattoo incisions are from the Bundt cake pan I used.

K D this is so easy it's almost laughable. It's also very "tweakable"-add or sutract to suit yourself.

Kill Devil posted on 01/17/2013

Easy works for me! Thanks

Pages: 1 4 replies